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  1. Q

    What are you reading?

    I'm currantly reading all the harry Potter book for about the 3rd time round, I've also been reading the "Edge Chronicles" which are quite interesting.
  2. Q

    'The Yorkshrie Tripper' LWV/FL Trip Reports!

    Ha JayJay I like the bit at the start of your vidio but I thought you were going to put: "Lightwater Valley 2008 The yorkshire Tripper... ...But first a few words from Wise Man Willy." That would've been funny.
  3. Q

    Do you smoke?

    Nope never had never will because of my asthma (doesn't help my breathing much) and that some of my mates do an they stink of them, no offence to anyone that does.
  4. Q

    'The Yorkshrie Tripper' LWV/FL Trip Reports!

    I've finished my IT test early so I'm writing my trip report in my ICT lesson. LWV As I think everyone else has put in thier trip reports, the weather was great and I now have sunburn and a white line where my neclace was all day. :--D . Well the day started great, because we went on Egals...
  5. Q

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Fluking isn't the right word. You can't fluke 10, certainly not twice! So I think they were being taken in but not read word by word. I'll have to try that myself! It is true though, playing pairs against KT when she was little was a scary experience. I don't remember anyone ever winning...
  6. Q

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Well sorry if I didn't read all the questions. I didn't think I'd even get in the top 10. I think you're just jealous that you got beaten by a 14 year old :--D But 10/10 in 21 seconds that's 2 seconds faster than my last record
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    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Wow I really amazed myself. 10/10 in 23 seconds it might be my first win.
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    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    5/10 today and 6 Dark Tower questions. And my guessing isn't as good as it was at the begining of the quiz tounament thing.
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    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    I'm doing alright today 3rd (it's my best yet) :D
  10. Q

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    I mannaged to fluke my way up near the top by guessing I only really knew two of them :D 7/10 I'm at 5th at the moment. Grr Bazpa you beat me by 2 seconds.
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    "Now Showing"

    Last night I watched a film called 'Not Another teen Movie' it is really funny. But out of my friends I seem to be the only one that watched it. Did anyone watch it or did I imagine that I watched it.
  12. Q

    What are you reading?

    I'm now reading 'The Dead Girlfriend' and i have just finished reading 'Dream Date' and yes they are both horror books (point horror) they are really good.
  13. Q

    What are you reading?

    The Dark, Linda Cargill. It's a really good read so that probably explains why I'm reading it for the 3rd time in aout 2 months I love it. I recomend it if you like murder/ horror books. I am also reading Diamond Girls, Jaqualine Wilson but it's not as good.