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  1. K

    Worlds of Fun | Zambezi Zinger | GCI (partial) Titan Track | 2023

    Looks like this will be a really good family ride and will bring back some historic theming to the park. The spiral is very unique and of course nostalgic. Now I just hope they build a new more extreme steel coaster with inversions, a launch etc next year and call it the Orient Express. Then...
  2. K

    Worlds of Fun | Zambezi Zinger | GCI (partial) Titan Track | 2023

    True and not only would Adventureland start to hurt WoF's draw from Iowa (one of KC's biggest tourism draws), but possibly start pulling from other areas that WoF historically pulled from like Omaha, Northern Missouri etc.
  3. K

    Worlds of Fun | Zambezi Zinger | GCI (partial) Titan Track | 2023

    That makes sense, but it's always made sense, so why has it taken so long for Cedar Fair to figure this out? KC is the "big city" or one of the big cities along with Dallas, MSP etc for millions and millions of people in that part of the country. KC has a lot of major attractions that draw...
  4. K

    Worlds of Fun | Zambezi Zinger | GCI (partial) Titan Track | 2023

    I feel like you guys are setting me up for a big letdown haha. I'm from the Show Me State. I'll wait and see. KC has not really been a "leader" or innovator in much of anything for decades. Even the new airport terminal seems very meh to me compared to all the others that have opened around...
  5. K

    Worlds of Fun | Zambezi Zinger | GCI (partial) Titan Track | 2023

    You would think they would put more stuff in that area since it's so visible from the interstate, but that area doesn't have any trees etc.
  6. K

    Worlds of Fun | Zambezi Zinger | GCI (partial) Titan Track | 2023

    I have been following this forum for a while, but this is my first post. Growing up in KC, I'm just very excited to see WoF possibly going to the next level. I wanted to comment on the location of WoF. It doesn't matter where it's at. All that matters is if the park is a destination or not...