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Hyper Poster
I'm planning a holiday in the Netherlands. How many days would you recommend I spend in Efteling? Can it be fully enjoyed in one? Or does it really need 2 or even 3 days? I like to take it easy in parks and enjoy the scenery and many smaller attractions that give the place personality. I'm not just about going in and blitzing the coasters.

Many Thanks
I have been there three times so far. The first two times we only went there to get the credits, which can be done in a few hours (if you don't get lost on the way between them). The third time we spent a whole day there, but we still didn't manage to get everything worth wile in the park during one day.
So I would say at least 2 days if it's pretty quiet, are you going when there is loads of people there (like Haloween) then you might consider spending 3 days there...
The park are great with efficiency, not Europa great - but pretty great. I'd say two days max unless there is a special event.