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  1. alexdude98

    New Simulator for Universal Studios Orlando?

    Isn't most of Universal Studios simulators? I prefer Islands of Adventure myself.
  2. alexdude98

    Favourite Pokemon

  3. alexdude98

    Eurovision Song Contest

    Well, 11th ain't bad. But to be honest I do think Eurovision is just a piece of ****
  4. alexdude98

    Smoking areas

    Parks should be more strict on smoking. People are always smoking in the non-designated areas.
  5. alexdude98

    Best/worst Royal Wedding related publicity stunt

    Alton Towers Stunt = WIN Adventure Island Stunt = FAIL Drayton Manor Stunt = COOL Blackpool Stunt = MEH
  6. alexdude98

    Brand Advertisements on Ride

    OMG. What the **** is happening? There's no difference in them sponsoring! It's not revolting but it's just off-putting. Fanta's alright... Imperial Leather sponsoring Bubbleworks (Chessie!) is OK because with Imperial Leather they changed the ride to duckies! QUACK! I hope Fanta do a...
  7. alexdude98

    Ideas for Thorpe Park 2015 and 2012 coaster

    THORPE PARK 2012 Just a guess. But LC might be Roman Numerals. L = 50, C = 100. DECODED: 15012. Any guesses following on from 15012?
  8. alexdude98

    CWoA's Vampire turns 21!

    Re: Vampire's 21st Birthday (Preview report page 3) The Twilight Zone (Vampire maze) was alright. It was a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be. Nothing particularly scary. What I was surprised about is how narrow the corridors are.
  9. alexdude98

    What's your favourite Alton Towers ride?

    I'm going to have to do a joint two. Nemesis - A brilliant coaster all round. The themeing with the Ribena blood still makes me chuckle. Going up the lift hill makes me think of the joy I'm about to experience every time! And when I'm speeding round I hardly take any of it in. I just enjoy...
  10. alexdude98

    Too old for Disney....

    You're never too old to visit Disney World! Happiest place on Earth! It's even got some of the world's best rides!
  11. alexdude98

    What's new at Chessington for 2011?

    Sounds like Disney's Animal Kingdom is coming to Chessington! :--D
  12. alexdude98

    What's new at Chessington for 2011?

    Oh yeah. There's a lot to be said for Thorpe.
  13. alexdude98

    Oldest coasters you've ridden

    Rutschebanen, Tivoli Gardens, 1915 (be prepared for Blackpool!) Big Dipper, Pleasure Beach Blackpool, 1923 Roller Coaster, Pleasure Beach Blackpool, 1933 Zipper Dipper, Pleasure Beach Blackpool, 1934 Grand National, Pleasure Beach Blackpool, 1935 Wild Mouse, Pleasure Beach Blackpool...
  14. alexdude98

    What's new at Chessington for 2011?

    I saw that. Nothing to really boast about though considering on the map for this season there's a "NEW FOR 2011". When I was in the Sea Life centre people kept saying: "Where's this new bit for 2011?"
  15. alexdude98

    What's new at Chessington for 2011?

    ^ That would be nice.
  16. alexdude98

    What's new at Chessington for 2011?

    Firstly, sorry if this topic has already been done. I used the search function but I couldn't see something displaying everything that's new in one post. Anyway, firstly Dragon Falls has had it's height restriction increased from 0.9m to 1.2m. DISCUSS HERE...
  17. alexdude98

    Ideas for Thorpe Park 2015 and 2012 coaster

    I think in 2015, Merlin won't do another world-first. Perhaps something along the lines of Air at Alton Towers?
  18. alexdude98

    Fire in saw alive

    Naughty Jigsaw. He knows he shouldn't be having cigarettes in his own attraction! Then again, if you're lonely what else would you do. :P
  19. alexdude98

    LC12 real name predictions

    'Death Flight' might be good. Calling it '2012' may mean it would have to be renamed in 2013. :P
  20. alexdude98

    Most Unexpected Thrill

    Space Mountain - WDW. I thought it was going to be alright but by the end I was like O_O. "We're gonna go left! *coaster plummets* WOAH!" I could ride Space Mountain over and over because in the dark you don't know what's gonna happen and it's always gonna give you an unexpected thrill!