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  1. Supernovae

    "Walk on the wild side" Themepark [WIP]

    Season 6: "Predator" RMC Coaster As the Raptor Valley was completed with the opening of "Rolling River" Wotws started the work on the "Predator Valley". In this "Valley" the station of "Predator" will soon be build. At the same time the infrastructure of the area was finished and a second...
  2. Supernovae

    "Walk on the wild side" Themepark [WIP]

    Season 4 will start with the opening of coaster number 4 "Dragon Fury" Will be the coaster for the smaller and less brave "Wild side" walkers in the park. This Zierer coaster has a custom layout and is became a nice fast ride with some hot encounters with a dragon. Running to the Dragon cave to...
  3. Supernovae

    "Walk on the wild side" Themepark [WIP]

    Hi Hixee. Thanks for your comment. Tunneling goes automatic if you select the option when building. You can set the diameter also there. You can wide it up later manualy with the landscape editor. :)
  4. Supernovae

    "Walk on the wild side" Themepark [WIP]

    Season 3. "Boulderdash" was a smash hit for the 2nd season of "Wotws" Themepark. The attendance keeps growing and growing. So must the park too. For season 3 "Wotws" contracted Gerslauer for a custom designed Eurofighter model as new ride. The new coaster is located in the green mid sector of...
  5. Supernovae

    "Walk on the wild side" Themepark [WIP]

    Thank you both for your comment and opinions. I have to say you both have it right. This was my first coaster build in this game and is the one that is absolutly the most on the border of fantasy than in real life possible. I used track sections of 20 meters mostly and for that moment it looked...
  6. Supernovae

    "Walk on the wild side" Themepark [WIP]

    Hello Coaster friends! I'm new here on the Coaster Force forum. About 16 months ago I started to work on a Planet Coaster sandbox project called "Walk on the wild side" Themepark that is now far enough to show to you all. This will be a WIP thread as I have not that mutch time to build on it...
  7. Supernovae

    Celebrating Creating!

    Celebrating Creating!