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  1. L

    Camelot - Closed for good

    Slightly disappointed. I never actually went there and I know it was nothing special but the fact that the UK has lost yet ANOTHER theme park is upsetting. Hope someone grabs the Knightmare. As for the rest, meh!
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    Thorpe Park | Snoozebox hotel

    Re: Thorpe Park Hotel (sort of!) Again, that is just a lame excuse about testing if there is a need for a hotel. Two completely different levels of quality. I would feel a bit embarrassed to sleep in one of those units if it was at Thorpe. Events I understand, but a Theme Park? Whatever, it is...
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    Thorpe Park | Snoozebox hotel

    Re: Thorpe Park Hotel (sort of!) Great idea, terrible location. I mean is this really going to put them in the best light. Just build a proper hotel and be done with it. Nice idea if it was for a temporary event there, but as a yearly hotel, no. Still in a way Thorpe and Merlin are known for...
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    Dreamland Margate News

    Re: Scenic Railway in Margate news Afraid not Martyn. :( Sorry I should have made that a bit clearer in the post, as the two rides have identical names. But no, the Meteorite I am talking about is one of those old cage rides which use centrifugal force to stick you to the outside as they...
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    Dreamland Margate News

    Re: Scenic Railway in Margate news ^Hmm very good question. I suppose rides will pop up every few years as parks progress and remove some of their older attractions, but it would certainly be interesting to know what their long term plan is. ^^Hey Nic, and don't quote me on this, but I believe...
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    Alton Towers Scarefest 2012

    They certainly seem predictable. Merlin have way over done this disaster/horror theme. Why they can't vary their ideas a bit, I don't know. Still I guess if it is done in the right way, it will be alright. Having said that, I guess I won't know as I will not be paying £50 to see it.
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    Dreamland Margate News

    Re: Scenic Railway in Margate news I don't think even they know yet. First they need to do have a site valuation hearing and try to acquire the title of the land. Of course, my only worry is that the owners will appeal against the CPO which they are considering apparently. Having said that, I...
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    Dreamland Margate News

    Re: Scenic Railway in Margate news It certainly will be good to have the Scenic back in business again. As for the Mouse and Water chute, they will sadly be emerging in the park at a later date when funding becomes available. Obviously the Scenic is a restoration, as is the Wild Mouse. The...
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    Dreamland Margate News

    Re: Scenic Railway in Margate news Hi, I am new here but have followed this forum for some time now. Anyway, the above list is pretty much correct. Just a few corrections. The main mechanical parts and boats for the Water Chute (Rhyl) River Caves mechanical parts/water wheel and boats. The...