Search results

  1. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    The Blackpool clientele and level of local criminal activity are definitely factors. I know that the likes of Southend aren't exactly tranquil havens but Blackpool is on another level. On top of that, the stag and hen thing along with the stigma of a heavy drinking culture have not helped the...
  2. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    That's fair enough if you find them personally more thrilling. I'm just talking about the average member of the general public. And even enthusiasts for that matter. I think if you did a poll on here, most would vote the likes of Stealth, The Swarm, Nemesis, Oblivion etc more thrilling than the...
  3. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    I would say they aren't that thrilling to the average member of the general public. Perhaps if the Merlin parks ceased to exist, but unfortunately the hardware that BPB has on offer just doesn't stack up when pitted against the likes of AT & Thorpe. Anyway, I agree that Hot Ice should be...
  4. Sandman

    Alton Towers | Nemesis Reborn | B&M Retrack | 2024

    I doubt that many people thought the old paint job was legit bad maintenance. I know the GP can be stupid but, in the context of the area it clearly looks like a thematic choice. The more recent TLC paint job it had was also quite over exaggerated with an over abundance of the mock rust...
  5. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Whilst I 100% agree with the sentiment of free entry and the money it could potentially bring in, I'm afraid some people do have that kind of free time on their hands. Blackpool, which I have the pleasure or displeasure (take your pick) of visiting fairly frequently is quite a hotbed of crime...
  6. Sandman

    Best Coaster in Europe

    I somewhat understand this opinion, as Taron does have plenty of turns... but it's definitely some pretty good meandering, weaving through an awesome setting with fab speed and intensity 😍
  7. Sandman

    Best Coaster in Europe

    Me when I don't see Taron hitting people's Top 5-10 best European coasters
  8. Sandman

    Best Coaster in Europe

    ^ Always glad to see someone mention Balder in these types of threads. Often overlooked, always fab. I don't think it's particularly fair for me to have a fully formed opinion as I don't have the likes of the Energylandia creds or the new for 2023 Intamins yet. Right now it's firmly Taron...
  9. Sandman

    The Prevalence of Vertigo/fear or heights in the Coaster community.

    I don't have a fear of heights and have never had any sort of physical reaction to being up a tall building or structure. However, those free climb videos where someone has a GoPro strapped to their head whilst walking across some suspect looking ledge on an abandoned building or crane. Those...
  10. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    I think a reduced entry fee, or free entry for those supervising wristbanded riders is probably necessary. We can't forget that as lovely and nostalgic as 90's BPB is, it didn't come without a lot of trouble. A lot of boozers (a couple of incidents I remember myself) local knobheads and other...
  11. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Let's remember though, Towers in the late 90's had better opening hours, a more reasonable price and had 2 brand spanking new B&Ms that were groundbreaking for the UK. On top of that, both were marketed to perfection. It is quite easy to point at mid/late 90's Towers but it's worth remembering...
  12. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Nothing is guaranteed of course but simply put, investment beats stagnation 99.9% of the time. BPB have had ample years of low to no investments and we can all see how that's worked out. A change of tack is required. This is a business and for it to survive it's going to need to introduce new...
  13. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Mandy expects Hot Ice to be internationally renowned and capacity filled though, so we can't base anything on her 'plucked from the air' assertions. Why was Icon a flop? Various reasons. BPB really do have a phantom marketing team... in that they barely exist or do an effective job. I...
  14. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Said it before somewhere, but I reckon BPB are having a bit of an identity crisis. On one hand, we have some people who enjoy the traditional/classics, as stated above. On the other hand, are a vast swathe of GP who are always eager for new major investments and will follow where the big new...
  15. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Again, I'm not saying Steeplechase is going anywhere. But to argue it even has relative popularity is absurd to me, because it really doesn't. It only ever has a queue because its capacity is dreadful, let's be honest. Historical significance? It's not really got one. Being unique doesn't...
  16. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    If I'm honest, I don't think anybody cares about Steeplechase outside of a tiny minority of people that may draw some sentimental value or an enthusiast with a knowledge and care for maintaining particular ride types for heritage purposes. I never really hear anybody talk or remark about it...
  17. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    Icon and Streak can be worked around easier without Steeplechase, and that catering unit is pisspoor at best (never quite seen it busy myself). I do appreciate the point you make, but I certainly see it as an obvious area for improvement/major investment in the future, especially in a park of...
  18. Sandman

    WTF BPB?

    On the subject of Steeplechase, I have been hoping for years now that they'd just get rid of it. I'm rather bored of so-called 'heritage' taking precedence when it blocks progress. Fair enough, a couple of historic woodies, keep 'em if we must (I would personally prefer at least one to go in...
  19. Sandman

    Walibi Belgium | Unknown | Gerstlauer Family Coaster | 2025

    This is the kind of progression I have been anticipating from Wally Belge since Kondaa was announced. Lovely news! I suppose the only stipulation is that I am in the minority that bloody loves Psyke exactly how it is. Beautiful, cheesy, unique and thrilling!
  20. Sandman

    WTF Merlin?

    To be fair, I'd rather not look at the queue times for Alton Towers. I suppose it's the cheapest and quickest scare they're prepared to offer these days though.