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  1. thecraneguy

    So the storms were nice and missed us (phew!), yes i am CRRAAAAAANNNNNEEEEEEESSSSSS

    So the storms were nice and missed us (phew!), yes i am CRRAAAAAANNNNNEEEEEEESSSSSS
  2. thecraneguy

    Kennywood | Steel Curtain | S&S Multi-looper

    Look! at my PFP! Look familar?!
  3. thecraneguy

    Fatal Pendulum Accident, Karachi.

    Ho. Ly. S:emoji_fearful:t.
  4. thecraneguy

    Ride The Ducks Branson Boat Capsizes

    oh no! Also, holy s:emoji_fearful:t. Death toll is now 17. What the ever living f:emoji_zipper_mouth:k happened?
  5. thecraneguy

    Kennywood | Steel Curtain | S&S Multi-looper

    The new world's tallest inversion is a Drachen Fire like corkscrew.
  6. thecraneguy

    Under tornado watch, hope for the best, yes i am CRRAAAAAANNNNNEEEEEEESSSSSS

    Under tornado watch, hope for the best, yes i am CRRAAAAAANNNNNEEEEEEESSSSSS
  7. thecraneguy

    Lost Island Theme Park | Iowa | 2022 (Kanonen relocation)

    uh..... No kanonen for Lost Island. RIP