steel vengeance

  1. Serena

    Sorry For Not Loving Steel Vengeance

    It's 11pm, a hush has fallen over the shores of Sandusky, Ohio. I've crawled into bed at a hotel miles away from Cedar Point. The park has been closed for 1 hour. You'd think that would be enough time and distance, but no. It's not. I yelp and hold my pillow over my ears. But it does nothing...
  2. Hyde

    Three Days At Cedar Point or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Goon

    How did you spend your previous weekend? Wait in many lines? Wait in many lines for 8 hours? Day 1 It really is a bygone era of amusement parks when 4+ hours waits were the norm. We are so used to: 1. Small turnouts for openings or 2. Rides with massive capacity factors. Yet Cedar Point did...