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Battlestar Galactica - Duelling Coaster for Singapore


Giga Poster
I was just looking over the site for the Sentosa Island development in Singapore, where they are building a Universal park, when I noticed a very interesting piece of text:

This movie theme park features 24 rides and attractions, including a truly innovative pair of dueling coasters--one seated and one suspended--that are locked in aerial combat. Exciting loops, sudden turns, breathtaking drops and thrilling near-collisions will make you scream out loud.

This is a very interesting piece of news. A Dueling coaster with two different coaster types is something I have wondered about in the past, but when you think about it, there is so much potential behind it; the two tracks experiences be markedly different, not really 'two of the same' and there is a whole new set of 'collisions' you could incorporate....The inverted track could do a bunny hop over the sit down one for a 'head kicker', or perhaps something along the lines of the zero g roll/airtime hill combination on DD could be attempted, just replace 'fire' with the sitdown, and have a zero g roll instead of an airtime hill.
Even the interlocking corkscrew flyby would be something interesting.

USS is a park I have been anticipating (Who can complain about a spiderman clone within 6 hours of home) , but now I will undoubtedly be making the trip when it opens.
I've seen plenty of RCT ideas with that concept and I always think they would be insane to actually ride.

Of course, I wonder if this is complete BS or legit..
RCT players' dreams finally come true is seems. I have seen and made plenty of these sorts of ideas, never thought one would really be built.

Here's CP6's "Project Firefly" to help any imagination impaired people:


A potentially very interesting concept and one that will undoubtedly be watched very closely by the coaster community. Duelling coasters aren't built enough really, stupid money limitations.
This would be incredible.

The topic title made me suspect that there was going to be a clone, which I'd have been very disappointed about. DD is unique, and stunning and a clone would have ruined it.

The fact that this could be two different coaster styles is really cool. I can imagine the "collisions" being great, and it would really add a great new twist to the idea of duelling coasters.

Part of me hopes that they don't copy the idea of two dragons duelling, a new idea, theming and layout wise would be marvellous.
If this came true it would without a doubt be one of the most interesting rides in the world.
Especially if it's as good as CP6's version ;)
I'm glad we're starting to get a bit more information on this park. Singapore is such a fantastic place, but doesn't have all that much in the way of tourist attractions. I'll definitely make the effort to go there again once this place opens.
Gosh darnit, they stole my idea. :p

Well, I hope it happens for sure-- I'm really interested to see what they would do for it since I'm relatively sure a few of the things I tried wouldn't be fully possible with the tolerances B&M works with. I'm following this closely for sure.
Of course, I wonder if this is complete BS or legit..
I've was looking a bit further, and it does seem pretty plausible, I came across this page: http://www.jobsdb.com.sg/Singapore/info ... m_Boom.htm

We are going to create 20 new attractions and two new zones which will be the first of its kind in the world. The privilege of being involved in this process is indeed very exciting. Of course, another key highlight would be the fact that I’ll be one of the first to ride on our dueling roller coasters in two year’s time, signifying the fruition of all our efforts!

Well, looks like I won't have to be unhappy knowing another visit to IOA is years away...seems as if I can see a few good equivalents closer to home.
Hmmmm...interesting concept that may meet or better the first 'Dueling Dragons' coaster. Need another one of these interesting to watch and ride coasters...shame it aint gonna be closer to home
Here's CP6's "Project Firefly" to help any imagination impaired people:

That's the first thing I thought of when I read the topic. They totally ripped off Brian's idea!

Anyway this concept is really neat. I never really thought of it before I seen Project Firefly but once I did see that, I realized that it would actually make a good addition to a park with the space and money to build it.

I hope it's not just a rumour, and that it actually comes to life.
It's a wonder it took this long for an idea like that to come to fruition. It's so novel, yet so intuitive.
If it's going to be B&M this'll be particularly interesting...pretty sure Vekoma wouldn't really be able to do it right.
How do you know that the coasters are going to be Dragon themed?
I don't think he really meant that it would be Dragon themed. Duelling Dragons are the best coasters, and were built by Universal. I think he meant that it would be along the same lines as DD.

Oh, and it was a question so... ;)

If it's going to be B&M this'll be particularly interesting...
I think B&M and Intamin could pull the off. Just imagine a duelling version of Maverick.
It's such a good idea and I really hope it happens, as it'll be very interesting following the construction of this one.
This does have a lot of potential and if it's built right, will bring near misses to a new level.

I really hope this is true and isn't just some rumor. I've always wanted to see something like this.
madhjsp said:
If it's going to be B&M this'll be particularly interesting...pretty sure Vekoma wouldn't really be able to do it right.

Bad news for you then..

Vekoma's homepage claims they are building "a signature attraction" in Southeast Asia for 2010.


Unless anyone has got any other ideas what this might be.. I think we may be looking at a Vekoma Dueling Dragons. Time will tell.
Good news. With no appearent reason, my view on Vekoma has changed from "torture device makers" to "smooth, reliable, but overall meh coaster makers"

I wonder what this will look like. Hopefully, it's not an SLC placed on top of a Corkscrew clone. :lol:
Ah yes, there were twin-style duelers long before CP6's creation.

I do recall one such ride in a quite, ahem, exquisitely themed Lord of the Rings park I once did come across..


If it is indeed Vekoma that does this in Singapore, it could be there big shot at a truly good-looking ride (for once..).
OK. New opinion based on riding two of their coasters and old reviews from the outdated group of the rest:

It will look epic.

It will ride like a cheesegrater.

It will be too far away to get a decent set of reports to base an opinion on.

It might bring us a Singalese CF-er or two.