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Coaster Tournament '18 Finals

Steel Vengeance

But really did anyone expect anything else to win?

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6: Taron, Phantasialand

Steel Vengeance looks amazing and I don't think Taron is the best coaster that I'll ever do, but it's my current n°1, so no way I'm voting against it.
I'm just glad to see my favourite coaster finally reaching the finals (or hell, even semi-finals). It's been too long to finally not feel like a total newb. :p
5: Steel Vengeance, Cedar Point

It was obvious from day one that this was going to win, and rightly so. It's the best coaster in the world.
Steel Vengeance is obviously and most likely rightfully going to win. But I'm gonna vote Taron so it doesn't totally lose with only 1 point to its name.

6: Taron, Phantasialand
I'm always late to the party when it comes to voting, but I'll make sure my Taron gets a good innings...

6: Taron, Phantasialand
6: Taron, Phantasialand
As a whole experience I'm still voting Taron.
SV might be really big and thrilling, but people need to see thats not all there is to a coaster :D