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Europa Park | 50th Anniversary Attraction | 2025


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As if Voltron and Alpenexpress/Tiroler 2.0 weren’t enough, Europa Park is already planning a new attraction for the resort’s 50th anniversary in 2025. This comes from a new interview with Roland Mack where he talks about wanting to put a new attraction ”in the middle of the park”, though he didn’t specify where or what form it would take.

The current rumor is that the attraction would take up the current 4D cinema in the Luxembourg area, and the ride model being looked at is a Mack Rides GamePlay Theater, an indoor high-capacity dark ride system which is designed to use as little space as possible while still incorporating both screens and physical sets:

That a Gameplay Theater would come to the park was actually officially confirmed by Mack Rides themselves quite a while ago in an interview with Kirmes und Park Revue magazine. However no opening year was mentioned/set at the time.
The "Gameplay Theatre" is based on the idea of a rotating theater, where guests move from stage to stage. Max Röser: "Here we will utilise our omnimover darkride system, with a back to back configuration. A dividing rear wall between the riders forms a closed space on the inside or outside of the ring of cars. Because we always turn the vehicles when the scene changes, a collection of 10 different rooms is created here per trip. On the inside we work with physical sets, on the outside with projections and screens. Due to the small footprint and the rather high capacity, we hope that this ride will be very popular. 'The first project of this kind is the renovation of the "Historama" in our own Europa-Park.'

But of course we also know Euro Mir is set for a retrack/refurb soon; and it's middle of the park too. However personally I feel like the Gameplay Theater would be a better fit for an anniversary, and would be a cheaper & quicker project to deliver straight after the massive year 2024 will be with Voltron and Alpenexpress.
Makes that debates fallout potentially so much worse. Not that its well known, if at all outside the US but puts a stench on Mack's project name choice. I hope we can look forward to one and banish the other.
So, Geisterschloss redo?

Well, this and a complete overhaul of Historama, which I have always found cheesy yet charming.
So, Geisterschloss redo?

Well, this and a complete overhaul of Historama, which I have always found cheesy yet charming.
Wasn't Geisterschloss just redone a few months ago? Or am I misremembering? Would be strange for them to do it up only to close it again, surely?
Wasn't Geisterschloss just redone a few months ago? Or am I misremembering? Would be strange for them to do it up only to close it again, surely?
Its had light work every close season but it was identified as a major fire risk so they've redone the things that needed bringing up to fire code and redone the ride completely at the same time
Midnight opening, fully booked - and nearly every queue line still under 60 minutes.

That's why they're number one.
And there is this....

Since MackMedia is opening themselves up to the mainstream world of film, it's interesting to sum up their merits.

Universal's most director of choice is Steven Spielberg; Europa Park's is Luc Besson.

Disney has drawn from decades of film experience and represented their projects at the parks; Europa has built up an animation arm to cater to their parks' business, which is now expanding into film.

It's a good first step for Mack Animation, but this will definitely be a huge first step and a lessons learned endeavor rather than some kind of new talent. They will not have the same handle on storytelling and quality that Disney and Universal have, as they come from a background of creating kinetic energy stories for theme parks and nothing deeper. The two gags in the trailer didn't land and it's obvious that they put together a contrived plot purely to give the characters something to do. Turning Ed & Edda from 2D mascots into 3D characters will be the same challenge as turning video game characters into actual personalities for the Super Mario Bros Movie. A company CEO like Michael Mack now being an executive producer in the movie business is also a telling prospect. Plus Mack wants a franchise and film universe with this, plus the tie-in attraction; all good intentions, but right now it's more business driven than artistic.

What's really funny is that they're roping in some well known actors for the English voice dub; some known names like Hayley Atwell, Gemma Arterton, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, and Lenny Henry have been attached, so it's obvious that Mack is throwing some money and weight at this business venture. It's just that this will probably remain exactly that... a business venture and not the next auteur of film.
I wouldn't read anything into Michael being executive producer at all though. The Rest Is Entertainment podcast recently did a good Q&A about executive producers and what they actually do (often very little) that's worth a listen.

For this project it's almost certainly because Michael Mack is one of the lead financers of the project (or responsible for bringing in significant investment).
”Executive Producer” credits generally mean very little. All it really says is that the person credited contributed something to the production at some point in time, often either helped finance it or consulted on some things. Sometimes it doesn’t even amount to more than them putting their name on it for recognition’s sake.

Producer’s Guild of America rules may not apply here since it’s not an American production, but the people who actually do most of the work are often simply credited as ”Producers” under their guidelines.