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*coaster name needed*


Roller Poster
Firstly, hello, I'm new and this is my new project!
I'll have some pictures up in a bit, but I wanted to give out some specs on what I've built so far and thoughts. So it is a hyper coaster and is (estimate) 250 ft at its highest point. After the drop, it drops to about 100 ft then goes up and is caught by a second lift hill to 250 ft again. It then takes a left turn (sort of like on Expedition G-Force, just other way) and plummets to the ground... and hits a overbanked curve @ 200 ft to the left again. That's all I have so far, I've built the supports for the hill, Behemoth-esque supports. Ideas to continue the coaster, and thoughts so far. Pictures will come ASAP.
Well your not going to be able to post pictures until you have 20 post and it seems a little weird to have 2 lift hills on a B&M or is it a Intamin?
jjjjustin12 said:
Well your not going to be able to post pictures until you have 20 post and it seems a little weird to have 2 lift hills on a B&M or is it a Intamin?
Oh, okay, so no pics.
Also, I'm not making a Intamin or B&M. It's just a random brand, I don't know the differences between them, post 'em and I'll tell you what it's closer to.
Well you could post a link to the pictures though.
B&M track looks like this

and Intamin

either way they are both highly unlikely to have 2 lift hills
It's an Intamin track style then.
Yes, I'm aware that most coasters don't have two lift hills, but I wanted to put in a unique feature.
You need 20 posts I'm afraid to be able to post links. It's to stop spammers.

New CF has a different approach... You'll see ;)
Get to posting around in the general discussions! Make them note-worthy, rather than 1 liners (I.E. NO posts that go like "This looks great!").
Okay, so I've decided, but I'm going to do a teaser TRAILER, considering I just got Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro, I gotta fool around with it, so by Thursday, I'll post the trailer here :D
Plus, I've decided the name is going to be "Firebolt" :p