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  1. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    Then give up because you're wrong No Alton wouldn't be fine without Alton Towers, the peak district isn't realy anywhere near Alton towers, so Alton will be getting nobody coming for natural beauty. Alton Towers realy put Alton on the map, if Alton Towers wasn't there hardily anybody would...
  2. C

    Hadlock (UC)

    TRACKWORK=COMPLETION.... Comment please -CA
  3. C

    Dive Machines

    It would be better if they did it 6 across, they alread have 4 across trains, and with 4 across the people/hour thing would be horrid. I'd like one to have a small drop out of the station into a would be something new. -CA
  4. C

    Hadlock (UC)

    ^No I hate on tools, why? (the cobra roll was intetionaly like that...) -CA
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    Hadlock (UC)

    I know you don't, I was replying to deano, you just replied a second before me. Is this better? (I can't have it start any closer to the top because it's already pulling +1.5 lats, and yes it is heartlined. -CA
  6. C

    Hadlock (UC)

    ^I wanted it to be like that....tribute to hydra.....I wanted hills on the sides....I'm aiming for uniquness. P.S. the terrain isn't final, it's just the pasic shape. -CA
  7. C

    Hadlock (UC)

    Update, we have a loop, O-G roll, and a cobra roll. Comment -CA
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    Hadlock (UC)

    Shame, my computer dislikes imageshack (don't have a clue why either). ^^I was worried about the colours....glad you like them ^Thank you. -CA
  9. C

    Hadlock (UC)

    A terrained floorless. Comment please -CA
  10. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    ^^I know that it won't be B&M i was being sarcastic (and partialy for arguments sake). I highly doubt that it's Intamin.
  11. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    I think it could be B&M :P (seroiusly, though, it could be anything, stop argueing/making assumtions). -CA
  12. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    ^Opperating (to the GP) ;) ^^^Vekoma have just expanded big deal. -CA
  13. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    ^^And what do all those rides have in common? Launches. (loops are still everything to the puplic, compared to non looping (BAR launching) coasters) -CA
  14. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    It is, but not a a large extent, (or they're not doing much with it) compared to Nemmesis and Oblivion. Which, like i said before, were 10 and 14 years ago. My whole point of the post is that Nemmesis is at bursting point with its que (especialy now that the corkscrew's gone). Because it's now...
  15. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    I REALY hope Alton invests in a B&M floorless to the size of daemonen (sp) or Batman: the dark night, because they're in desprate need of anouth multi looper (allong with Nemmesis), to: 1. relieve Nemmesis by shortening it's que time, as it wont be the only looper there anymore, giving it a...
  16. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    ^I doupt that's going to happen, because the one at flamingo land is only 3 years younger than Altons so the maintainance costs will still the round about the same. The semi-lock thing, I don't think that'd work, becuase if AT release what they're building while this thread's locked, then...
  17. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    In a way I'm hoping it will be a Euro fighter, with a launch (making it like that von thing in Germany) Because it will be bigger :lol: -CA
  18. C

    "Blue Fire" Mack Coaster for Europa Park

    Theming has started (Rocks yum) -CA
  19. C

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    ^That is what I was trying to point out, Alton towers the biggest theme park in the UK (minus BPB, but that place's a dump, and overcrowded with ride, and has been going a lot longer) it's got tonnes of space left to use, so sometime in the future (thinking 2020-40) there is going to a new area...