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  1. J

    Best Coaster in Europe

    Oh and for those wondering can confirm first hand single rider is back which is VERY handy for those who wish to marathon.
  2. J

    Best Coaster in Europe

    Another vote for Taron here, largely backed up my 11 rides on it the pouring rain today. An utterly, utterly superb experience. One of those few things in life that well and truly lives up all the hype in my opinion...
  3. J

    Europa Park trip report first Tuesday/Weds of the season.

    Thanks so much, enjoyed writing too. Yeah I could have easily done at the very least two more days I reckon and was genuinely gutted to leave. Lucky I was off on another holiday afterwards though so not all bad :). Same time next year too I think and hopefully can get on Voltron then.
  4. J

    Europa Park trip report first Tuesday/Weds of the season.

    Hi all, so you may or may not remember me from a thread I posted in the main chat a few weeks back entitled "can you get me excited for Europa park"? WIth two weeks off work and literally everyone else I knew engaged, thought I'd sort myself a nice solo trip to Europa park. Well safe to say...
  5. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Finished my visit now. LOVED the place overall and already planning to book in for same time next year 😍😍. Never have I been so sad to leave a theme park 😭😭😰 Trip report pending, probably late next week, as for now it's off to Prague for another quiet visit to Aquapalace Praha tomorrow ( if...
  6. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Sorry phone cut off but to add: -Wodan was exactly as I expected (in a good way) -Managed most creds of any significance (just missing Poseidon I think?) and I don't think there's a bad ride here really. I was potentially expecting awful things based on what I'd read from EuroMir and...
  7. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Cheers for the tips guys, had an awesome first day. Crowds were at 7% which sounds super low but there were more than enough people there to give an atmosphere. A lot of stuff quite literally walk on only the big 3 plus Eurosat had any real queues of note. This felt more to do with insanely...
  8. J

    Coasters that made you feel nothing

    While I'm here, probably not popular opinion, but FLY at Phantasialand made me feel nothing at all. I seem to be pretty much alone in this category so perhaps I caught it on a bad day (first thing in the morning in December). Actually I tell a lie, I did feel something-slight discomfort from...
  9. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Wow a clear winner above all those 3 that's great to hear. They're all so hard to compare (probably say Energylandia for operations and insane one-two punch, Phantasialand for theming and coaster collection, and Portaventura for location and scariest overall ride (Hurakan)). Great to meet...
  10. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    1. Great, I'll give it a go. When I was looking at the hotels Bell Rock/Colosseo were the ones that appealed the most I think. 2. Awesome, yeah that seems a likely explanation. There were insanely cheap too compared to a couple of weeks later at the Easter/School holiday break so this would make...
  11. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Thanks again to all responders amazing responses and I'm completely and utterly psyched now!!
  12. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Wow, this is absolute gold where to even start with this post? Tell you what I'll start with thanking you for reminding me about Arthur, I meant to include this in my original post, so (at least) seven essentials for me now for the whole park. Loving your tip on Silver Star, it's pretty much...
  13. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Awesome great to hear, as I said I'll definitely spend some time just chilling for sure. I'm a beer drinker too and I love German beer so that should be great. Thanks also for the tip on the Diamond Mind walkthrough, that's exactly the sort of gem I was looking for (pun very much intended ?)...
  14. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Awesome, many thanks for these tips. That is absolutely great news about Wodan totally unexpected, I had no idea thanks so much!! I was already looking forward to riding this and silver star the most and even more so now!! Yeah I'm definitely planning on spending some time just soaking in the...
  15. J

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Hi all, Fist-time poster here!! I'm off to Europa Park next week for the first time for two days. Must say I'm very much looking forward to it anyway, but just wanted to ask anyway: I know a lot of people are pretty of the view "Well it's a beautiful park, but the coasters aren't great"...