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  1. Titan

    What's Your Screen Resolution?

    1280x1024, I have a 21" monitor which I think is meant to go one notch bigger, but I dont like it when everything is small and compact. I like to actually SEE things, squinting is bad.
  2. Titan

    Last Coaster Trip?

    Actually, I dont know if my season is over. I took my last GAdv trip last weekend, and thats it for the parks up north around here. If SFOG is open in November then thatll be my last trip, if not then IAAPA is it for the season.
  3. Titan

    Better lap bars

    Well, apperantly clamshells are better cause they keep people in them better! (even though its human fault) Clamshells are very comfy if a little bulky, theyre better for when you get ejector air and whatnot so it doesnt hurt. T-bars on the other hand are alot smaller and comfy too, but when it...
  4. Titan

    Dr. Doom's Fear Fall

    What do you mean by slow acent? A slower launch or a slower lift up before they pressurize the tanks? If your thinking the 2nd then I disagree, they hold you down at the bottom too long on that ride, and to operate it even slower would getting even more boring.
  5. Titan

    Cobra Rolls - Are they that good?

    I love cobra rolls, especially on B&M inverts. On inverts theyre very forcefull and have a good snap at the top, kinda like the snap on wingovers. In some cases though theyre headbangers, still very fun though to me.
  6. Titan

    Have you ever ridden a mega coaster?

    Ive ridden 3 in my time: Nitro, Apollos Chariot, and SRoS at SFNE.
  7. Titan

    Longest you've Waited

    Haha, my case was a lot different. It was the breakdowns that caused the line. Yeah they were plenty of people hyped up about the ride, but everyone was pissed off as the ride kept causeing delays. It would have been somewhat enjoyable actually if I could have taken pictures, but since the line...
  8. Titan

    California or Florida

    Personally I'd go to Florida. Yeah Calif has a lot, but comparing the 2 I think FL has a higher quality of parks overall. And if you go to IAAPA aswell (though its in atlanta, close enough), makes the trip even better!
  9. Titan

    Longest you've Waited

    I beat ALL OF YOU! 7 hours for Kingda Ka, yeah! Yes, it was hell.. nothing to eat, drink, or sit on without being yelled at. However I definatly think Ka was worth the wait. I mean, first day of public operation on the current world's tallest and fastest. Its also really our first Intamin...
  10. Titan

    Would you travel for Brittish coasters...?

    Ohh you cant forget the lovely park office buildings and stuff next to nitro's lift hill. Log flume boats, dumpsters, old ride signs, ect just make the ride. And the lovely final break run going over the storage pool for the congo river boats! I think tussauds could survive in the US sure...
  11. Titan

    Would you travel for Brittish coasters...?

    I dunno, might. Id have to save-up a hell of a lot of money since the UK is expensive. So that and the fact thatn the parks are so small would keep me away from a UK park trip any time soon. But yeah, I might do it. A lot of the rides look pretty good, might be worth a trip over there once. But...
  12. Titan

    Whats The Fastest You've Gone?

    Oh god, I love being pretty much the only person on CF who has ridden KK. 128mph for me! Boo yaah! I'll shut up now.
  13. Titan

    Whats the Tallest You've Gone?

    400ft+ for me, have done Ka as many people know. Im so glad I rode it on the public opening day... even waiting 7 hours was worth it. But 2 months ago my highest coaster was Nitro which I guess would fit in the 200ft category.
  14. Titan

    Indoor or Outdoor?

    Indoor are fun, usually more suprising and give a good atmosphere and have great themeing on most occaisions. But they cant beat a good outdoor coaster. Yeah.. the smell of grease when you walk into an indoor coasters building is great *drools*... but outdoor coasters still win. The atmosphere...
  15. Titan

    What was your first Intamin hydraulic launch?

    Kingda Ka, and god darn it was that sucker's launch fast! Im so glad I rode it on its public opening day... its great to gloat! :D
  16. Titan

    Do you lock restraints yourself?

    I allways lock and check my restraints. Slip in the seat-belt, tighten it, then pull both up to make sure theyre locked in right. But in some cases I cant allways do that, especially when I got cheapo SF as my homeparks. Like up at TGE, a few of the coasters the ride ops have to come over, step...
  17. Titan

    Do you take your shoes off while riding inverts/flyers?

    It depends on what shoes Im wearing. If Im wearing my old-ass annoying sandals I wont take 'em off as theyre a pain to put back on. But if theyre just flip-flops or newer sandals then yes I will. Its best to take your shoes off on B&M megas rather. Dunno why, I guess cause theyre as open as any...
  18. Titan

    To this day, is there one ride you STILL refuse to go on?

    Uhh until a motnh ago I wouldnt ride anything over 230ft, any large flat rides like top spins, and other things of the sort. BUT, I know for a fact that anything wore then a cataclysm type rides, if it hangs you more than a few seconds upside down its too much for me. Also I know I wont ride MF...
  19. Titan

    Best Intamin Accelerator (round 2)

    Wow...I aint gonna vote KK as the best because its the only one Ive ridden. Im voting for Storm Runner. Id love to ride a launched coaster with a tophat with airtime like that (think that airtime gives you airtime), even if it doesnt give you airtime its somthing different for an inverting...
  20. Titan

    Launch or drop towers?

    COMBO! If you want best of both worlds, ride an S&S combo tower. Why I love them, you get a choice.