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CoasterForce World Exclusive from CWoA


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CoasterForce World Exclusive from Chessington World of Adventures

Chessington World of Adventures took CoasterForce behind the scenes to give us a glimpse (a very detailed glimpse too!) of their new land "Wild Asia" and how the development will continue on for the next five years as they work towards becoming Britains Best Adventure!

The informal chat over coffee and cakes with the team behind "Wild Asia" also involved a visit to the construction site! So where to begin?


Kiss my asp!

Brand Development
The morning began with a chat about Chessington as a whole attraction and where they want to place themselves in terms of their target audience and what the bigger picture will be for their future. A lot of work has gone into refining the Chessington brand with relation to the other Merlin Attractions. Naturally, they are keen to impress that they are very much a family attraction and by family they mean the WHOLE family. Whether it is the toddlers, the teens, the parents or the grandparents Chessington are committed to ensuring that everyone will have something to do in EVERY area of the park. Part of this includes integrating the rides, entertainments and zoo elements so that they run throughout the whole park. This has already started in Wild Asia with the new Lorikeet House. This work will also continue with the development of the current habitats of animals, particularly the expansion of the Gorilla home to give them more living space and then further down the line, enable more visitors to get up close.

Starting with Wild Asia they are going to be developing the "Adventure" as a brand. In order to do this Chessington are focusing on four brand values:
Family Fusion: From the toddlers to the grandparents. Everyone can enjoy the attractions TOGETHER.
Pioneering: Ensuring they are offering experiences that are unique throughout the whole of the UK.
Naturally Respectful: Always being respectful of the animals, the staff, the guests and the environment.
Untamed Fun: Making sure that all of these adventures are wild, exciting, thrilling and of course, fun!

Themed Areas
Each section of the park is going to be further developed to have a "continent theme" and the mythological and real world adventures that each continent offers. In the change from Beanoland to Wild Asia we have seen the attractions shuffled around slightly in order to open up the space and also include more attractions. This also includes the development of the links between Wild Asia and the Mystic East until they become unified under the Wild Asia banner.

The whole story of Wild Asia is of a long forgotten but rediscovered mystical ruins in amongst the jungles of Asia. You are part of that rediscovery including its mystical and magical powers. All of this story is subtly being told through the use of ever immersive theming. Part of the planning process for the area was to develop a full story that covers every detail. In order to make sure that when it came to the design process, everything has a purpose, reason and significance, even if only experienced on a subconscious level.

Future developments include "adventures" in Africa, including a complete Serengeti Savannah which will actually have its Planning application submitted on 10th February. This 20 acre will sit behind the hotel enabling hotel visitors the opportunity to sit on the terrace overlooking the animals. They are also working on continent areas including both the Americas and European "lands" soon after in the five year development plan. Of course, the "savannah" setting is a long term project which will feature animals and therefore they reminded us that this part of the project will be ongoing and will take time as the animals adjust to their new surroundings.

Graham McGrath, Creative and Entertainments Manager revealed how each land will become more distinct and will give the visitor the impression of literally discovering each new adventure "around the corner". This includes a real focus on both the grand and subtle scale. A real emphasis is being taken on making sure that every land is a totally immersive experience from the floor upwards, including everything from the bins and benches, merchandise and food right through to brand new distinct and theme suggestive music for every area. He also went on to tell us that this includes a brand new score soundtrack for the park entrance to compliment the updating of the logo and some refit work to the South Entrance. This is even further expanded as all signage is being replaced to include the new font work for the park throughout the year. In general, work is very much ongoing in cleaning up every last detail to create these immersive experiences.

We finished up this section of the morning with a Q & A and I can officially shed some light on a couple of rumours that seem to come around as often as a carousel:

We have all heard that The Vampire is nearing the end of its lifespan and that the park are looking to remove it and redevelop the area. Head of Rides, Rob Bishop was very quick to tell us that this rumour is… FALSE. The Vampire is going nowhere. In fact, it is quite the opposite! It was the UK's first swinging suspended coaster making it evermore important to the park as they still consider it an icon attraction, including its much loved station soundtrack and the Transylvanian setting that it resides in.

Replacement For Rodeo
We all remember the rumours that followed the removal of the Huss Breakdance. Stories of plans for Topple Towers and various other attractions have done the rounds and then it all went a bit quiet. Never fear, they are still looking at the site and this looks set to be seen in 2014. According to the Head of Operations, Craig Dunkerly they certainly have something in mind but unfortunately they can not tell us what that is yet.

This little bit of information isn’t so much a rumour but will certainly please enthusiasts. I can happily announce that part of the incorporation of the Mystic East with Wild Asia means they will also be looking at the hotly discussed Dragon Falls mountains! Craig told us that part of the retheming and development of each land would be making sure that every detail from every angle will match the theme. This means that the great climb up the falls will no longer reveal views of maintenance areas and make them all hidden as part of the theme. Something that will continue to be implemented throughout the whole park covering everything backstage buildings to guttering .

Visit to the Wild Asia Construction Site
After donning high-vis jackets and hard hats we then took to the park and trekked straight over to the Wild Asia site for a first hand glimpse of the extensive work that is going on. Immediately, we all commented on how the area as a whole felt much bigger, which means that the space is much better utilized to fit in a large new attraction. The whole area feels wider now that the Dodgems fit in so well on the site of the previous balloon sling game. Of course, work is still on going but we were able to get right in amongst the cranes and workmen and see these details developing. Let us start at the entrance… This incredibly basic diagram shows the layout of Wild Asia. Obviously it's not to scale but should give you a good idea of what to expect.


An impressive archway has risen up to really give the area a grand entrance and that isn’t all. The archway extends and turns a corner left so that the first full on view of Wild Asia is actually of the building that houses the shop which is to be the Maharajas Market. The attention to detail that has been given to the retail and food building is exceptionally impressive including all the brickwork and carved-stone animals that adorn it. This building is also being themed throughout including the merchandise itself and meals that are inspired by Asian cuisine.

To the left of this entrance stands what was formerly the Bash Street Bus and is sat ready for retheming in a full safari style and has been placed here to really emphasise the journey into Wild Asia. It does also mean that the rides have been placed to ensure the adventure really does begin right at the entrance.

Going further along into the land Nic in particular was very excited to hear that there will even be a Tuk-Tuk right outside the shop and that she would soon get the chance to sit in a Tuk-Tuk to have her lunch and then bounce around the Tuk-Tuk themed dodgems! Do you get the impression she likes a Tuk-Tuk?

Work is also speeding along in the form of the previous Beanoland treehouse. I don’t want to spoil the surprise about the centrepiece tree but needless to say, adults and children alike that venture up close will experience some very interactive "enchantment".

A closer look revealed the excellent artwork that has been given to the Waveswinger, the Dodgems building and the transformation of the adventure play park, rethemed as a grand temple. We did ask if this development would also enable us to finally have a go too (as adults) but alas no. Still, the details are so well thought out and designed that already the theming looks terrific.


Monkey-See, Monkey-Do… Monkey-Done!

Situated just behind the playhouse is the new Lorikeet house including its very own lagoon. This is in the early stages of building but it was revealed that as well as being the first step in integrating animals around the park it would also have an interactive feature where you can pay a small fee and feed the Lorikeets nectar.

And what of the new feature for this area - Kobra? The main structure is fully in place and engineers are currently working on installing the ride mechanism itself. Alongside this, the station platform is also well underway and work has also now begun on the giant cobra statues themselves as the body pieces are being put in place. Needless to say that these are going to be very striking, dominating and a popular feature of the area! Again, as part of the immersive experience there has been a real effort in both the style and function of the Disko ride. The riders adventure will begin underneath the central hill and then run right alongside one side of the track. The viewing area alongside the other meaning that you photographers out there can get it from every possible angle.


Queue line entrance… hopefully less muddy

As you can imagine, the CWoA team are keeping this project under wraps so photography is quite limited but we do have this little extra in our group photo…


Six big heads

I can most definitely say that the artist impressions and plans we have already seen truly are coming to life throughout the whole area. It is clear how passionate the team at Chessington truly are in both this project and the future development of the park. We all left feeling that the park is in very safe hands and that we are truly excited about the fast approaching opening day on 27th March. Although there is no CF-Live I am pretty sure we will be there to join in the adventure as Chessington reveals one of their most stunning projects yet!

On behalf of CoasterForce, I would like to thank Maria Hamilton (PR Manager) and Carly Shutes (PR Assistant Manager), Craig, Graham and Rob who hosted this fantastic tour and for taking the time to reveal your plans, hear our ideas and suggestions and being so welcoming.
Tuk-tuk themed dodgems!

It's such a good idea that I'm surprised it hasn't been done before. It's also good to see that CWoA are giving a new lease of life to existing attractions whilst also adding new attractions at the same time.

The idea of spreading animals around the park is also something I like the sound of because Drayton and Flamingoland tend to suffer by having their zoos separated from their parks. Despite numerous visits to FL, I only wandered into the zoo for the first time this year, and I've never been to the one at Drayton.

Here's hoping that Chessington get a woodie soon, but in the meantime, I look forward to my annual visit for GF.
Well done Mark (and Ian, age 29 1/2 - LOL!) for a great report.

I just want to add to the comments that have already been made. We all came away with a real sense that the future looks very bright indeed for the park. The whole management team were very enthusiastic, and genuinely seem to enjoy and care about the work that they do. All of the changes that are on the cards are very much the types of things that we, as enthusiasts, agree with and are looking forward to seeing. I. for one, came away with a much renewed enthusiasm for the park, and am genuinely very excited to see what developments are on the cards for the next few years. From what we saw yesterday, I think we can rest assured that they're very good at putting their plans into action, and what we've seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'd also like to again thank the park management for giving us this fantastic opportunity. We really felt very priveledged to be invited, and to be given the chance to see things and go places that others can't. They also seem to really value our opinions and contributions, so hopefully this will be just the start of a long and exciting relationship between CWoA and CF.
Wow you can eally see the scale of the snakes head when you're next to it.
Can't wait to check out this new area. Looks like it's already a massive improvement on Beanoland which has needed a re-theme for a long time.
Do the water fountains still work on the Chair Swings?
Ollie said:
Do the water fountains still work on the Chair Swings?

Great minds think alike! I actually made of point of asking and YES the water fountains will most definately be staying!
Woohoo. I can't wait to hear all the new soundtracks. Hopefully It'll be more than just ambience.
^some and some I think, Ollie. They've definately been working with composers to create new original music. However, they made it sound like there will also be good use of ambient sounds throught the park too
Yep. Whole new scores are being created!

As mentioned they are getting a park theme soundtrack, aswell as each land getting new music. This is ongoing over the next few years though!
Awesome stuff! Great read that.

Glad nothings happening to Vampire and I'm glad the team seem to be concentrating on the whole experince a lot more. Also pleased to hear about the Dragons Falls rockwork. The Tomb Blaster ride building does need covering.

New Music scores? My favourite bit of news :) Aslong as we don't loose Vampires station one of course!

I take it there was nothing about Dragons Fury? Surely they may want to work on its theming too. Mind you, If that can get a cool soundtrack to hear, Im not complaining! :)

Nice way to complete a decent day for me :D

Thanks for the infomation.
Transylvania, Pirates cove and Land of the Dragons will eventually become "Wild Europe". As I understand it, this will involve work on the entrances to the area, especially the area by land of dragons. It will also involve opening up that daft dead end by the rocking tug. In general, they're working on improving the theming throughout the park, so we can probably expect to see changes such as themed bins and benches, and an improved soundtrack in the area as part of that work.

Oh, and they love the Vampire music dearly. From the way they were talknig, I can't see that going any time soon.
A-Kid said:
New Music scores? My favourite bit of news :) Aslong as we don't loose Vampires station one of course!

Vampire's music is absolutely fine. They are very aware of Vampire's classic status and how important it is to the park.

It was an absolutely fantastic day, probably the best day I've ever had at a theme park (which is saying a lot seeing as we didn't ride anything). I'm so pleased that the new area is looking amazing and that the future of the park looks very bright.
Damn right Vampire is a classic, my first coaster :lol:

It all sounds awesome... Interesting about these new are soundtracks... Would love for Fury to get a proper one, but if they touch Griffins' music I will be upset...

Still want a Gerstlauer launched though ;)

2014 till a Rodeo replacement? Lol... That'll be what... 10 years since Rodeo went? Silly Tussauds...

Any news on Bubbles or the branded outlets Mark? Since Merlin did mention they were planning for more in-house stuff, plus obv Bubbles' sponsorship is ending this year I think...

I do wish they would remove that ride in the background of one of the pics for a version that can use all it's capacity (and get rid of other low capacity rides and bring in more that average 400 odd an hour)...

But in all honesty, I'm more excited about this than Thirteen... Go Chessie, go back to the times of the early 90s!
We did ask them about brand tie-ins. They said that they'd only really consider doing it again if they could leave the theme of the ride/area alone, and just get a company to slap a few stickers on it [heavily paraphrased!]. Therefore, you might possibly see more along the lines of Bubbleworks, but I can't see another Beanoland type project happening again. They also said they're keen to keep as much in-house as possible, as external names can detract from the park's own brand. However, they did say they'd consider more non-ride based branded 'attractions'. I took this to mean that we could well see more along the lines of the recent Ice Age 3 exhibit.

Oh, and Bubbleworks isn't going anywhere. I get the feeling that, at the end of the Imperial Leather contract, they'll just take the branded signs down, and you won't notice much difference (like Rumba Rapids and the Ribena contract). Maria said that she started the job around the time that Bubbleworks was initially re-themed. She said she couldn't believe how passionate people were about it not being changed, to the point of recieving hate mail etc! Therefore, I don't think they'll be touching it again for a while!

Oh, and I presume you're talking about the ferris wheel. We didn't ask them about that, although we did get a resounding no when asked if anything would be leaving the park, so I don't know. Also, interestingly, the throughput of Kobra is only going to be in the region of 500 an hour. However, as they pointed out, that's 500 more than the park had previously...
^People were passionate about Bubbles being turned into Imperial Leather because it was a cult classic... I would rather them give it a massive make-over again than leave it... I'm probably not the only one who thinks that... But not a return to the original, something that fits Translyvania but has the same appeal to kids that the old and current ride does...

If Peeking Heights (ferris wheel) could actually use it's capacity I wouldn't mind, but it can't because of balancing issues... It causes a lot of issues between staff and guests as to why the loading process is so rubbish (in guest's eyes), and as a result it can get stupidly long queues... Replacing it with a better wheel (same height obviously) would improve the old 'queuing spoilt my day' situation...

Similar for the smaller rides with appauling throughputs (Truckers, Berries)... But if they're looking at keeping rides aimed at Toddlers than those probably won't be leaving...

Currently for Chessie any ride is a great addition due to the years of neglect it has had, indeed any improvement is an improvement... Just hopefully all these plans we've been told come to fruition and we also see one or two major rides in the pipeline...

2017 will be the park's 30th anniversary, hopefully something major will certainly be occuring then... But defo want another major ride before then...
I really enjoyed reading that; thanks Mark and all who went for bringing this to us. The future certainly does look bright for Chessington. Attention to detail is key in an immersive experience as seen by the likes of Disney, Universal etc. From music to rides to benches, it all needs to flow consistently and it seems that this is what they are now focused on doing. I'm glad they're going down this route as Chessington is one of my favourite parks.
Stone Cold said:
The idea of spreading animals around the park is also something I like the sound of because Drayton and Flamingoland tend to suffer by having their zoos separated from their parks.

It's a double-edged sword really. Yes, the thrill seekers may tend to ignore the zoos, but they're popular with families with young children and/or grandparents in tow, often being a welcome "break" from the crowds and noise of the ride areas.

Then you've got issues with the animals themselves. Different species have different levels of tolerance to noise and crowds: some aren't bothered by it, some can adapt over time, while others will always be nervous and uncomfortable.

I can understand what Chessington are trying to do: making sure the wants/needs of all guests are catered for within the same areas of the park, but for a lot of people it's not about seeing animals; it's about escaping from the noise and the stress of the rides, crowds and arcade machines for an hour or two.
This sounds great. I'm especially pleased with the news about the music. They normally have great music at the ex-Tussauds parks, so I hope that Merlin keep this up.

I will certainly be there on opening day to see this.
See, and nobody believed me 3 years ago when I was told by Merlins head honcho that Chessington is going to be the Bucsh Gardens of the UK.

Clearly, I was right.
Tick 1 to me. <3

lol, great report, I'm looking forward to this :)
I wouldn't be suprised if in the next few years we see some more thrill rides (on par with Ramesis Revenge maybe) entering the park, so more thrill seekers come to the park, as it seems appropriate considering the circumstances, but obviously not underminding Thorpe ("the thrill capital").