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Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)


Captain Basic

Mean Streak Renovation - Rumor - (6/8/16) Regarding the rumored changes planned for Mean Streak... forget what I said last week. The plans have not only been green lit, but Screamscape sources tell us that RMC will be coming to The Point to transform Mean Streak into something bigger, faster and much meaner for the 2017 season. Typically this usually means that Mean Streak will close down before the end of the season so they can begin to work on it, but no words on exactly when this will be. With this in mind, be sure to get your rides in now on Mean Streak, because you never know which ride may be your last.

Screamscape tends to be 80% accurate, so be on the lookout for anything near/around Mean Streak this summer! Also, markers have been spotted around the ride, one of which says "RMC" on it. Post thoughts, comments, conspiracies here. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm going to be optimistic and hope for the best!
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

I really hope it true, because I couldn't think of anything more perfect for the park. The only complaints RMCs seem to get is that they are too short, but Mean Streak is almost 5500ft long and currently the fourth longest wooden coaster in the world. If the conversion was 20ft taller than the original (NTG was 10ft taller) they could market it as the tallest, fastest, longest inverting steel/wood hybrid which is very Cedar Point :p
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

From the reputation it has got in here, Mean Streak appears to be perfect for an RMC conversion. It's very big (giving RMC lots to work with) and very rough (all the more reason to improve it), and Cedar Point could do with a good woodie (since Mean Streak is currently their "star" woodie).

From what I've heard, they can't possibly do anything worse with the coaster than keeping it in operation as-is, so it's good to see rumours that the park has a plan for it.

I must admit I don't know how RMC have treated lift hills in the past, but Mean Streak is seven metres (20 feet) and 11 km/h (18,400 furlongs per fortnight) away from claiming the title of the tallest and fastest wooden coaster in the US. Is that within the bounds of an RMC makeover?
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

There isn't a more perfect candidate for an RMC makeover, in terms of the actual coaster and Cedar Fair's first crack at it.

Seriously, the days of "it's Screamscape, so don't listen" are basically over. They very, very rarely (if at all - can't think of a recent example) post basic speculation anymore and haven't for quite a while.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

gavin said:
There isn't a more perfect candidate for an RMC makeover, in terms of the actual coaster and Cedar Fair's first crack at it.

Seriously, the days of "it's Screamscape, so don't listen" are basically over. They very, very rarely (if at all - can't think of a recent example) post basic speculation anymore and haven't for quite a while.
Exactly this. Screamscape is nearly a slam dunk, especially when worded this way. This isn't a maybe statement, this sounds like a major slam dunk. Which would be great.

One question I had was thinking it may close at the end of the year, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't open until 2018, giving what I think will be one of largest conversions yet for RMC.

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Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

GuyWithAStick said:
Screamscape tends to be 80% accurate

RMC conversion, GCI retrack; I don't care. Anything would be good for Mean Streak. And considering there is even an easy beginning blueprint from RMC's work on Mean Streak's little brother Texas Giant, this would be an easy, popular step.

It is interesting should this come to pass, that Knott's did a GCI retrack with Ghostrider. That roller coaster still has a very neat layout, and certainly would have benefitted further from RMC treatment than the simple track and train replacement done by GCI.

Also as an aside, Mean Streak has had a rough opening season, with a good deal of apparent trouble with its lift hill. I have yet to ride it this year due to its constant downtime.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

I'm on the opposite side of this fence I guess. I just don't feel CP would build major additions that close to each other. While Valravn isn't major in regards to the enthusiast community, it is HUGE in terms of the general population. An overhaul of MS would undoubtedly be another major addition (not like the Mantis overhaul).

I'd love to be wrong, but I just have a strong feeling we're grasping at straws that may be 1-2 years down the road.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

What I don't understand is why do a gci retracking of Ghostrider, which has one of better layouts possible for an iron horse, and then do RMC to Mean Streak...

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Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

^Do you really think RMC won't be able to work with any layout they get given ;)

This would be perfect - I'm not sure I see it for 2017 TBH I'd learn towards it spiting all next year and coming back 2018 but it's certainly an amazing ideaZ
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

To extend that timeline out, 2020 is still a speculated date for a "big" addition to celebrate the 150 year mark of the park (sheer speculation at this point, with no backing - but at least it sounds nice). So, a 2018 conversion would give a nice two year interval between big coaster additions.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

Ben said:
^Do you really think RMC won't be able to work with any layout they get given ;)

This would be perfect - I'm not sure I see it for 2017 TBH I'd learn towards it spiting all next year and coming back 2018 but it's certainly an amazing ideaZ
They can do no wrong. Just makes me a bit bitter they didn't rmc the one 20 mins from me. Still haven't gone the hour and a half to sfmm to get colossus so I guess in just a bitch.

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Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

Pokemaniac said:
I must admit I don't know how RMC have treated lift hills in the past, but Mean Streak is seven metres (20 feet) and 11 km/h (18,400 furlongs per fortnight) away from claiming the title of the tallest and fastest wooden coaster in the US. Is that within the bounds of an RMC makeover?

I don't know either, but I coincidentally came across this picture today showing a side-by-side before an after of the Texas Giant, which was increased by the height of 10ft (the most of all the conversions).

You can see the browner/newer wood is what they've added onto the existing structure, with the thick horizontal planks underneath which almost mark the upmost points on the Texas Giant structure. It could get the 'highest' title, but I don't know how far they could build upwards before having to build outwards.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

^ Or they could also look to pull a Wildfire - add a steel structure to support more of the load, blended with wooden supports.

I did pull up the record holders for wood - it's surprising how much Mean Streak has held on! Top 10 for speed and height, and 4th for length.

If Cedar Point were to go for a title breaker, one would most imaginatively assume a world record, rather than national record. To break the world record for tallest and fastest wooden coaster, it would need to be taller than 196 ft. for Colossus (Mean Streak is currently 35 ft. shorter), and faster than 73 MPH for Lightning Rod (Mean Streak is currently 8 MPH slower). Length? Well, Cedar Fair would probably like to keep that with the sister park. :wink:

It would not be outside the realm of imaginable to rework this roller coaster to be the tallest and fastest in the world. As Pink Panther mentioned, it's all a matter of being able to support a taller structure.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

If they were going for the wood records, then they'd need to actually make it a wooden conversion. Even if they don't change the height, they can still nab the Hybrid record. But I do think that a topper track conversion would be better for the park. It'd give them a worthwhile woodie, it'd let Gemini stay 'special', and it'd be a first of it's kind.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

Fred Grubb confirmed to me last year that they will not being doing any topper track treatments for the foreseeable future, so this will most likely be an Iron Horse conversion. You can continue talking about world record wooden coasters, but I don't think that's going to be the case here.
I can also confirm for any doubters that I witnessed the end of the meeting Rob Decker and another half dozen Cedar Fair executives had with Fred and COO Jake Kilcup at IAAPA in November.
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

I've heard from some Cedar Point employees that the ride will be closing in July. They were able to tell because its crew is being shuffled to other rides then. Remember how at the start of the season Shoot the Rapids didn't have a crew? ;)
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

So Mean Streak is likely getting RMCed next year and Kings Island is getting a new coaster. Ahhh why is this happening the year after I visited both parks for the first time, I live 16 hours away :cry: .
Re: Mean Streak to get Meaner in 2017?

ECG said:
Fred Grubb confirmed to me last year that they will not being doing any topper track treatments for the foreseeable future, so this will most likely be an Iron Horse conversion. You can continue talking about world record wooden coasters, but I don't think that's going to be the case here.
Certainly. An Iron Horse conversion would mean we are talking full-bore steel, and the world records for that class are a bit larger. :p

This is all good stuff then. If this comes to pass, along with the continued conversion of Cedar Fair B&M stand-ups to floorless (and the Ghostrider conversion); I enjoy Cedar Fair's new focus on improving current roller coasters.