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  1. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    I dispute it! I dispute it all! You are looking from an individual perspective. How many little girls love ponies. My little pony freaks. Bronies. All equestrian freaks. Every horseracing fan, drunk, and just back from the bookies. I hear thoosies, little girls, horsey mates and teenagers say...
  2. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    But you would still have the dipper, icon, big one and streak in the way! The space invader is the biggest catering outlet on the park, with the blue flyer under it, and the streak all around it. When you knock the other half a dozen attractions off the footprint, steeplechase doesn't actually...
  3. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    Interval, jump on the why did I never think of that! Oh, the evening show, ninety minutes of glittery slush. Nope, not that much of a fan. They do a Hot Ice season pass for around ninety quid... Bet they sell loads.
  4. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    You naughty man. It is a fantastically produced show, top notch sound and lighting, well choreographed, stunning costumes and performers, chucking out the top triple spins...well worth seeing. Once. Runs to about 20% audience, the actual auditorium has long held rumours of rodent issues, and the...
  5. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    Mandy has done this for years. Another example...leaflet stands at Mway services and in Coral Island... Lots of posh laminated leaflets for Hot Ice, but not a one for the Beach. The Beach makes money, Hot Ice loses lots of money. But only one is Mandy's pet vanity project. Scrap the crap show...
  6. rob666

    WTF Merlin?

    I do like the odd peek around school trip season though...Like a two hour queue for Infusion at Blackpool the other day. Poor misguided young souls..."It's just like Nemesis, but better 'cos it's over water."
  7. rob666

    WTF Merlin?

    ...and if they don't, just go to Still on there.
  8. rob666

    Accident at Gröna Lund - Jetline permanently closed update page 6

    Who else is there to take the blame? The park is solely responsible for what happens on their park...isn't it? If the park allows the ride to head up the lift hill without checking restraints... Seems pretty clear cut to me.
  9. rob666

    United Kredding - Part 51: When the walk to the park is better than the park itself

    The two pound bus singles are a government innovation to help with the cost of living. Runs to Halloween, may be extended again.
  10. rob666

    Accident at Gröna Lund - Jetline permanently closed update page 6

    You are certain they all fell slow. How are you certain? What actual evidence do you have? To jump to any assumption at this stage is "silly billy hour". We know zero facts about this incident so far, apart from media reports and a few horrible video shots.
  11. rob666

    How many times have you been upside down on a coaster?

    For my fortieth birthday, I wanted to do 40 loops. Wanted to do the Towers for it, but ended up at Southport for the afternoon, due to a family meal in the evening. Managed it over the afternoon on Traumatizer (now Infusion). The last ride made my head spin, went on the River Caves for cool and...
  12. rob666

    When did your coaster count overtake your age?

    Fifty three years ago, in Blackpool, third week in July. Approximately, but odds on certainty.
  13. rob666

    The Return of Nemesis Sub Terra?

    You would think that, with a few years of closure, they could have actually fixed the dodgy restraints, that have caused lots of capacity and throughput issues, before reopening the bloody thing! They have had a couple of thousand closed days to get the thing running correctly.
  14. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    Steeplechase footprint... When you knock off the shared space with the Dipper, Streak, Icon, Maze and Big One, it hardly has a footprint at all. Unique and popular family ride, going nowhere.
  15. rob666

    What is your attitude to revisiting parks you've been to before?

    Me? Running to the Beach when rained off work on termtime afternoons... Beer, dodgems, woodie, gossip with the staff, seafood salad or chips. Repeat. Then a paddle in the sea. Heaven.
  16. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    Yes, correction, operations wise things went downhill fast after the loss of pay per ride and ticket books. But parts of the place have always been a dump. Management has always been parochial right wing weird, the food has always been poor (use the concessions), and the offering has always been...
  17. rob666

    WTF BPB?

    I have been a Beach visitor for over fifty years, season pass holder since they started. The Beach has always been a hole. It has always had substandard operations, dodgy opening times and poor management, at least since the seventies. Corners and areas of the park have always been neglected The...
  18. rob666

    Your worst spite

    But hey, chicken!
  19. rob666

    Kent, England | The London Resort | Entertainment Complex

    More chance of winning the lottery though...