Slammer is a weird one for me. It's down time has brought it down massivly in my books of over-all rating, but as to whether i enjoy the ride or not, i'm nto really sure.
Most will agree that the sholder restraints are pretty bad. To be honest, i love the forward free fall, but going back feels uncumftable. It' rotatiosn feel too slow. I'm not a fan of hang-time. I don't like the length it takes to load, nor am i impressed by how long it takes to lower. I have so many bad experiances of burning in the sun on that thing.
So, no, i don't really enjoy it. It's an impressive looking ride, and it's capacity is great. But capacty serves as nothign with such rubbish loading. And as a ride experiance, it's only positive is the forward free fall - the unique experiance of up over, down under and over, as opose to the oposite.