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Cat person or Dog person?

Cat person or Dog person?

  • Cat person

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Dog person

    Votes: 13 59.1%

  • Total voters

Edward M

Strata Poster
Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I am a dog person! I think cats are great and adorable but I have the cutest dog in existence. I also have 5 kittens that live under our house that we feed. SOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!
Dog, I hate cats. That said, I love the cat my siblings and I got my mom for Christmas, she's still a kitten so she's still cool and chases her tail, plays fetch, and is clumsy as ****, so basically she's a dog.
I've been an owner of both and I guess I like each about equally. Dogs can often be more fun and active, but they're also higher maintenance. Cats, on the other hand, are largely independent and more or less take care of themselves so long as you set out food, water, and a litterbox. I also feel like cats generally have more dynamic personalities.. they can be snarky little assholes and then become all cuddly and affectionate at the drop of a hat, whereas dogs tend to be either "ZOMG I love you, you're my best friend and I'll do anything for you!" or "I hate everybody and everything so I'm going to bark & be angry all damn day" almost all of the time. Just my experience, anyway. Really it depends on the individual animal. Some dogs & cats really suck, and some are great & very friendly.

Gun to my head and I have to pick one? Cats, then.
Dogs. I require unconditional love in my life.

Dogs are always happy to see somebody, they love being stroked and played/wrestled with and are sillier than cats. I don't like feeling bones when I stroke a cat. A dog feels more robust and meaty.

My weakness is English cocker spaniels or black labradors. I'm gong to post some images and go all soppy. Ahhhh.




Family_Furie all like cats. I think they're pointless pets and a pest to the local community - "Oh, they can crap in your garden and cause disease because they're feral, but you can't hit them iwth a spade for doing it because they're a pet."

Bollocks to that, they should all be banned, or forced to remain in the house - otherwise I'll let the kids loose in the neighbourhood and claim they're feral. Actually, that wouldn't work in our neighbourhood as the locals and their kids have already beaten me to that :p

I love dogs, they're like big rats :)
I like cats, partially because they are low maintenance, partially because they are quite loving and in the case of my cat, "talks" to you, Eg If i come into a room and make eye contact, she'll miaow, If I let her in from outside, she'll almost make a thankyou miaow...When I come home she'll come to the door to greet me and stick around. (Though Siamese cats are known to be "talkative")
Mine is getting old now (17), so she's quite gentle, and happy just to put herself near you, lean against you when you're sitting or in bed, or just watch what you are doing.



Dogs. I've lived with cats before and as lovely as they are, they're just alive and exist to be petted and for food.

Dogs, however, really are man's best friend. They have emotion, understand yours and communicate to you through their love. My pet dogs have all been my friends - and in some cases, my closest friends - whereas cats have just been pets.

Dogs <3
Hmm thats a tricky one. It depends what cat I guess.
I would consider myself a dog person but if someone offered me a lion I would chose that over a dog .... :-/
Just saw this movie last night, thought this was relevant:
