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  1. J

    I’m questioning if I’m a real coaster enthusiast or not

    *delete if not allowed or move to another forum if it’s appropriate** You can shame me all you want but I want to ask should I even consider myself a coaster enthusiast? The only coasters I have ridden is a dragon wagon ride (it’s a powered coaster so idk if it counts) at a yearly county...
  2. J

    Technical Writing Proposal Assignment

    So in my technical writing course we are going to create a business proposal for either a non profit organization or original business. I’m doing my business proposal project over returning Astroworld to Houston. The business proposal has to be 10 pages and I’m actually into this whole...
  3. J

    Roller Coaster Tycoon Coaster Recreations

    I didn’t see a topic for RCT coasters in general so I created this one. Be free to post pictures of roller coasters recreated in any of the RCT games. Here is my recreation of Vortex at Kings Island (1987-2019) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. J

    Do you think Montezooma’s Revenge at Knott’s Berry Farm is done for?

    With the refurbishment of Montezooma’s Revenge having issues I feel like there is a possibility that the ride might be gone for good. Anyone else feeling the same thing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. J

    Calculus Advice!

    Tip for future Calculus students: study every weekend over that week’s topics. Overtime throughout a certain unit you will end up studying and practicing and getting better. Also don’t forget to study the previous week’s topics as long as the new ones for a unit! Sent from my iPhone using...
  6. J

    [OpenRCT2] Convert same game to scenario issues

    I want to convert one of my saved games to a scenario and when I went to click all my rides under preservation order I noticed that not all of my rides were listed. It didn’t list 610 Limited, Wacky Shack, nor Wagon Wheel. It stops at the ride named Rub-A-Dub. It has all the rides except three...
  7. J

    Post Six Flags Astroworld topics Here!

    On this day back 55 years ago in 1968 Six Flags Astroworld then just known as Astroworld opened to the public for the first time! What was your favorite memory of Astroworld?
  8. J

    OpenRCT2 -Error Incompatible Park Version

    I keep getting this. Error: Incompatible Park version. This park was saved in a later version of OpenRCT2. This park was saved in v20 and requires at least V19. You are currently on V16. How can I fix this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. J

    Worst class you’ve ever taken?

    Statistics by far! Statistics is awful!! I failed this class once and I feel like I’m going to fail it again. And this is coming from a guy who loves math! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. J

    Worst Walmart Experience Ever!

    So earlier today I was at Walmart and I have a having a low blood sugar. I sat on a box to a product and while sitting I checked my blood sugar and it was 95. Some employee told me I wasn’t allowed to sit on products but said nothing if I need help or if I was ok. I explain to the employee that...
  11. J

    Christmas Eve/Day 2022

    Wishing everyone a merry Christmas eve/day!! Stay safe and warm!
  12. J

    2023 Goals

    My goals for 2023 is passed Calc 1 and to face my fears and ride all the coasters at my home park Six Flags St Louis. What is everyone’s goals for 2023?
  13. J

    Original Texas Giant 1990-2009

    Did anyone get the change to ride this Dinn woodie before closing in 2009? It reopened in 2011 as the world’s first RMC coaster and RMC hybrid?
  14. J


    Trying to make my own “recreation” of Astroworld. I’m doing do it for all of the years the park has been open. Right now I did 1968 and 1969. I don’t know if I can truly call it a recreation because I have no patient to make it as detailed as possible. I’m using openrct2 for this recreation.
  15. J

    Diamondback at Froniter City Future

    Because there is not much Arrow shuttle loops operating how much longer do you think Diamondback at Froniter City has left?
  16. J

    Scooby Doo

    What’s your favorite Scooby Doo series and What’s your favorite episode from that Series? My favorite Scooby Doo series is Scooby Doo Where are You (1969) and my favorite episode is The Backstage Rage
  17. J

    Six Flags Fiesta Texas 2023 Plans

    New for 2023 for Six Flags Fiesta Texas will be the world's first family single-rail racing coaster and an expansion for their water park "White Water Bay". Because of this addition Fiesta Texas will be the first park in the world with more then one single rail coasters with the first being...
  18. J

    Busch Gardens Tampa closing Phoenix

    In the Loop has posted pictures of Busch Gardens Tampa removing their Looping Starship ride named The Phoenix from the part. I don't know if it will be relocated but I doubt it will. This will mean that Kings Dominion is the only park in North America to still have a looping starship ride after...
  19. J

    What defunct coaster do you miss the most?

    What defunct coaster do you miss the most? For me: Shockwave at SF Great America/GASM at SF Great Adventure
  20. J

    Highest Math Class you have taken

    What is the highest math class you have taken? Me: Calculus 1 (I'm retaking Calc 1 summer 2023)