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Does pain detract from a ride?


The Legend
Of course, this is because of SkyRush. Only reason I ask is because I'm getting slammed for not liking it BECAUSE of the pain.. yet it happens all the times to a multitude of rides.

To me, the Skyrush experience was a lot like having sex with the hottest woman you know but getting punched in the nuts every minute for your trouble.

There's good pain and bad pain. Good pain is something you find on a woody where it is definitely painful but not painful enough to detract from the ride experience like Leap the Dips or Skyliner in the back seat on the wheels.

Then there's pain that detracts from the ride. It hurts so much it's just not fun. Skyrush is a good example.

The only reason for me skyrush is so high up is because by the thrid time around the ERT my legs were used to it so it didn't hurt anymore
Ha I do apologize, by getting slammed you of course mean from me...and I guess I was a bit harsh. My bad.

Yes, there is indeed good (wooden coaster) pain and bad (Arrow Dynamic Looper) pain.
I like getting thrashed around, don't enjoy my head being a washing machine.

I just didn't find Skyrush that bad. I guess it's just me. Pain was over quick and I didn't find it that bad to begin with. If the pain is that bad then yeah it'll detract because who wants that?
Very few rides for me cause enough pain for me to say it detracts. One of the most bitched about rides is GhostRider, which I still find to be fun. Granted it isn't as fun as it was 10 years ago, but I still really enjoy it. But I also allow myself to be ok if wooden rides are rough, unless it is Racer or Judge Roy Scream bad, both of which led to bruised ribs.

So not really, unless it is torture.
Yeah, I've personally never felt pain, real pain, on anything outside Arrow/Vekoma coasters. Maybe a few others, but just a few. It happened on Batman & Robin the Chiller but they later changed to lap bars, and that coaster no longer exists of course.
Never had it that bad on a wooden coaster though I've heard Son of Beast was truly that bad.

So I'll second that, not really unless it is torture.
Oo its not you, although you did spark my thoughts on creating a topic. Others enjoyed it SO much.. and I just didn't feel the same.
Sounds like the 2012 Group page lol.

For me, a ride has to do one of two things before I say "This isnt fun anymore.":

1) Eats my kneecaps
2) Makes me feel like 2 hands have grabbed my spine and decide to find out which ways it shouldnt bend.

Examples of said rides: GASM at SFoG, Beast and Desperado.
There's a massive difference between pain & roughness.

If a ride is pretty rough, I still think there's some enjoyment factor that's possible. Look at Nash for example, it's rough, but it can still be enjoyed, by some people anyway.

Whereas if a ride is painful, unless you're into S&M, I don't think you can properly enjoy it. If you come away from the ride thinking, "Yeah, it was good, but that pain was unbearable". It's showing the enjoyment factor is somewhat lacking.
Saw is a good example in my opinion. It would actually be a decent ride if it didn't make your ears bleed from impact.
I rarely have problems with pain or discomfort - boomerangs and SLCs being the main culprits.

Other coasters which I find unbearable are Bandit, Space mountain m2, Mean streak, furius baco and kanonen, although I'd probably still have one ride on each of them if I visited the parks again.

One from the live was superman at SFA - those shin bars were agony! I'd have rather enjoyed the coaster if it wasn't for them!
I'm right with you on this one, Marcus. If someone genuinely didn't experience any pain on Skyrush, fine, but for those of you that did initially before "figuring out" the ride, isn't that kind of making excuses for a shoddy ride?

I may as well be a member of the GP here because I didn't have the benefit of ERT to discover how to comfortably handle the restraints over the course of multiple consecutive rides. I had to wait in a long, slow-moving line twice to ride it twice. Both times were the exact same: I had a lot of fun in places because the layout is excellent, but genuinely felt uncomfortable in others because the restraints are ****. Genuine pain & discomfort isn't fun, thus I came away from Skyrush feeling pretty disappointed. I'm sure that my opinion is shared my the majority of people who, like me, have only been able to ride it once or a handful of times. Hershey needs to fix this mistake pronto, and I'm encouraged to hear that they seem to be headed that direction.

Why Intamin can't just rip off B&M's clamshells & do something mostly similar is beyond me.
Pain doesn't stop me from thinking some rides are good like Saw and wild mouses. But if a coaster hurts my bad back or legs baddly then I think the ride is bad. Pain isn't usually fun.
The US opened up an entirely new world of painfully rough woodies for me! :p Before the live the most rough woodie I had been on was probably Stampida. But Stampidas "roughness" isn't painful, it just adds to the fun and enhance the out of control feeling imo! :)

Some of the woodies in america tried to kill me for sure though! Both Wildcat (LC) and Hurler (KD) were headache inducing. And several others like the GCIs Roar (SFA) and Wildcat (HP), which had great layouts, were so rough that it was impossible to enjoy them for me :/
Wildcat at hershey too rough? : (

I'm also seeing another important thing here, it's all relative.
I sincerely didn't find Skyrush that bad, and the only woodie I've been on that was so rough it wasn't fun was Villian at Geauga Lake (strangely enough) I remember being scared for my life on it and got off thinking that was horrifying.

I'm just a sadist I guess. Even Hercules at Dorney, which many many griped about it, I enjoyed. So clearly it's all relative. As Lofty said it's pain vs rough. I have a high tolerance for rough it seems but some others not as much.

At least we all agree the Arrow/Vekoma rides ARE painful, HA. Oh, those Boomerangs, SLC's, and Great American Scream Machine (Arrow multi loopers) hell even Corkscrew at CP. I'm getting a headache at the thought. Those were never fun until I learned to keep my head back and hold it in place.
Though as someone said, if you need to actively try to hold your head in place, (or "get used" to a ride) there is a bit of a problem there. And on some such as Scream Machine and Boomerang it's still no help. Now I just avoid them, and whenever I saw that horrid track shape I begged friends not to ride it :lol:
Oh course it **** does. To say otherwise it just stupid. A ride can be rough and fun, but once it's painful, it's just pointless. I have a relatively high pain threshold, but I still find stuff that's painful no fun.

I think that's pretty much all that needs to be said. ;)
Ironically no one has mentioned Storm Runner.
Anyone been on that?
I love it but it's kind of painful (not rough, painful!). Especially that one quick flick.

Intamin has a restraint issue....why can't they have B&M style?
They have that flat kind, if you know what I mean, so if something sudden/intense happens your neck and shoulders get pounded. I get bruises from Storm Runner if I don't hold on.
And Kingda Ka....it may be not as bad if the restraints were better but again they give me that shoulder/neck pain.
madhjsp said:
I'm right with you on this one, Marcus. If someone genuinely didn't experience any pain on Skyrush, fine, but for those of you that did initially before "figuring out" the ride, isn't that kind of making excuses for a shoddy ride?

I may as well be a member of the GP here because I didn't have the benefit of ERT to discover how to comfortably handle the restraints over the course of multiple consecutive rides. I had to wait in a long, slow-moving line twice to ride it twice. Both times were the exact same: I had a lot of fun in places because the layout is excellent, but genuinely felt uncomfortable in others because the restraints are ****. Genuine pain & discomfort isn't fun, thus I came away from Skyrush feeling pretty disappointed. I'm sure that my opinion is shared my the majority of people who, like me, have only been able to ride it once or a handful of times. Hershey needs to fix this mistake pronto, and I'm encouraged to hear that they seem to be headed that direction.

Why Intamin can't just rip off B&M's clamshells & do something mostly similar is beyond me.

That ride with anything resembling Clamshells might just be one of the best rides in the world tbh.
Yes, it can.

I don't think it's possible to truly rate coasters on a "top 10" style scale, due to all the variables. There are some coasters which ARE incredible, but don't hold up for re-rides because they really hurt or are just incredibly hard work to ride.

One example of a ride that's just hard work would be Voyage, and I'd say that actually stops it from being as good as it could be. If the ride was shorter it would actually be better. It's not painful though.

With regard to pain, I've never ridden anything which quite comes close to SkyRush. It's an amazing ride, a breathtaking, incredible, terrifying experiance, but something was just stopping it being "a really good coaster". I think it's a combination of the pain and the fact you have to work to avoid it and that being forceful is not the only measure of a good ride. There is such thing as too much. I think SkyRush is treading dangerously close to the threshold before negative g force just becomes awful.

I liked SkyRush the more I rode it, because I learnt how to ride it. That's backwards to how most coasters are. Ultimate, for example, was incredible the first time I rode it and has progressively become dull because I understand how to not get hurt.

Villain and Son of Beast will pretty much forever be on my roller coaster **** list because of the pain they induced. Particularly Son of Beast - it is a very good layout, but was sadly built inhouse by Kings Island and fell to pieces.