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Does KK have the single worst airtime hill ever?

Am I right

  • yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • no

    Votes: 6 85.7%

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Roller Poster
Now in my years as a theme park enthusiast I have come across the fact that TTD has no airtime hill yet is widely considered much better among many enthusiasts than KK. For years this has baffled my mind since airtime is so widely important to almost all coaster experts in separating the good and the bad. After years of pondering I have finally figured out that the only way this must be possible is that KK's airtime hill must be so bad that people would rather have a straight line of track. Now having not been on either of them I must turn to you guys to confirm or deny this theory and to give me a reason why for each choice. Oh and feel free to discuss this among yourselves. Thank you
Haven't rode either but I know that the reason people prefer TTD isn't to do with airtime. Its because it has lap bars which allow upper body movement and KK is known for being rattly and rough.
^ Exactly.

The airtime hill isn't fantastic, but that really is an afterthought in my mind when it comes to picking TTD over KK. The restraints, and rougher launch/ride make TTD better.
I have not ridden either but sometimes airtime isn't everything, e.i. I prefer Incredible Hulk to Goliath at SFOG. Kingda Ka has trims before the drop so that might kill it for some enthusiast, plus I have heard KK is kind of rattly.
Only have ridden TTD, I can say that with the lapbars and smoothness, it is probably better.

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Yeah, if there is no airtime than it can't really be classed as an airtime hill surely? It's a camelback hill or any of the other names given to hills on coasters. So if you class it as an airtime hill, then yes it is the worst because there is none, but they're worse camelback hills out there.
The worst airtime hills ever are on The Big One. I really like the ride even though it's not actually that good.
valleyfair! said:
The airtime hill isn't fantastic, but that really is an afterthought in my mind when it comes to picking TTD over KK. The restraints, and rougher launch/ride make TTD better.

This. The airtime hill isn't horrendous, but the launch and restraints are. I guess the top hat is ok and provides nice views but I still hate the ride, and the hill adds nothing.
It's hard to get airtime when you are hitting the brakes.

To call it an airtime hill would mean it was intended to have airtime.
CookieCoasters said:
Yeah, if there is no airtime than it can't really be classed as an airtime hill surely? It's a camelback hill or any of the other names given to hills on coasters. So if you class it as an airtime hill, then yes it is the worst because there is none, but they're worse camelback hills out there.

Speed hill.