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  1. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    sure would love to see some new pics...
  2. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I'm just trying the think about the comparison we can make to the ride after the brake run. We already know the first part will be bigger and faster than anything we've seen, but the second half will only have the capability of what a 100 ft RMC can produce... so we should expect a Storm Chaser...
  3. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    With those tracks so close together coming out of the stall into the MCBR, I wonder if the third lap would carry enough speed to do an inversion up and OVER the two tracks down at that lowest point like Twisted Colossus? Anyone know the height of the original MCBR?
  4. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    Something we haven't seen are any clues for the 3rd lap, and they are starting to pop up. a lot more ride to plot out still!
  5. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I think its pretty awesome/intentional that pretty much as soon as it was announced that Mean Streak was "getting the Ax" all of RMC's social media accounts went dark. There haven't been any posts in 39 weeks on Instagram, and they used to post fairly regularly.
  6. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    This is super fun to follow, but I do wish they would at least tease something that tells us WHEN we will know. Start a countdown to the announcement, something.
  7. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I'm thinking this lift hill will be a major construction project, and that's why they haven't touched it yet. They'll be adding a lot of structure, and its easier to work round it while its minimal.
  8. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    After seeing some more footage of the bunny hill after the drop, I'm even more interested than ever about the first hill. They have to leave enough room to pull out of the drop at a comfortable g-force level, and I really don't see a lot of room for it. I tend to think 200ft, max. What goes up...
  9. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    hopefully some new pics today revealing more wok done this week while the park was closed.
  10. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    Here's a really great animation of what has been constructed so far, with a little bit of creative licence with the first hill since it hasn't been completed.
  11. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I see that too. But if its one thing I've learned since following this construction, seeing isn't' reality in a lot of the cases. There are a lot of layers to that structure, and the old track weaved in and out of it a lot. I'd say its premature to suggest that the first drop leads somewhere...
  12. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    oops! Sorry, looks like I was a page behind! :(
  13. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    Here we go. Pretty much the same shot. Thanks CP Rundown!
  14. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I've been waiting for that map to be posted! haha, good job CP!
  15. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I'm ready when you are! :emoji_popcorn:
  16. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    is it going to twist twice!? It looks like it has already completed the inversion, and they are only at the apex.... it could invert again on the way down.
  17. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    Man, I'd really like to see some new photos. :/
  18. C

    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    The new mean streak twitter page has gone dark after that brief flurry of updates. :(