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Britsh Airways Do A Ryanair


CF Legend
British Airways are going to start charging to reserve a seat on the plane. Just about everyone is angry about its and it could increase the cost of a European flight by £20 and a long haul flight by £40.

I have never used them at tbh if they are going to chrage extra to book seats I will carry on using Virgin or other airlines that do not charge extra.

http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/b ... 849303.ece
American Airlines are a good no frills long haul company but you may still get a better deal with Virgin sometimes!

BA are now just pricing themselves out of the market. Soon people will wise up and another company will go bust.
American Airlines were **** tbh and I would not fly with them again. Yes it was cheap but the seats were falling apart the food was the worst I have ever had and it was near enough impossible to get a drink.

Plus they now charge for seat booking as well.
But it is normally cheaper than Virgin and BA. What do you expect?

> Virgin even charge you for exit seats or bulkhead and booking seats in economy. It's becoming standard practise.
^I dont expect to have broken seats on a 12 hour flight simple really, and sit with rubbish on the floor.

Plus anyway other alines now do the flight to LA cheaper than AA so thats betetr :)

Oh well Virgin now charge as well, wonder why the news did not report on that and just BA.

May as well close this topic then as most airlines now charge.
I'd pay the extra charge on a long haul flight to get a decent seat but no way I'd pay it for short haul when the price of the ticket might have only cost a small amount anyway.

It seems what ever one airline brings in the rest soon follow.
marc said:
Oh well Virgin now charge as well, wonder why the news did not report on that and just BA.

Probaly because its only economy. If in upper-class or premium economy it's at no extra charge. :--D
Emmett said:
It seems what ever one airline brings in the rest soon follow.

Isn't that what Energy companies and Supermarkets do?
They should bring smoking back, would improve air quality and stop things like Swine Flu happening.
Oh dear.

Flying to Australia was made bearable by the fact I could chose my seat (by a window, no seat infront of me and not on an exit row FTW) without paying for it.. I flew to LA, 11 hours, sat in the middle of 5 seats in the centre of the aircraft.. I actually wanted to crawl up and die

The worst case of paying for a privilege on an airline I found was with Virgin Blue. They had an actual credit card swipe system to watch the television on the chair infront of you!!!
For short haul flights, I couldn't give a stuff about extra charges. I pay for what I need and be done with it.

However, for long haul flights, I expect to be in relative comfort and be allowed to carry a bag without paying through the nose.

Yes it's annoying that we have to pay more but if we want to travel to somewhere other than our own country in the quickest way possible, then we'll fly.

If you don't like the way these airline operators work then vote with your feet.
BA are in major financial problems at the moment, so are bmi. I don't blame them for trying to make some more money to be honest.

However what Ryanair does is just discraceful imo. They'll probably be charging you to recline your seats next.
Emmett said:
^If the seats could recline. :lol:

They saved money by using seats which couldn't recline.

Wtf? I haven't flown with one airline that doesn't have reclining seats as standard. Haven't flown with Ryanair, and don't intend to. They really are cutting costs to the max.
Believe it or not reclining seats are more of a hazard in an accident. Any way its cheaper for airlines to pay for deaths in an accidents not injures. :shock: Which is one reason I think they tend not to optional upgrades to aircraft. (Hence saving cost.)
King Goon said:
Believe it or not reclining seats are more of a hazard in an accident. Any way its cheaper for airlines to pay for deaths in an accidents not injures. :shock: Which is one reason I think they tend not to optional upgrades to aircraft. (Hence saving cost.)

WTF? Airlines still have to pay out huge sums of money to compensate families etc. Plus, the aircraft will most likely be written off and I'd say a company would get FAR more damage to its reputation with say 30 deaths instead of 50 injuries. That's not counting the many court cases which follow. I reckon more mechanical failures are caused by individuals failing to regard company rules rather than the airline/airccraft company itself.

If you don't like the extra charges or service a company flies? Don't fly with them. I'd rather fly in more uncomfortable conditions knowing that I'll be safe rather than in luxury and a 50% chance the wings fall off. Safety is something we just seem to take for granted when we fly.