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Alton vs Thorpe coasters


Hyper Poster
Which park has the best coaster selection overall? It's a very close call!

Remember this isn't about which park you like best because I know that would be Alton Towers for the majority on here. This is purely about which park has the better coasters.

Personally, I cannot say until I've rode Stealth and X. At the moment, I'm leaning towards Thorpe because I really liked every coaster I rode, even Saw and Colossus which get mostly negative reviews for being rough.
Nemesis is better than Nemesis Inferno (just).
Swarm is better than Air.
Stealth is better than Rita.
Oblivion is better than Saw.
Smiler is better than colossus.
Thirteen is better than X.
RMT is better than Flying Fish.

That's 5-2 to Alton. Realistically it's a lot closer I think, but being as I've compared them in the fairest manner it's clear Alton is the winner.
For me it is:
Swarm > Air
Stealth > Rita
Oblivion > Saw
Colossus > Smiler
Thirteen > X
RMT > Flying Fish
And of course
Nemesis > Inferno
Spinball isn't really worth mentioning.
That makes the score:
Alton 4-3 Thorpe
1. Nemesis
2. Stealth
3. Swarm
4. Nemesis Inferno
5. Air
6. Colossus
7. Smiler
8. Oblivion
9. Sonic Spinball
10. Rita
11. Saw
12. Thirteen
13. Runaway Mine Train
14. X
15. Flying Fish

Allocating points in 15-1 point fashion depending on placing, these are the results:

Alton Towers: 63 points
Thorpe Park: 57 points

Alton narrowly wins it for me then.
I like Cookie's way of allocating so here goes;

1. Nemesis (by a mile)
2. Stealth
3. Oblivion
4. Nemesis Inferno
5. Smiler
6. Swarm
7. Thirteen
8. Sonic Spinball
9. Air
10. Saw
11. Rita
12. Colossus
13. X
14. Runaway Mine Train
15. Flying Fish

Alton Towers: 70 points
Thorpe Park: 50 points

AT and It's not even close, bearing in mind that when I go to Thorpe I look forward to Stealth and Inferno, but when I go to Alton I'm positively excited to go on Nemesis and Oblivion.

Plus Nemesis should get double points for being so brilliant.
Nemesis > Nemesis Inferno
Oblivion > Saw
Thirteen > X
RMT > Flying Fish
Smiler > Colossus
Air > Swarm
Stealth > Rita

I feel like i'm being quite harsh on the coasters at Thorpe here, I do enjoy most of them but doing a comparison Alton comes out top.
Nemesis and Oblivion are both top twenty coasters for me, and I found Rita and Air fairly enjoyable also. The Mine Train was pretty forgettable as was the kiddie cred that I believe doesn't even exist anymore.

Thorpe has Stealth, which is good, but probably not a top twenty coaster in my opinion. I think Swarm is one of my favourite things in the park and the backwards seating was cool as well. Saw is good fun, whereas Colossus pretty much stank for the simple fact it made me queasy and I don't care for inversions that much. Inferno is an average invert and X and Flying Fish were just meh.

So on that note, I'll say Alton.
Rita > Stealth
Nemesis Inferno > Nemesis
Oblivion > Saw
Thirteen > X
RMT > Flying Fish
Smiler > Colossus
Swarm > Air
Just judging by coasters I would give Alton Towers the point with Nemesis being the best IMO.

I like however Thorpe's layout far more. Yes Alton is photogenic and has nice gardens but getting from A to B eats up a lot of time. Add to it a broken down Skyway like I had it - at least half the day - and you should bring some lotion for your feet. :wink:
1. Nemesis (15)
2. Nemesis Inferno (14)
3. The Swarm (13)
4. Stealth (12)
5. The Smiler (11)
6. Th13teen (10)
7. Sonic Spinball (9)
8. Rita (8)
9. Oblivion (7)
10. Saw (6)
11. Colossus (5)
12. X (4)
13. Air (3)
14. Runaway Mine Train (2)
15. Flying Fish (1)

Alton Towers 65 / 8 = 8.1
Thorpe Park 55 / 7 = 7.9

Very close working it out like that... but due to Thorpe having Nemesis inferno which is literally so close taking the top spot for me, and then my 3rd and 4th favourite as well, based on that i would say Thorpe Park. Plus Thorpe has better flat rides and therefore is my favourite park.
Using CookieCoasters method but with golf scoring...

1. Nemesis
2. Stealth
3. Nemesis Inferno
4. Oblivion
5. Swarm
6. Rita
7. Thirteen
8. Air
9. Colossus
10. Runaway Mine Train
11. X
12. Smiler
13. Flying Fish
14. Saw
15. Sonic Spinball

That's 63 for Alton and 57 for Thorpe. Lowest score in golf wins, that means Thorpe has the better coasters using that method.
Alton has 8 coasters and Thorpe has 7... bit of an unfair points comparison unless you work out the average :lol:
I've always used the CookieCoasters' method in the past for these kind of comparisons, but to appease DeanGaryCox and to do it differently...

I shall give each an out of ten rating and then work on the average I give each out of ten to give an overall coaster average out of ten for each park :)

1. Nemesis - 10
2. Oblivion - 9
3. Smiler - 7
4. Sonic Spinball - 7
5. Rita - 6
6. Thirteen - 6
7. Air - 6
8. Runaway Mine Train - 5
10+9+7+6+6+6+5 / 8 = Park Average of 6.125/10

1. Stealth - 9
2. Nemesis Inferno -9
3. Swarm - 9
4. Saw - 8
5. Colossus - 6
6. Flying Fish - 4
7. X - 1
9+9+9+8+6+4+1 / 10=Park Average of 4.6/10

X letting the side down again :p
DeanGaryCox said:
Alton has 8 coasters and Thorpe has 7... bit of an unfair points comparison unless you work out the average :lol:
Good point, so it's 8.1 to Thorpe, 7.8 to Alton. Quite evenly matched but Thorpe edges it again.
furie said:
I shall give each an out of ten rating and then work on the average I give each out of ten to give an overall coaster average out of ten for each park :)

7. X - 1
X letting the side down again :p

even though it's now forwards, wth FAB lighting??
After going to Alton on Tuesday my answers are:
Nemesis is better than inferno
Swarm is better than Air.
Stealth is better than Rita.
Oblivion is better than Saw.
Smiler is better than colossus.
Thirteen is better than X.
RMT is better than Flying Fish.