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Cheetah Hunt- Intamin for Busch Gardens Tampa


Giga Poster
EDIT: Name is Cheetah Hunt, videos and such here: http://www.buschgardens.com/bgt/buschgardens2011.aspx

EDIT: The layout is here at BGTGuide


I hate to do this, in case it's nothing more than some small thing, but according to Screamscape, Busch Gardens will be making a "significant announcement" on Feb. 25.

Also, over the past month or so, there have been reports of surveyers at the park.

Link: http://www.screamscape.com/html/busch_gardens_tampa.htm

So, discuss! Aquatrax, 400 ft. flying dive machine, B&M Hyper, ect. :wink:
God, I'm nostalgia-ing over the time I kept speculating Busch was getting a Dive Machine, how many people said I was wrong because "the dive machine was a one-off concept for Alton Towers," and bam... SheiKra was announced.

I'm hoping the rumor of a Rocket are true, ala Storm Runner. I always wanted Florida to either get a traditional hyper coaster or rocket.

Busch, I hope you deliver on a badass ride at least!
I really hope that it's a Mack Launch coaster like blue fire, since that would be awesome, and after reading through some of the other rumours that are stated on Screamscape, then it isn't completely impossible...
^I could see that happening.

I also agree on a launch.. Florida is NEEDING a great launcher to compliment the rest of the rides.
I would love a B&M hyper. That just seems to fit. I've thought that Florida has been missing one of those. Never felt the launcg absence myself too much, maybe because of Rock 'n' Roller Coaster?

I know the obvious pattern would be another B&M, but it would be cool if they broke from it. But a Hyper seems most likely in my opinion. It's needed and it'll fit perfectly.

But isn't Feb 25th very early for an announcement for a new coaster for next year?!
A mega-lite would fit nicely into the park =D. Unlikely though.

Maybe we'll see a B&M flyer.
Hmm, I also find it a little bit early to announce a 2011 coaster.. But is it definitive that the coaster would be built next year? I mean BGT is open year around right? Then they could start construction soon and be finished later this year!

Regarding what coaster type they'll build there's a lot of different rumors! B&M, Intamin or Mack? Hyper, Launched or Looper? I think it would be a bad decision to build yet another Looper. It would be really cool to see a Blue Fire clone but it just would make no sense with both Kumba and Montu already in the park (and Scorpion and Sheikra with loops as well)!

The most reasonable decision would be a B&M hyper. Florida lacks a hyper coaster which would make for a huge marketing opportunity! And since Busch only has consulted B&M the past years and has had great success doing so it would be strange not to follow that trend..

Personally I would prefer an Intamin Mega coaster. And if there is any substance in the launch rumor why not a launched Intamin Mega coaster!? That would be the first of it's kind and a really cool ride! Imagine a good launch with a 70 meter tall top hat followed by a mega coaster layout, that would totally rock! cool)
^ I have a feeling that we might see some ace themeing :) , and as you sait BGA is opened year round then it might be ready for the Christmas season...

Busch have also worked with Mack for the water coasters in the Sea World parks.

And as Snoo pointed out before, Florida needs a great launch coaster, and I have to say that I would rather ride blue fire any day of the week instead of any accelerator I have been on.
And more people really need to experience a fast inline-twist :)
^I would have.. but.. stupid Cedar Point. Well you could count Storm Runner.. but meh. :p

As for a Flyer? Doubt it. Manta JUST came in a few miles down the road, and BGT wants to keep the uniqueness of the park I would assume. That is where a launcher would come into play.
WingWalker? Those are noisy and require lots of room, but I don't know what BGT has to work with concerning space and neighbours.

4D? Let's forget it already, shall we?

Woodie? Hmm... interesting, but it would affect Gwazi's marketability.

Aquatrax? Just to have mentioned it. There. No need to bring it up again.

Skywheel/Skyloop? Would be unique, but the capacity is so-so.

Giga? This is an interesting possibility, but even I say "not likely". A Hyper is more like it, though.

I bet it's going to be a launcher of sorts. It will be interesting to see the maker, though. So far, my money's on Intamin, but Mack is a possibility as well.
^^ I don't think that the in-line on Furius Baco is the same as the one on blue fire...
Baco is definitely a bit longer and more drawn out the BFire.. on top of the fact the trains are completely different and give a massively different feeling through the inversion.
Blue Fire style coaster is 5 million times better than a Furius Baco wing walker, its hard to describe the pain of Baco.
From what I've heard, this is going to be like a blitzcoaster, similar to both Maverick and Storm Runner, but not necessarily built by Intamin. I've also heard that BGA people were at Hersheypark and were very interested in Storm Runner sometime in the operating season.

I'm definitely interested in this project. Whatever it is, it will be good. Busch does an outstanding job with their rides.

Also, you guys are forgetting about The Incredible Hulk. Sure, its launch isn't like a rocket coaster, but it's still a launched coaster, and a pretty good one at that.
An Intamin hydraulic launch coaster seems unlikely to me. I don't think Busch would risk it because of the reliability of them. A Hyper Coaster sounds most realistic...but I wouldn't be surprised if we're surprised. :p
Also, you guys are forgetting about The Incredible Hulk. Sure, its launch isn't like a rocket coaster, but it's still a launched coaster, and a pretty good one at that.

We aren't forgetting.. it just doesn't apply to what we are discussing. Yeah it launches.. but it is a crappy launch for one and doesn't give you the feeling of speed which we are hoping for a traditional launch coaster.

Don't assume.