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Accident on a Booster in Holland


Mega Poster
Is this real:

An employee of "Speed ​​110", a carousel type "Booster" provided with an arm which rotates was the victim of a terrible accident last weekend, in the Netherlands.

For some reason, apparently inattentive, the employee is found in the middle of the road while the car grazed the ground, making the inevitable clash.

The man miraculously escaped with a broken collarbone. According to him, the employee had been a victim twice a similar accident ... (If you have additional information about this incident, date, precise location, context, ... do not hesitate to contact us via our Facebook Wonder World Web , and thus contribute to the development of a better essay.)

http://wonderworldweb.over-blog.com/201 ... s-bas.html
This is BS. The clip is a few years old (Source: a dutch site specialised in video's like these, dumpert.nl).