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Bizzarre Coaster Occurrences

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Today, I was on Behemoth, in the last row, right hand seat. We were just on our way up that hairpin turn when I saw something flying through the air, just above head height. The way it was kind of fluttering, I thought it was a piece of paper. Everyone in our car had their arms up (justly so!) and I didn't think anything of it...

..till the end of the ride where the guy ahead of me held up a CELL PHONE. Some idiot didn't secure their cell phone and it went flying through the train just as we were entering that sweet overbanked turn. What is harder to believe is this guy just reached up and plucked it out of the air. Just like that. Wow.

So I was wondering, have you guys ever had a strange experience on a ride?
On two different days I was sitting toward the back of a coaster and I got hit in the face with someone's glasses and someone's hat. Unfortunately, at neither time was I able to hold on to these items. The strangest think I have ever seen while on a ride happened on Batwing at SF America. While flying on my stomach, I looked down and saw a groundhog who was apparently living under the ride. If that had been on February 2nd, does that mean we would have had six more weeks of winter ?
Slayed... Money... Speed...

That's all. ;)
Watching this was just plain funny.

I was at Alton a few years back having a bit of lunch and watching Oblivion. On one ride someone was wearing a baseball cap, and it I knew straight away it would just go flying off on the drop. Sure enough it did.
The funny part was when some little kid ran up to the hat, picked it up and ran off.

I saw the man after he got off the ride and he started looking for his hat. He looked very confused indeed.
On Slammer at TP, someone decided to take all of their loose change on the ride with them in an un-zipped pocket, so I jsut saw this waterfall of coins coming out of this guys pocket. Was funny, but most people didn;t notice because they were to busy screaming!
Not a coaster, but on Florida's Tower, when someone loses a phone... funny.

Float up, owner tries to grab, oops, too late, smashed on the floor.
Same kind of thing happened to my friend on Stormforce 10. The guy who was sitting in front of us, his hat flew off when going down the double drop section and my friend luckily caught it, very fast reaction time. Very funny to see.
Me and my family were on Rollercoaster (PBBP), my sister was wearing a bandana, my mum was wearing a hat, sitting infront of me and Jules, and at the same point of the ride, eldeano's bandana and my mums hat came off, and me and Jewls caught them! How lucky was that!
I was in the back seat of Goliath (SFOG) and somebody's Q-bot thing came flying backwards and my friend in the outside seat grabbed it out of the air. It was pretty impressive.

For me, I've gotten stung in the neck by a wasp on Comet at Hersheypark. I was pretty young then, but that was kind of odd.
This wasn't on a coaster but on Bubble Works at Chessington...

Now, there are CCTV everywhere on that ride but people don't realise that.
I was operating the ride last year and I saw this man fingering his girlfriend around the ride!
I told him to 'put his finger away' over the PA system :lol: That had to be the funniest working day at Chessington ever!
^That is **** ing brilliant. Well done Erol.


How did they, and the other guests, react?
Lmao Erol.

Caught this man's hat on Spinball, I was well impressed with myself and I got a thanks afterwards which was nice. :) Was funny though 'cause all you could hear for the rest of the ride was "how the hell did she catch my hat?!"

Now, there are CCTV everywhere on that ride but people don't realise that.
I was operating the ride last year and I saw this man fingering his girlfriend around the ride!
I told him to 'put his finger away' over the PA system That had to be the funniest working day at Chessington ever!

LOL LOL LOL! That's hilarious.

For me, I've gotten stung in the neck by a wasp on Comet at Hersheypark. I was pretty young then, but that was kind of odd.

Oh yay I get to tell my hornet sting story again, because that's the only interesting thing that has ever happened to me on a coaster.

Okay so, I was on Raging Wolf Bobs, and about halfway down the first drop I felt a sharp pain in my back, but I didn't really think much of it. When we got onto the brakerun, a dark black thing flew out of my shirt, hit my face, and stung me right beside my eye. So yeah, two hornet stings in the span of two minutes. Fantastic :p .
This is a pretty funny one...

Me and my fridend were on Magnum, and while rideing, she got a bug in her mouth. She then spit it out... As soon as we hit the brake run, the lady behind us said: "is it raining" Other person: "no, why?" lady: "well, i just got something wet in my face"

We just started laugfhing!
I guess thats not crazy, its just funny!
On the log flume (I know, technically not coaster related) at Parc Asterix, my mate lost her hat, and the hosts just shrugged at her, then as we left the ride, they came running, carrying my mate's (very wet) hat!
All three things happened to me on different days

When I was on ripsaw I caught a mobile (well a piece of it). It had fallen out of the guys pocket next to me and hit the bar in the middle of the ride. As we cane back down I caught one piece and the rest hit the floor. When I looked I thought what was the point in that with the screen buggered and it was soaked as I accidentally put my hands out to stop the water going up my nose and instead it got they guys phone, never new if it worked again.

A hat on Dragons Fury guy lost it at the top of the 90 degree turn I caught it when it flicked over to my side :--D!

Some girl in a bikini went on blizzard beach summit plummet (I warned her but she paid no attention). So I deliberately waited at the bottom for her. Some view when she stood up. Plus one lost bra. :lol:

Hat on Detonator happens much to often to post here I can recall at least 10 times!
Restraint failing on Klondike at Funlands, it just didn't lock, so I held it down for the entire ride.
Fly went straight into my eye on the drop on Oblivion, so was blind for most the way round.

Nearly seeing my sister getting ejected from Hydro back in 2002. Told you it was insane ;)
My best story is when an elderly man lost his false teeth on Nemesis Inferno!

I was waiting in the exit (when TP had single rider on NI) and he was standing on the platform while some staff members went to look for them. He was busy making jokes about it while the ride was closed and I couldn't stop laughing at what had happened.

Possibly the funniest thing I've been witness to at a theme park! :D
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