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Burger Off Merlin!! (Heide Park, 6th & 7th May)


CF Legend
A long, long time ago (in a galaxy far away blah, blah, blah), I went to Heide Park with CF and with the notable exceptions of the company of my fellow goons and a certain ridiculously tall wooden coaster, I absolutely hated it! So, when Del Piero and Darren organised a two day shindig at North Germany's largest theme park (now with two added B&Ms) at such an affordable price, the temptation was too great.

Got up nice and early (actually, that's a lie, I didn't go to sleep, summoning all my powers as a Scout Leader to do two days without any kip) and at around 4am I found myself outside Leyton train station in East London. It was an amusing experience. What could only be described as a very stoned, but friendly, man appeared before me asking if I had any cigarettes. Naturally I informed him that I didn't smoke, but every 10 or so minutes he'd come back and ask if I smoked yet so that he could have a cigarette. Whilst waiting (I'd somehow got the connecting bus at Canning Town, even though I should have missed it by 10 minutes) for the others to pick me up at 4:45, I had the perfect vantage point overlooking the 2012 Olympic Park as the sun started to come up, it was beautiful.

Got to the airport nice and early, went through security, bought pre-emptive aspirin from Boots and headed straight to Wetherspoons. Where I was disappointed it took them 15 minutes to microwave my breakfast, football and such was discussed, and we were complimented by 50 something year old woman about how well spoken we were for young lads. The plane was alright, GermanWings' female staff were pretty nice to look at, my seat even came with one when I arrived! I think Darren popped a stiffy over one of them, slyly moving his iPad over his crotch to avoid her gaze. The landing was horrendous, bouncing up and down more than an Amsterdam strumpet. But after minimal faff we were on our way in a pleasant and equally unexpected Renault Clio ESTATE (this wasn't ours, but this is what they look like, pretty nice tbh).


A short while later, we rocked up outside Serengeti Park. I had already made it clear I wasn't paying over 20 Euros for two creds and as we approached the entrance, AJ decided similar. So we got out and had a wander around the entrance area. Where there was a mysterious OAP dogger and a copy of Chessington's Wanyama Village only done to a higher standard...



After about half an hour, the others came back and we were headed to Heide Park. Home of half an hour faff to buy sparkling water, Germans with no concept of queuing, ridiculously tall slides, free champagne and Colossos!


Collected my shiny new German Annual Pass (includes Gardaland AND Legoland Billund), only to discover they give you a one-time only "free all-day fastpass card" for Heide and German Legoland, which was pretty fab. For 99 Euros, bargain.

As was the case in 2009, the enormous spite-time machine was up to its old tricks again and was closed with men walking the track (we would later find out that this was a two-day annual maintenance jobbie - completely unadvertised on their site). It started testing towards the end of our first day, upon interrogating a woman in management attire who was talking to a rather disappointed crowd of wood fans, she didn't hesitate to reply "YES!" to whether or not the ride would open tomorrow. Take note UK Merlin, the apocalypse doesn't happen if you're open and honest with your paying customers.

I didn't take any pictures today at Heide as we were having so much fun exploring all the corners of the park getting on pretty much everything except Colossos and Limit. Will review the rides later after someone uploads photos of them.

Still to come...

  • Man vs. Food Challenge
  • Mmmmmm, B&M
  • Scream Screamie
  • Crack or Krake
  • Major Wood
nealbie said:
we were complimented by 50 something year old woman about how well spoken we were for young lads.

Thought you went with Darren? :lol:

nealbie said:
The plane was alright, GermanWings' female staff were pretty nice to look at, my seat even came with one when I arrived! I think Darren popped a stiffy over one of them, slyly moving his iPad over his crotch to avoid her gaze.

Why am I not surprised? ;)

nealbie said:
A short while later, we rocked up outside Serengeti Park. I had already made it clear I wasn't paying over 20 Euros for two creds and as we approached the entrance, AJ decided similar.

Credz is credz guys, €20 or not :p

Looking forward to hearing more!
I'm not going to bother writing a proper trip report as I didn't take any photo's on day 1 and Neal is doing a good enough job so I'll just review the coasters, point out the highlights etc.

First off I'll start off with the flight out; The flight attendant mentioned by Neal was an absolute WORLDIE! I didn't bother checking if she'd shaved her armpits or not as I was more than happy with what was laid out in front of me. The legs, the bum; Just WOW. I was casually taking mental snaps of her, whilst AJ was happier taking actual pictures! (I'm sure he'll share them) as YES, even AJ wanted a portion!

Now onto the car, kindly modelled by Neal;




And the Demon....


Now we've got that out of the way, have some;

Flight of the Demon



It was good, but that's all it was. The airtime hill is by far the stand out element and is extremely good fun. However, the rest of the coaster is nothing to write home about. It's better than Swarm, but wing coasters don't really do it for me. 7/10

Big Loop


The drop, straight and double loop were ok. The double corkscrew and helix were AWFUL. Pretty crap coaster overall. 4/10



It was probably the best of the generic SLC's I've been on but nothing spectacular. 6/10

Have a Limit selfie. Look how much better looking AJ is; It's incredible! So much bread & butter in this photo.

Desert Race

Better than Rita. 6.5/10

Schweizer Bobbahn

The best bobsled coaster I've been on by a mile. It craps all over Avalanche and the pile of **** at Europa Park. 6.5/10



I can see Krake; It's behind the trees etc.


Such a fantastic coaster! The theming is the best I've seen in a Merlin park. The drop is amazing, I actually enjoyed it more than Oblivion's. The Immelmann offers some lovely floater, as does the airtime hill. I fell in love with this coaster over the 2 days I was at the park. IT WAS FAB! 9/10

And finally, COLOSSOS...


It was mind-blowing, and easily the best woodie I've ever ridden. Amazing airtime throughout, smooth, and sexy. The front row offers the best ride by a mile and this beauty easily slips into number 2 in my top ten behind EGF. 10/10

I was expecting Heide Park to be on par with Alton Towers but I was really blown away by it. The park is gorgeous, the staff are friendly, It has 2 amazing coasters, and with plenty of good ones to support the lineup. The drop tower (Scream) is easily my new favourite flat, and it's mini counterpart; Screamie was also just as fab with bundles of willy lift.

The water rides were also pretty good. The log flume dished out a good soaking and although the rapids were pretty dull the theming more than made up for it.

So yeah, I loved Heide Park. Its sits as my number 1 park for now (until I come back from America next month at least) and It really deserves to be there. I couldn't fault the park except for maybe 1 train operations? however, we didn't queue for more than 20 mins over the 2 days so 1 train ops are justified I guess.

And I shall leave you now with yet another plus point of Heide Park; CLEAN TOILETS. no piss splashed bog seats in site. It made me so happy I had a poo....

Massive thanks to Tom, GayJay, Neal and Dan for your company. And special thanks to Tom for driving. It was great spending the 2 days with all of you.
I really need to get back to Heide. I really liked the place, but just didn't get enough time there to properly take it in and get a decent feel for it. Plus, there are the two new B&Ms since my last visit. No idea when I'll get a chance to head over though; maybe next summer as I'll be back in the UK at least.
Re: Burger Off Merlin!! (Heide Park, 6th & 7th May)

Yeah same here it felt like we missed so much and had no time to actually look round the park like Neal said they had time to do.

40min queues for drinks will do that along with not getting to the park until the afternoon.

I probably did not think much of the park due to not really seeing it and missing so much.
Yup. When we went in 2009 it was just a cred run and I hated the place as it was also rammed. But it's actually fab.
Darren B said:
I can see Krake; It's behind the trees etc.

Heheheh! Krake looks so good that even I want to ride it, and I'm terrified of dive machines!

Sounds like a fab park when it's not busy, glad the Colossus maintenance didn't spite you lot too.
The trip started with a very early pickup by Darren and picked up AJ and Neal in London before heading to Stansted.

Brief faff while trying to spot our flight on the board, which stupidly only shows Ryanair on the closest board. Flight found we sauntered through security with no issues.

Everyone wanted some brekkie so the Weatherspoons happened, a lovely older woman commented how nice it was to hear youths not continuously swearing, we briefly chatted about our plans and made our way to the gate.
AJ already up to his posing.


Flight was quick, about an hour. Stewardess was extremely hot, Darren most definitely had a boner. Staff were nice enough to find him a mint to help with the pressure change.
Arrived early and sauntered through security where we met up with Caffeine Demon, and we set out to get the car.

Car was decent, if a little small, but hardly a long journey so we soldiered on and arrived at Serengeti where AJ and Neal decided to wait outside.


The park has the main safari which we skipped, as well as two different amusement park areas, Freizeitweld and Wasserweld.
Both are quite large, with numerous flats dotted about. They have 2 creds, a topspin, log flume, drop tower and many more. It was dead, we saw no more than 20 people while we were there.
This was an in and out cred run so we eventually found the first cred Froschflitzer.

Din't bother with pics, have some generic RCDB ones.


We jumped in the back an pulled down the bars. The ride op was reading something, and without batting an eyelid sent the train on its way.
It was long, but vile. As there were only three of us on the train it barely managed to get over the hills, and needed assistance from the tyres to complete the circuit. Darren tried to get the ride op to stop after one circuit, alas, we went again to experience the awfulness one more time - 2/10

Moving on, we went to Die! Wilde Maus


This was much better, fun little drop and helix with a little hump. Nice and smooth, we enjoyed the second circuit - 4/10

Creds done we left the park, the creds are pretty poor but there's enough stuff here to entertain a large group for a few hours.

AJ and Neal got in the car and informed us that they witnessed a grannie dogging, fab.

A quick 30 min drive up the road led us to Soltau and were greeted by this excellent entrance.


Everyone minced around getting their tickets while I explored the entrance area and located the nearest toilets.
It's extremely clean, with everything needed located at the entrance to the park. No searching for guest services, right there as you walk through the turnstiles. Toilets were also very clean with warm water in all of them.

Everyone was ready so we left the entrance to find Krake.


We all commented regarding photos, the ride and area surrounding it looks so much better in person than any photo can do. Imagine a really good camera taking the above pic, and it would still look better than that in real life.

The park was very quiet, so they were running 2 trains but only filling 1, queue was 10 minutes.
First ride was in the back, and it was excellent, but the 2nd ride later on in the front was even better.

The drop is very good, akin to Oblivion's but with a large mouth with teeth. I found this to give a better headchopper than Oblivion.
The splash is really well done, with a good splash zone and excellent interaction with the train as it goes through the Immelmann.
The Immelmann itself is fab, great bit of hang. I found these elements to be hit and miss, this one is great though.
The airtime hill gives perfect B&M floater in the front, felt fantastic. The back gives a bit but nothing like the front.
It's an excellent ride, easily the best dive coaster I've been on, but it's a coaster type that I enjoy but don't feel the need to re ride multiple times. 8/10

We had all noticed that Colossos wasn't running, but decided to take a closer look. We found three engineers walking the track from brake run all the way back. Yeah, huge spite, gutted.


While there we decided to hit the Rita clone Desert Race.


1 train ops again, 15 min queue. But not bad when you're with a group of CFers. Has a really good bag drop system, someone may have a pic of it.
Anyway, much better ride that Rita even though it's a clone, launch is the same but there is no evil snap into the first turn and the airtime hills actually give nice pops of airtime, especially the first twisted hill.
Came off with no injuries, decent ride. 6/10

Mountain Rafting was just around the corner and as the weather was decent, we decided to get it done early.


Theming here is excellent, the station has a wonderful mountain lodge feel to it. The circuit has many rock faces and is covered in pine trees, very nice indeed.
I didn't find the layout itself particularly great, and we didn't get soaking wet. A nice calm trip in a raft with friends that splashed us a few times. 6/10

Next up was the Mack powered coaster


I was excited about this one as I liked the Europa Park version. I find them comfortable and when they have an indoor portion they are even better.
I love the way it has three different rides that experience the indoor part, really using the ride to its fullest, but I think Europa's one is better - 5/10

We decided to head back towards Colossos and work our way round the back of the park. Neal was very excited about the snake slides.

They are very high, but struggle to gain any major momentum. I didn't try the straight one, but it's a time filler. We were going to scare AJ but he heard us from the top and went down the other slide, cheeky bugger.

Colossos was still broke, so we went up the hill to check out limit. Due to one train ops the queue was around 20 mins, we decided to skip it and grab it the following day.

Next up was Schweizer Bobbahn.

I've only been on two of these but this was far, far better than Europa's version. Even when cramped into a car with Darren it was highly enjoyable, it just keeps gathering speed and feels like it will never end. Really good fun - 7/10

We then decided that Scream was to be ridden. Darren bloused out.


Fab, Fab, Fab.
I think my fear of heights is cured as I actually enjoyed the lift to the top and seeing the surrounding area (both apocalypse and power tower scared the crap out of me). I did however let out the most almighty scream on the way down.
Neal (or maybe AJ) summed it up brilliantly.
"It's three det's on top of each other."
Perfect description. The release is powerful, the drop has you out of the seat all the way down and gets faster and faster before finally hitting the brakes really far down and the wind whips the theming/flappy material onto the structure with a really satisfying whack whack whack.
Easily the best flat I've been on, absolutely loved it - 10/10


Time for my 2nd most anticipated ride of the trip Flug der Damonen.


Following the construction of these all the way through with the knowledge you're going to ride it opening season is a blessing and a curse. On one hand you know what potential flaws it will have but also secretly hope it will be brilliant.

I had high hopes, this looked to be the best of the wing riders, with a interesting layout, shorter trains and a fab looking airtime hill.

The theming is good, but really not as good as I'd hoped. Swarms theming is better. It needed a lot more demons in the queue line, projections or something, it was lacking any real tie in to the name. Only the station/shop is themed well, with cool uv writing on the wall and staff uniforms.

The ride itself begins with the normal lift and wing over drop, which front left was fab. The drop is excellent, not found a wing rider who's drop is poor yet. It then flies towards the airtime hill which provides brilliant floater combined with the headchopper from the shop's floor, which was fab.
The train then goes through the Immelmann, which is also very good before dipping slightly then into the zero g.


At this point the ride starts to tail off a bit. The zero g provides next to no floater and the restraints have tightened due to the force from the first 3 elements. It then goes through a left hand turn at low speed before heading towards the pretzel.
The pretzel in the front left seat was excellent though, contrary to other seats there is no roughness, just lovely positive G's at the bottom.
It then exits the pretzel and has one more left turn into the brake run.

Overall it's a good addition to the park, while not on the same level of brilliance as other attractions it is still the best wing rider I've experienced so far - 7/10

Lunch/afternoon snack was next on the agenda, we went to the pirate burger place, I just had chips as I knew what was coming that evening.

As we were next to big loop it would be rude not to grab the cred.


Yes, that's pain in their faces. So vile. Headache and major forces through the corkscrews messed us all up.
Struggling to think of a positive - 2/10

Time for some R&R and the kiddy coaster Indy Blitz.

But before that we wandered past the splash battle where we saw a rather silly family not defending their starboard side.
Myself, Darren and Dan took up arms and focus fired the boat with a tsunami amount of water. Darren pummeled the little girl right in the face while I focused on the lead male of the family. He was not very happy.
Angry German Dad shouted at us in German, no idea what he said. We ignored him and focused on the rest of his crew.
The battle won, we swiftly traversed the park to the cred.

Generic RCDB Pic ahoy.

The cred itself is your standard kiddy coaster, I don't remember much of it. Just that both me and Neal were watching for the angry German while creating the lift hill. Area is themed nicely to the Wild West though - 3/10

Time was getting on so next up was the log flume.

Fat boat time, but not on a Gullivers level. There were two small drops which got us mildly moist, and a large drop at the end which I cowered behind AJ and still got soaked. The yelling from the boys told me they were drenched, confirmed when they got out and Darren looked like he'd spend an hour swimming. Not great, been on a lot better - 5/10

I believe Darren went to be sick again at this point as he used the toilets with the windows open, not the disabled ones. All we could hear was this awful wretching sound coming through the window, with laughing from the other two.
Me and Dan stood outside giggling when I realised a young ish German lad outside obviously waiting for his other half throwing disgusted looks at the window. I grinned at him and made the universally known hand signal and accompanying sound effects to explain the guy was a loser and was chucking up. He understood and laughed.

I believe a re ride of Krake and Flug happened, I experienced the nasty jolt on Flug and was very glad I had the earlier ride. Still think it's pretty good.

I'll just leave this here....


We also went over to Colossos to check on the status, testing happened but a woman came and advised us it was definitely not opening that day but would open tomorrow.

We then bought some tat, and left the park feeling smug that we managed so much in 4 hours.

No Merlin TR is complete without one of these bad boys.


Part 2 to come, including MVF and day 2.

I think that's the most serious case of gayface I've ever seen!
Part 2

We left the park and made our way to our abode for the evening. Literally 5 mins from the park.
Parked up and checked in, all very smooth. Rooms were ok, what you expect for the price. Quick shower and met up in the restaurant for a beer and choose our food.

I'd done some research on the place and they seemed to offer a Man Vs Food challenge. This would either be a gigantic burger, a gigantic schnitzel (with chips) or a gigantic bratwurst (with chips). Each of these behemoths were 1kg or 2.2lbs of meat, plus the trimmings.
My limited Deutsche had deduced that finishing this mammoth would mean the food would be free, and at €17 it wouldn't be overly pricey, so decided to give it a go.
Our wonderful, and slightly pretty, waitress explained that not only would the meal be free but they would give us €50 as well! Sign us up!

Dan went for the schnitzel.


The other 4 of us went for the burger.


We instantly regretted our decision, this was ridiculous. Funnily enough we still were confident... What a stupid mistake.


The burger tasted fab, the first 2 8ths went down easily and was super nom. However, 8th number 3 was hard work, and half way through number 4 I was done.
This isn't Man Vs Food, it's Sasquatch Vs Food. No human could consume these things without either being a trained eater or having to be lifted by a crane in and out of the restaurant.

Here's what was left of mine, I'm quite proud at my effort.


Me and Darren then preceded to chuck up, he has a sound file of it, but we both felt a lot better.

Drinks, banter and a phone rape message to Ian happened. Great evening.

Next day was a morning of excitement. Breakfast took place, it was ok, apparently the waffles were rank.
I scoffed it down ready to get on the woody I was anticipating to smash into my top 5.


Spited again! We were told it was annual maintenance. On top of that, Krake was also closed.
Me and Darren were starting to rage, but we decided to give Merlin an hour to get their **** together and went on the SLC, limit.


First train of the day, no queue, front row, let's get the head banging over with.
Standard SLC layout and was only the 2nd I'd experienced, it was better than infusion, definitely smoother with less head banging but I was bracing heavily. I liked the drop and the airtime humps, but it was a bit of a blur and came off with a very minor headache - 5/10

Neal and Dan went for a re ride of Bobbahn, while Darren went to throw up again. AJ and I decided a re ride of Scream was in order.
Just as good as the previous day, there was no queue and there was no sign of the others so we re rode again. It was getting better with every ride.
Neal and Dan arrived and we spotted a loser Goonfield on Screamie, the tiny Moser next door. **** signs were exchanged and up we went. This time we had a full ride, totally full, the vehicle absolutely flew down the tower. Just balls to the wall amazing drop ride.

We jumped off to try to find Darren and the sneaky bugger had decided he was actually going to ride the big boy. Here's a vid of him on the sexy tower.


Flug was walk-on so queued for 1 train and went back right. This time I got even better G's through the pretzel and a nice whip over the zero g, no nasty bump. Definitely a specific seat coaster. Good rides 7/10, poor seats 6/10.


At this point we'd given Merlin 1.5 hours to fix both rides and they were still down. Darren and I started going mental and made a bee-line for guest services when we heard a happy Neal calling us back, a train was going up the hill, and it looked like people were on it!
We waited 10 seconds before seeing arms up and screams down the drop before walking/running/trotting towards the entrance.


Queue was around 20 mins (1 train ops again)and waited a few more extra for back row.

I went solo as was the spare wheel and my excitement was building with every passing moment. Neal and Dan were in the train before and I saw massive grins from Neal, this was going to be epic.
After what seemed like forever, I started to move. Lift hill was faster than I expected and the view was fab.

The first drop was brilliant, amazing ejector as I flew down the drop, some lovely G's at the bottom of the drop before even more ejector over the next two massive hills.


The turnaround was a minor breather before it dived down to pick up a bit of speed for the return journey.
The 2 hills before the MCBR gave some minor airtime before slowing for the helix.
The helix was fab, much better than I expected. The POVs make it seem very bumpy but it wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest, and I loved the speed combined with the steam train sound as it hurtles through the structure before the final airtime hills.
Then came the only disappointment of the ride, I was expecting huge ejector from the first of the three bunny hops, but it wasn't as violent as I hoped. They were good but not on the level I was expecting, the 2nd was better than the 1st.


We all went for another ride, 2nd row from the back was just as good, and it was definitely a top 10 ride, but something was missing.
AJ and Darren left to enjoy the rest of the park but I wanted to whore the woodie as much as possible as it was awesome and I needed to cement it's place. Neal and Dan had a similar idea.

Over the course of the afternoon we racked up a total of 10 rides, the queue became non existent by about 2pm and was basically walk on. We managed to try most rows and seats, including the front.

The front is definitely the best place to ride this bad boy. The first 2 rows offer a nearly identical experience. Rows 3 and 4 develop a bit of roughness and the back car provide the best ejector.

The front 2 rows offer a different experience to the rest of the train, there is a wonderful dose of hangtime on the first drop followed by a kick forward as the back of the train crests. Obviously the view is better but row 2 has a bit of wind break, which let's your body focus more on the forces rather than the slap of wind.

Both large airtime hills are amazing! We were getting amazing floater over each one, with excellent positives at the bottom. The front also offers a touch of lateral airtime on the turnaround and the slight turn after that, really unexpected and enjoyable.

Even the hills coming towards the helix had floater, much better than the minor ejector in the back of the train. The train also feels faster through the helix and the bunny hops are even better in the front.

We enjoyed our front seat ride so much a ORP was purchased.


Every ride of the 10, bar the one ride in row 4 which wasn't brilliant, was thoroughly enjoyable. I had a smile on my face on every ride all the way through. So after a lot of deliberation, Colossos has taken my number 2 spot - 10/10

At some point during the afternoon whoring we went for a re ride of Scream which was fab again, and a re ride of Flug, which in the outside left back seat also had the judder.

Me and Neal grabbed a quick bite to eat at Colossos snack. Neal had chicken nuggets, I had the Gyros, which were really tasty.

We also met up with the others for our last few rides on Colossos and saw them have a great ride on the front. Even AJ praised it.

Tat was then purchased, got myself a Scream hat, a few pins and a lighter.

As a park, it's pretty good. It has a good lineup of coasters, Colossos and Krake are awesome, Bobbahn, Desert Race and Flug are pretty good and the rest are filler.
Having Scream is a huge plus, finding a brilliant drop tower with brilliant coasters is a rarity.
The food is good, the park is clean and everything is within a small distance ish.
The only negative I found was that some of the tat is pretty crap. I really wanted a good Colossos t shirt but it looks too much like the Thorpe Collosus, there isn't enough variety in clothing.
Even the 1 train ops wasn't too bad as the lines were quick and we never waited longer than 25 mins for a ride.

Great park, great rides, great company. I had a fab time.
Jordanovichy said:
Bitch please, I could eat that burger in my sleep.
Bitch please, I used all my known techniques and still struggled.
When you go the Heide I expect you to attempt this exact challenge. I'm looking forward to your failure ;)
I think Dan went for the better option but it is still a hell of a lot of chips.

Surely its the bun on the burger that fills you?

I like Heide - shame it was just a cred run due to time restraints back in 2009.
Pierre said:
I think Dan went for the better option but it is still a hell of a lot of chips.

Surely its the bun on the burger that fills you?
The Schnitzel was massive mate, it was as big as the plate and the chips were on top of that half of it. That's the reason we went for the burger, 1kg of meat plus a shedload of chips I knew would be impossible.

The burger was bigger than I expected it to be. The issue we had wasn't technically the bun, but the burger itself was huge inside it, about an inch thick, and the garlic sauce was too rich, had to start scraping it off by the 3rd 8th.

It would have been nice to see the Bratwurst, maybe NHS should get both the burger and the sausage as he's so confident :)
^Mate, if me and Dan can't complete more than half you and your awful shorts don't stand a chance!

I'd happily do it again. If you're coming to the German Live next year and Ian is clever enough to book the correct hotel I'll go head to head with you! Whoever manages the most gets his meal paid for by the loser. Deal?