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A Nightmare To Remember (Or Will and Jordan go to Thorpe)


CF Legend
As peoples with Facebook will have noticed, me and Will went to Thorpe for the first night of Fright Nights on the 12th October. It was VERY good, mainly because the park was relatively empty and the weather behaved itself, but also because of the company and because I am a closet Thorpe Fright Nights fangirl. We took some photos but because Will is rubbish and didn't charge his camera we couldn't take as many as we would have liked.

All captions etc were written by Will (as if you wouldn't be able to tell....)


After my most intense drunken night in over 18 months, 10:00 felt like far too early to hit the road, and to make matters worse, petrol station times happened. Petrol stations are boring, and so is being told about the price of petrol. I couldn't help noticing the Star's headline about 'Jordan's indecent proposal'... I couldn't help wondering how any journalist at got his hands on the full gory details quite so quickly...


10:30 and we found the M3. Jordan doesn't like the M3 very much, but I mostly enjoyed it - I think it was only the second time I'd done this stretch, though the first time was probably more fun - it has some fairly nice looking sections, but mostly I was too bleary for photo times.


This lorry was photoed though, simply because - as I'm sure you've already noticed, it has the name of one of Iron Maiden's rhythm guitarists written on it.
OK, so I'd have been more excited by a John Petrucci lorry, but his name does not lend itself nearly as well to long distance haulage...


LOTS of music happened on the way - I'm slightly ashamed to admit this, hence the picture, but at this point in the proceedings, "I'm Not Okay" was being blasted. In fairness, lots of Dream Theater had happened, and we needed something we could both sing to. I don't much like the track anymore, as it has too many cringeworthy memories of 2006 angsty times - but nevertheless, my most passionate rendition in over 2 years happened. I'm not usually a car singer, Jordan... honest...


... I was getting quite into car time and music times - hangover was slowly fading, and comfortable things were happening again, so I was a little put out when we finally arrived at Thorpe just after 11. Not least because I was to be reminded that not only is Jordan a closet Thorpe fangirl, with consequently woeful taste - but she is: effort. The Stealth queue is not my favourite game at the best of times, and as days go, this was obviously going to be a long one.


Still - there are ways of making Thorpe Park, Stealth... and even the Stealth queue more bareable, without the need to indulge in self-destructive behaviour. Pictured is one of them - though she's not looking all that thrilled to be alive, if I'm honest.
Rough night, Jordan? ... or is my company getting to you already?


Fortunately, despite some truly heroic (albeit ill advised) alcohol consumption between us, and little more than 4 hours sleep, the hangovers weren't nearly as bad as they might have been.
This was just as well, since the sun decided to make it's presence felt, and sunglasses were thus required. Regardless, that of the sun is the only glare in this picture. Good times.
Background_girl is: intrigued - within the next few minutes, Jordan probably took LOUD exception to her...


Jordan may be happy to be in the Saw queue, but I'm a whole lot less thrilled. The coaster isn't that great in daytime, and the queue annoys me. If I didn't like Jordan so much, camel times could easily have happened - and even then, of the 9 days we've spent in parks together since the beginning of July, this was still going to be the longest...


Jordan does not take very exciting pictures, and enjoys Saw and Saw based paraphenalia and mediocre Eurofighters entirely too much. Here is some barbed wire. Jordan enjoys: barbed wire, and I think it's best if I don't take THAT Train of Thought any further :S


This is NOT a good picture, even as the horrendous biting images go - it IS, however, a fairly accurate depiction of what happens when potentially pleasant tasting things are waved entirely too close to my mouth. Unfortunately for me, Jordan has also discovered this joy - and she is: over-enthusiastic. Ow.


These signs... are possibly a good idea, but they're written in such a ludicrous way that they kept me laughing nearly every time I was stuck in the queue for any length of time. I mean... seriously - doesn't the very heading put you in mind of Stone Cold in a call center.
"Hello! To have abuse shouted at you - press 1. For loud music, press 2. For an argument, press 3. For our personal remarks deparment, press the hash key etc."


"Hello, my name is Jordan - and to the casual observer, my hair is probably my defining feature. I'm also not much good at this photography lark, so here - have some photos of it. It's all clean and soft and irresistible at the moment... but thus not nearly foreboding enough for my liking!"


"Hello, my name is Saw, and as has already been observed, I'm a relatively mediocre Eurofighter, though I'm told I'm a lot better after dark. All the same, Fluch von Novgorod, I ain't..."
Also, the weather was nice all day - the sun was out, but not excessively, and the temperature was moreorless perfect - this made Will & Jordan happy, though the lack of potential for wet hair times was a little disappointing!


"Hello, I'm Jordan again. My favourite thing to take photos of is... myself - I have: an ego. But to be fair - I am by far the most exciting thing IN this theme park today. And I would be if I came back tomorrow as well, which... I would do, if lectures weren't in attendance!"


... Jordan was HUNGRY, because breakfast did not happen, and a hungry Jordan is an angry Jordan, and that does not want. Thus, because we're both nightmares to feed, Glass House (sorry Jordan - Glarrrrrrrrrrrrse House) happened. I wanted chicken strips, but annoying offer meant burger was cheaper. I stole some of Jordan's chicken to make up for this :)
Back to the point - this is a photo of Vortex - we went on it later, it was not very good, as Jordan dislikes spinning and my attempts to remove her shoes.


Firstly, I take it all back about her photography skills... Jordan - is the master of the self-portrait, the image so near-perfect it can almost reduce me to silence. Almost.

"Hello, I'm Jordan - and I am: STUNNING! What can I make you do just by widening my eyes like this? Endure a day at Thorpe? Buy me warm clothes and lunch? Tolerate 3 weeks of on/off emotional hell? How about... facing your mortal fears in HORRIBLE horror mazes?"


"Hello, I am: Jordan's bag - or Biggoldbag, as I prefer... I am not nearly as exciting as I might be, and contribute very little to the composition of this album - I suspect I'm only here because Will is USELESS and took a very long time ordering Hungry_Jordan food!"


"Hello, I'm a crate of crazy condiments - try saying THAT last night! I'm not very exciting either, but at least I have something in me, unlike back on February 14th when the entire restaurant was out of salt!"
Vinegar is an excellent way of ensuring Jordan does not steal my chips. Alas, it does not work with many other people. I similarly approve of her dislike of ketchup.


"Hello... I'm Will and I drank too much last night... You wouldn't believe it from this picture, but I DID wash my hair when I got up this morning - but I'm not as fortunate with my hair as SOME PEOPLE, and this it doesn't mix well with rollercoasters! I like my burger however. And chips. And Dream Theater. And I miss Denmark..."

My eyes are rubbish.


Jordan is deserving of better chips than Will, and this sentence would be equally true in the absence of the word 'chips'.
Annoyingly, she covered them in red napkin and associated mess to stop me from eating all hers as well, dull times.


"Hello - I'm a wasp - I may not be the most annoying thing you'll have to deal with the company of on October 12th, but the fact remains that... wasp season should surely be over by now.... But muhahahaha - it is NOT, and the longer this unseasonal weather continues for, the longer I can bother you for!"
All hail global warming, declares Mr. Wasp.


"Hello, I'm some generic Halloween theming in the Nemesis Inferno queue, and thus Jordan is... excessively excited by my general existence. Jealous?"
In similar news, lots of effects and such were working both in the queue, and on the ride itself - the amount of steam in the tunnel was downright ridiculous - but neverthless, effort: Merlin have gone to it this year.


"Hello, I'm Stealth, as seen from the Nemesis Inferno queue. I was clearly taken by Jordan, and... there's not even a train on me, so I'm not very exciting. I look better from the side though, don't I. And isn't it a nice day, especially for the time of year?"
Ugh, shush: Stealth.


"Hello... I'm a VERY generic picture of Nemesis Inferno, doing very little, and thus I was almost certainly taken by Jordan!"
Meanwhile, in the middle of the photo - two FAR more exciting flat rides reside - both my favourite Thorpe attractions. Because Detonator is awesome, and so is Jordan, 2 rides happened, despite her loathing of tower rides - even short ones. It was very good in the dark.


... much later, after various rides on very silly things, and unwanted Burger King, ice-cream, waffles, getting sealed in etc. times - it got DARK. This is good times, because Thorpe in the dark is approved of, particularly by Jordan. The park acquired a whole new atmosphere - and when it's not full of chavs, it's not a bad kind of atmosphere. And, much as it loathes me to admit it, Stealth isn't bad at night either...


"Hello - as you may have gathered by now, I am Jordan, and I like Thorpe at night lotsandlotsandlots - especially on a quiet day like this, when the weather is nice. Midnight Syndicate is a fun game, and so is the opportunity to whore nocturnal Stealth - and I'm with Will - he's a pain in the neck, but he's my favourite pain in the neck ♥ "

Yes, as mentioned - Jordan had a LOT more enthusiasm for this day than I did, and rates it as some sort of highlight - particularly the last few hours. Probably the hours AFTER she dragged me, kicking and screaming, through the Asylum. But when she's with me, and she's happy - I'm happy too.
And, as Mr. Hetfield would say - Nothing Else Matters.
This is the last photo, by the way, if you're wondering about my conclusive tone.
Nice report! Looks like fun, and the captions were pretty funny which is to be expected from Will :P .

That's about all I have to say about it other than I enjoyed reading it.
Hahaha I was laughing when he actually did it! As soon as he saw it he started doing the 'To have a personal remark made, press 1...' bit in the queue and I was actually dying of laughter XD

Also, pig jokes were hilarious!
Lol will should do more trip reports. It's not often I laugh out loud when reading them.
Happy times. :)
Jordan is deserving of better chips than Will, and this sentence would be equally true in the absence of the word 'chips'.

That's brilliant.

Will, please write reports more often, your captions are some of the best I have ever seen.
I said it already on Facebook, but I think it bears repeating - whenever I read these captions, I can almost hear Will's voice in my head making said comments. It's really quite disturbing.

An awesome (and very entertaining) trip report in any case.
"Hello, I am Will and I write rather amusing trip reports. I need to start writing these more often."
Vadge: Loves this.

Hurrah :)