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Search results

  1. CrashCoaster

    Flamingoland Removing Lost River Ride?

    Something major is going on with the Lost River Ride at Flamingo Land. Is it getting a heavy refurbishment or is it getting removed? Time will tell, but it'll be a shame to see it go.
  2. CrashCoaster

    Something Happening with Grand National?

    So it all started by this post on Twitter, which implies that something is going on with Nash at Pleasure Beach:- And to people in the comments, he is heavily implying that you should get your last rides on it while you can. So I started a thread about the fact it's listed and couldn't just...
  3. CrashCoaster

    Hershey Park | Wildcat's Revenge | RMC Wildcat | 2023

    Well, it's finally official, Hershey Park is closing Wildcat for good on July 31st:- Considering the rhetorical question in the post and the markers on the footers, it's a question of will it be RMC'd or will it be GCI'd? Personally, I'm leaning towards it being a full Titan rebuild in the...
  4. CrashCoaster

    Bosque Mágico closure and ride relocation speculation thread

    EDIT: Moved this across into it's own thread. Hixee. Bosque Mágico, the park in Mexico with the duel station SRII Zombie Ride will close permanently on August 28th:-
  5. CrashCoaster

    Mandoria | Cararra | Mack Powered Coaster | 2022

    Mandoria, the new indoor park that opened a Gerstlauer Bob coaster last year named Merkant, is about to construct a Mack powered coaster:-
  6. CrashCoaster

    Fraispertuis City | Projet Storky | Custom RMC Raptor | 2024?

    Ok so there is every chance this could be an early April fools joke, but it seems like Fraispertuis City in France is getting the first RMC Raptor outside of the US, and a custom one at that:-...
  7. CrashCoaster

    Alton Towers' Next Big Thing?

    Merlin are recruiting a Project Manager specifically for Alton Towers Resort, with the task of delivering multiple large scale CAPEX projects over the coming years, with the pipeline being described as "incredible":- What do you think this could mean for the future of the resort? To me, this...
  8. CrashCoaster

    SeaWorld San Antonio | Catapult Falls | Launched Flume Ride | 2024

    ParkFans have leaked a layout for a supposed flume ride coming to SeaWorld San Antonio in the near future:- Defo gives me Intamin vibes, reminds me partly of the flume ride going to Familypark in Austria. Also... A launch!?!
  9. CrashCoaster

    Silver Dollar City Fire - 18/11/21

    Oh SH*T. Thankfully no-one has been injured, but a few buildings have sadly burned down.
  10. CrashCoaster

    Drayton Manor 2022 - New Vikings Area

    Well that was quick, Pandemonium is already being disassembled:- Seemed very eager to take it down, so I've created this topic. It seems like DM are definitely planning something for next year following on from Adventure Cove, which is also supported by the fact that there is construction...
  11. CrashCoaster

    Blackpool Pleasure Beach in a dead September

    So yesterday I had what was probably the best visit to Blackpool I have ever had. We went for my Auntie's birthday, and cause all the kids are back in school, the park was expectedly dead. Never waited more than a one train wait for anything (except to Icon which I will get to shortly) and it...
  12. CrashCoaster

    Gumbuya World | Unknown | Maurer Skyloop (Relocated Dreamworld BuzzSaw) | 2022

    Dreamworld is retiring BuzzSaw after less than 10 years of operation. Will officially close on August 31st:- Seems weird to get weird of a coaster that's only 10 years old and also considering the fact that only recently closed ToT2? Anyway I'm curious to see what replaces it, if anything...
  13. CrashCoaster

    New-Gen Zamperla Coasters

    So having knocked off the Euro-Fighter with the Thunderbolt, Zamperla have now knocked off the Infinity with the "Lightning":- I think they may have first shown this off at IAAPA 2019 with a prototype train? Also I believe they...
  14. CrashCoaster

    Toverland's Expansion Plan

    Well this is interesting, Toverland have announced they are starting negotiations to prepare for their next 20 years of their expansion plans:- Can't wait to see what rides and coasters will be down the pipeline, and what the areas will be themed to. Port Laguna was obviously designed with a...
  15. CrashCoaster

    How does being tired/inebriated affect your judgement of pacing?

    Ok so this is an interesting, but weird correlation I've made recently. I've watched many many coaster POVs, and something I've noticed recently is that if I watch a POV of a coaster in the middle of the day, then re-watch the same POV before I go to sleep and/or if I am inebriated, the coaster...
  16. CrashCoaster

    Fantasy Island (UK) | Spinning Racer | Maurer Spinning Coaster | 2021

    Fantasy Island are receiving the "Spinning Racer" Maurer Spinner for 2021! Looking forward to this, since Whirlwind departed! I really hope it ends up being a permanent attraction. I wonder if this means Ice Mountain is leaving.
  17. CrashCoaster

    Change one word game #2.

    So I was looking back through some old threads in here and I came across one that had some hilarious replies, so I thought I'd bring it back to life with a new sentence to start, rather than bump a 10-year-old thread. Here's the original thread:-...
  18. CrashCoaster

    Drayton Manor on Fire

    Oh ****:- Hope everyone is ok. Based on the fact the houses closest to the park are in direct line of site of the fire, the fire is likely in a building close to the park border. EDIT:- Just come out in news that the fire started in a...
  19. CrashCoaster

    Zip World Tower | Tower Coaster | Wiegand CoasterKart | 2021

    Seems like the new Zip World site in South Wales could be getting the second Wiegand CoasterKart (not the same place that has Fforest Coaster):- "Zip World Tower will be home to 2 shiny new adventures; Zip World...
  20. CrashCoaster

    Warner Bros Movie World | Various New Vekomas & relocated Intamin | 2024

    Came across this, and there is a whole discussion about it on the Parkz forum:- Seems like all the theming for the ride is being removed, which is rumoured to be followed by the SLC itself. My question is what would they...