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  1. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    We were there Sunday, and queues were short for a summer holiday weekend, but substantially longer than the start of the summer hols.
  2. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    All through this I have wondered why no member of the GP called the emergency services, instead of filming. I've seen loads of statements from people watching saying they could see blood. Surely you would ring 999 and then alert park staff/ride ops. I just can't believe someone would film it...
  3. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    They've also said in Twitter nemesis sub terra is closed. Guessing that's unrelated though?
  4. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

  5. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    I was thinking the same Ems. From the articles I've read and statements from AT, I feel that at this present moment they are leaning towards human error/safety procedures. Perhaps that will change? But reading that the newest infinity coaster hasn't been shut as it has a more up to date...
  6. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    Well considering it was an 2007/8 worker I hope conditions and practices have changed with the Merlin takeover. I do hope the injured are on the road to recovery, and perhaps we might find out more about their conditions over the coming days. The description of injuries sounds horrific. Open...
  7. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    Yes that one Smithy. Not sure what to make of it.
  8. Gilly

    Accident at Alton Towers

    Has anyone read the statement from the ex employee? It's flying around on Twitter.
  9. Gilly

    Have you ever ridden alone?

    I've ridden alone once..... on Stealth! My friend bottled it so I was left on me tod! Sat with a young lad who was crazy about coasters! He was so intent on telling me about Top Thrill Dragster that he didn't stop chatting for the whole 20 odd secs round the track! Bless him!
  10. Gilly

    Rate the Person Above

    9/10 Ditto!
  11. Gilly

    Rate the Person Above

    Imma give you 10/10. Firstly to say sorry for not talking to you! Secondly to say Sorry for not replying to your message! And Lastly....for ensuring my safety! :)
  12. Gilly

    Best board game

    Monopoly, but also Game of life and Trivial Pursuit rock!
  13. Gilly

    UK's Best Red Coaster?

    Rita! <3
  14. Gilly

    Cheese on Toast - Grated or sliced?

    Mmmmmmmmm...........Dam right! Grated all the way! (For those of you who can't be arsed to grate, buy it already grated!:lol:)
  15. Gilly

    Most annoying thing at a park.

    Close call between "queue stoppers" and "queue jumpers". Think i'll go with queue stoppers! They drive me insane! I hate standing still as it is, so when people infront of me don't move I get a tad mad. Usually give out a loud sarcastic cough, or sometimes a sarcastic comment does the trick...
  16. Gilly

    Kumali vs. The Pepsi Max Big One

    Kumali's is worse. Just dull, boring and blatently poo. The helix on the PMBO, although still a bit poo, gives me a scare! So yeah..... Kumali = lamer!
  17. Gilly

    What are you listening to now?

    Thunder and lightning........goes something like crash crash bang bang flash!.......
  18. Gilly

    Worst Tetris Piece

    The Z's and the squares..... arrrggghh!Dam annoying!
  19. Gilly

    Sexiest famous women!

    Gwen Stefani. What can I say except she is HOT!
  20. Gilly

    The ^ < V game

    ^isn't talking to me! <Doesn't have a printer to hate but an awesome new bed to love. v Wants to go to bed...