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  1. Geeky Pastimes

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

    It's been a while, and now I've been to Cedar Point, so time for a new top 10 I think. 1. Twisted Colossus 2. Top Thrill Dragster 3. Taron 4. Steel Vengeance (It's undoubtedly fantastic, but I just don't find the combination for seatbelts and really intense airtime that comfortable, so it's...
  2. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point May 2019

    It's definitely worth it. Let me know if you have any questions about how we did the travel etc, that all went really smoothly. Main tips (most of which I got from here before we went): 1. Don't be tempted to buy a fast pass before you get there, the weather and queues are very unpredictable...
  3. Geeky Pastimes

    Rumour: Epcot Closes The Land and The Sea Pavilions For Phase Two Park Overhaul

    The Nemo attraction isn't that bad, it's a bit of cheesy fun, but the aquarium is really good for a little extra in the park. There's a really huge tank with some big rays in there and the people who go to feed them really interact with the people looking through the glass. I really like those...
  4. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point May 2019

    So this was our first trip to Cedar Point, had been wanting to go for a long time but it's not the easiest place to get to from the UK! We ended up settling on going for Memorial Day weekend, flying direct from Heathrow to Detroit, then renting a car and driving to CP, staying at Hotel Breakers...
  5. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point in a Storm

    Maverick was a little less comfortable than I expected, I thought it was going to be like Taron, but for quite a small coaster it really throws you about. Enjoyed the forces and it has some of the best theming in the park. Steel Vengeance was awe inspiring. I've only done Twisted Colossus and...
  6. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point in a Storm

    Thanks for all the help people, had two days here now and it's been great, did end up waiting for a front seat for TTD for nearly three hours after it broke down then rained for ages (everything in the park shut) but had people to chat to so was fine. That Famous Dave's BBQ place was amazing...
  7. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point in a Storm

    Thanks for the advice everyone, off to the airport now so fingers crossed we manage to get on everything!
  8. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point in a Storm

    Yeah, we're staying at Hotel Breakers and have a ticket for all the days we're there so I guess we'll try to make the most of it, but it's looking like Monday is our best bet for rides.
  9. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point in a Storm

    Yeah that's what I'm worried about, not sure what we're going to do for the day if all the coasters are shut!
  10. Geeky Pastimes

    Cedar Point in a Storm

    So we've finally made plans to get to Cedar Point this weekend (from the UK so this might be a once in a lifetime thing), and now on top of being Memorial Day weekend, it's looking like the Sunday is going be full of thunderstorms. Our only full days there will be the Sunday and Monday, so we're...
  11. Geeky Pastimes

    Coasters that don't look like they should be particularly great (but are?)

    Twister at Grona Lund for me. It looks small and unassuming but was really fantastic and much more intense than I could have expected. One of my favourite wooden coasters and goes to show what can be done with a tiny footprint and not much height.
  12. Geeky Pastimes

    Holland and Movie Park April 2019

    We did! We saw it but had already decided to drive over to the zoo so didn't have time, is it any good?
  13. Geeky Pastimes

    Universal IoA | Jurassic World VelociCoaster | Intamin Blitz | 2021

    Could 'bigger' be to do with budget? No idea how involved Mack would be with the overall budget for theming etc but I'm guessing Universal work on a different order of magnitude compared to many other parks.
  14. Geeky Pastimes

    Toverland | Fenix | B&M Wing Coaster

    Got on this today, agreed that the dragon looks ace, the shadowy figures are just weird, like a load of props left in a corridor. Doesn't detract from the ride at all, but definitely left us wondering what was going on.
  15. Geeky Pastimes

    Walibi Holland | Untamed | RMC Robin Hood Conversion

    I'm surprised at the hostility here, but sorry for riling you up! I'm just going from what I saw when we went and looked at it on Saturday, I absolutely loved TC and I know lots of you don't rate it, but I found Wildfire a bit boring after the first half. This was smaller than I expected and...
  16. Geeky Pastimes

    Holland and Movie Park April 2019

    This is my first trip report and being done on my phone in a hotel room so apologies for any weird formatting. Pictures are here: Day One: Walibi Holland and Burgers Zoo We got an early flight from Norwich to Amsterdam and rented a car to drive out to Walibi Holland. Only took just over an hour...
  17. Geeky Pastimes

    Walibi Holland | Untamed | RMC Robin Hood Conversion

    I've only done Twisted Colossus and Wildfire so far (Steel Vengeance in May!) But to me it doesn't have anything to make it stand out, Wildfire has the location and size, TC has the duelling elements, not sure what this will have. I'd love to be wrong!
  18. Geeky Pastimes

    Walibi Holland | Untamed | RMC Robin Hood Conversion

    Took a few photos yesterday, the sign is nice! Was our first visit to Walibi Holland and I was a bit disappointed. This will have to be something really special to bring us back, but it's looking kind of small and basic so far.
  19. Geeky Pastimes

    Biggest Disappointment...

    Another vote for Balder here, the turns are so dull so it's literally just airtime hill after airtime hill with nothing else going for it. Also El Toro. I really like Wodan and was hoping for a bigger, more intense version, but it was just missing something, probably because I overhyped it for...
  20. Geeky Pastimes

    Rank the Mack Launch coasters

    1. Helix (Every element just feels perfect and it's so much more forceful than the others. Even that drop out of the station feels unique) 2. Blue Fire (A beautiful setting for it and some great smooth sweeps into near-misses and the awesome final inversion. Plus extra marks for the cheesy...