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Did Th13teen live up to the hype and your expectations?


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
No doubt come Saturday evening, fanboys across the country will be creaming over this ride, hence this topic.

Will unlock tomorrow morning so I can lock the construction topic and move on to the next best thing!
The coaster section is fun, fairly tame but nice and smooth. The indoor section took me a little by surprise, and the backward laucnh section was great. Overall I think they messed up the marketing and the theme by aiming it at thrillseekers when it seems like more of a family ride layout.
Well for me, yes, it lived up to my personal expectations and more. I took this as what it was ever going to be, and it was brilliant for that. The biggest surprise for me was the throughput, the queue was moving really quickly after the shop where everyone kept stopping. The queue was never boring with the theming and the surroundings, especially the inside of the building with the writing on the wall and the voices "you better not go alone", then you're straight into the station. We joined the queue at around 9:45am when it was by Peugeot Driving School, but I think they then let everyone into the queue. There were ride-ops and other people riding it before 10am, but as soon as that came, the queue started moving remarkably quickly, meaning we were on within an hour!

So onto the coaster itself, the station was fantastically themed. The first lift was smooth and quick and the outside layout overall was really fun. Then into the building, I really didn't know what to expect. The effects with the lights and sounds were great and the little drop takes you by surprise because you don't know when it's going to come. Then the second bigger drop in the dark is just fantastic. How it connects so quickly to the track again is great, because you're going backwards within seconds. The backwards section is really fun aswell because it's pitch black, and the track is shaped so it feels like your swaying. And then you're back into the brakes and get launched back into the station.

One of the best things for me was that I came off wanting to re-ride straight away, which I don't get off many rides at Towers these days, although I couldn't due to having to leave early for Stoke. So overall this really was a hit for me, although as some say a little short, but overall really good.

The whole area looks fantastic aswell, the music and the retheming of all the shops make the whole area look great. Rita's new trains and station look great aswell and I can't wait to go back next week to have a proper full day and get more rides on Th13teen!
Brookes said:
Well for me, yes, it lived up to my personal expectations and more. I took this as what it was ever going to be, and it was brilliant for that. The biggest surprise for me was the throughput, the queue was moving really quickly after the shop where everyone kept stopping. The queue was never boring with the theming and the surroundings, especially the inside of the building with the writing on the wall and the voices "you better not go alone", then you're straight into the station. We joined the queue at around 9:45am when it was by Peugeot Driving School, but I think they then let everyone into the queue. There were ride-ops and other people riding it before 10am, but as soon as that came, the queue started moving remarkably quickly, meaning we were on within an hour!

So onto the coaster itself, the station was fantastically themed. The first lift was smooth and quick and the outside layout overall was really fun. Then into the building, I really didn't know what to expect. The effects with the lights and sounds were great and the little drop takes you by surprise because you don't know when it's going to come. Then the second bigger drop in the dark is just fantastic. How it connects so quickly the track again is great, because you're going backwards within seconds. The backwards section is really fun aswell because it's pitch black, and the track is shaped so it feels like your swaying. And then you're back into the brake and get launched back into the brakes into the station.

One of the best things for me was that I came off wanting to re-ride straight away,which I don't get off many rides at Towers these days, although I couldn't due to having to leave early for Stoke. So overall this really was a hit for me, although as some say a little short, but overall really good.

The whole area looks fantastic aswell, the music and the retheming of all the shops make the whole area look great. Rita's new trains and station look great aswell and I can't wait to go back next week to have a proper full day and get more rides on Th13teen!

Is the 13th wraith thing true?
Please can someone in the next review include how many trains were running? And how many trains there are?
wabbit42 said:
After hearing people's reviews are now looking forward to riding this!

Oh wow, me too, I'm glad it has good reviews, it's because people thought it would be crap, but what I would like to hear, is how people rate it with the other coasters at Alton.

April 10th here I come! :--D
Okay, interesting one.

As an enthusiast, being told "the greatest coaster" or "Alton's next thrill ride" it's a big disappointment. It just doesn't tick the boxes for that at all. Note, this is for an enthusiast, but we're a hardened bunch who need a LOT to thrill us.

Also, in terms of going the extra mile to make it brilliant using effects - it also doesn't really satisfy. The theming is good, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have the extra effects to really envelop you in the story and theme. It's a bit "flat".

So, the ride itself? It's a good enough, fun enough little family coaster run through the woods. It's a bit like Troublesome Trucks at Drayton, so good fun.

The height limit too is just right. It's a family coaster and I'm happy with that too. The indoor section was a bit broken on our first run, but apparently on subsequent runs was better. The indoor theming was not so great without decent effects.

The backwards section I actually really enjoyed. I found it just really great fun.

So, if Alton had said to me "here is one of the best family rides for a decade" - I'd say "spot on".

Here's the big but!

The public loved it. The less hardened riders screamed, shrieked, cried and laughed their way off the ride. So while there was certainly disappointment from the way it had been "sold" to enthusiasts, it's not a failure by a long shot.

One to watch.

As a family replacement to Corkscrew, I personally think it's brilliant. It's much, much better than Corkscrew was.

Oh, I also loved the "Japanese horror" style station - very creepy.

In order of rides I enjoy at Alton? It's below Nemesis and Oblivion, above air and Rita, so in the middle, above RMT and Spinball. So third best coaster for me in the park - but not as a thrill ride.
I've read that although the effects were on in the crypt today, not all of them were working.

Also, although yes, they did hype this ride ridiculously, it's got people in the gates and at the end of the year or beginning of next year, once we've all forgotten about all that hype I think it'll fit nicely into the Alton line-up and be considered a nice addition to the park.
I really didn't like it. It ranks dead last out of the major rides at Alton for me.

The coaster section is average, got a little air time but the only major drop is ruined by trim brakes.

The whole indoor bit was very poor. The effects, the build up, the actual drop... can't say I was impressed by any of it.

and If I want to ride a helix in the dark backwards I'll go to thrope.

Awesome day, but ride was an epic fail for me.
Oh yeah and I can't get over the new advert either, tis brilliant.

Thirteen is a ride of two halves would be the simple answer...

First of all the throughput I think may have just shocked everyone... A full queue resulted in just over an hour long wait... This is with 3 trains with 20 people each for those who wanted to know... And I was really really happy to see that instead of a poor capacity ride that this really is great...

The area's themeing and music is just right in my opinion, very atmospheric and slightly eerie, although Rita's new voice is AWFUL...

Thirteen's short indoor queue is very well themed, as is the station and the main two indoor sections...

The drop is actually great fun... I had a feeling this ride would enter into the 'fun' category of things, and the drop isn't too slow nor too quick... Just right and had the train highly entertained by it...

The following helix is also fun, but the best part of the ride is the AWESOME launch off the transfer track, it's really silly how quick you go off it, but a really amusing end...

On the other hand...

The outdoor section lacks basically... Everything... There's not much to do about it at all really, apart from the first drop providing some rather epic airtime if you're in the back... But it's not really anything to write home about... Maybe if it were faster then it would provide a lot more fun times...

As furie said, there's not a lot linking you to an actual story or the theme... You just seem to end up in a crypt and fall through the floor... Maybe if some of the statues located in there moved as the little drop went off it would add something, and indeed on the bottom floor there wasn't a lot to look at unless you were at the front... But since I didn't do that, don't know what it was...

It needed some voices or alternative noises inside the crypt as well, simple stuff like 'you shouldn't have come here' or similar would have added a few points...

To describe this in one word, it would be 'average'... The indoor section I found superior to the outdoor section, and as always it would seem that the back row is the best place to sit...

Out of 10, I'd give it 6...
Interesting... this ride appears to be rather average as I expected. I like that it's doing something new and exciting with the indoor section but aside from that it looks and sounds pretty whatever.

Still, if it's better than Corkscrew and is a halfway decent family coaster it's still a win for the park. I prob won't get to Alton till May.

I agree with Bob3 tho;- the post watershed 13 TV advert is freaking AWESOME! Possibly the best AT TV ad ever. Shame about the ride heh.

I really wanna see a pov on youtube, come on riders upload!
One of the best things for me was that I came off wanting to re-ride straight away

Yeah thats what I imagine it will be like, just a fun re-ride-able coaster. Not intense, no sickening feelings, no head ache. Just a fun ride, similar to Spinball.

Whilst the ride obviously isn't going to be everyone#s cup of tea, its a great move for Alton and hopefully a sign of things to come.

Quick question, was there anything going on in the 'forest'? Alton keep mentioning about the forest 'coming alive', so I got the feeling there would be things going on at the flat section of track?
^There was nothing there that I could see. But as people have already said there were some things missing yesterday, where effects are concerned.
I havent been on it yet, but I plan to. I am going to review it by what have seen on videos, commercials and other reviews. So the station, I couldnt really see the theming, all I saw was something that looked like half a tree on the wall or something, please dont be angry if I am wrong. The train looks fantastic, and I like to see the lap bars instead of nearly all the coasters around this time having OTSR's. The outdoor section looked nice and smooth, not like a Nemesis type of coaster, more family orientated. Then you enter the crypt, I am a HUGE fan of drop towers so this was amazing, I thought they should added some theming, maybe some of the people in the black robes, or a little anamatronic of the little girl from the advert, then the backward section. To me that dosent look that good, but it is from videos, so I am sorry if it is amazing. Then back to the station. This ride has everything. I think it did live up to my expectations
^It lived up to your expectations but you haven't been on it? :roll:

If the outdoor section had some animatronic trees that fell towards to on some of the turns that would be quite good actually... Especially if they grow back a lot of trees so it actually looks like a proper forest...

What other effects do they reckon they have Brookes? Couldn't really see what else they could have since you're in the downstairs bit for such a short time... Wouldn't want them to ruin their capacity for a longer show scene after the queue yesterday...

Also, the on-ride photo should really be at the drop section... Because imagine the faces you would have on that image, rather than the bottom of the first drop...
f the outdoor section had some animatronic trees that fell towards to on some of the turns

Oh yeah that would be sensible. Spending thousants on fake trees that move, that people won't even notice. Not entirely sure thats the best business idea.

Just think, once the trees have grown abit more, the leaves are out, that outside section will be ALOT better.
bob_3_ said:
Oh yeah that would be sensible. Spending thousants on fake trees that move, that people won't even notice. Not entirely sure thats the best business idea.

Timing is key... And since the speed isn't exactly high around any of the outdoor section, with great timing it could work...

No need to jump off the handle at just blue sky thinking... :roll: