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Favourite Front Row Ride?

The Grape Wizard

Hyper Poster
Ok, Someone over on TTF made a topic about their favourite front row ride, so i decided to steal it.

So what is your favourite ride on the front row? I think mine has to Nemesis for all the leg choppers, or Kraken or Montu.
Boulder Dash.

Mostly because it is the best row on the train.. and the only row worth riding in. ;)

Honorable Mention to: TTD and MF
Rita or Stealth.

Oh and Dueling Dragons for obvious reasons!

Nemmy and Air just don't do it for me in the front row...
^Very true.. but I did find it better in the front row. The best part was that the wait was never long for the front.. unlike most great rides out there.
STC said:
Rita or Stealth.

Oh and Dueling Dragons for obvious reasons!

Nemmy and Air just don't do it for me in the front row...

Rita front row makes the ride actually worth it, Dueling dragons, yes obvious :p .

Air, i just look down anyway so it doesnt really make a difference, and on nemmy, its mint on front row! :eek: But i suppose it is less forcefull.
to me, air makes no difference where you sit because tbh, you face the floor. I think its better at the back, not only because for me it feels more like flying, but also if you take your shoes off, people behind you cant smell and see your feet =).
I'm surprised no ones said any of the Dive machines (mainly Oblivion).

Mine would have to be Dueling Dragons for the loops alone.
B&M inverts in general. I've done Montu, and it was loads better in the front. I really want to do Nemesis front row some time.
Furius Baco. Just being in the front, hanging outside the track being launched at 84mph was incredible.
Stealth. Or any launch coaster for that matter! Really need to get to the states and do Ka and TTD, they'd probably replace stealth in that position!

Also, I really enjoyed megafobia at the front, cos it really feels like your sitting 'in' the track and adds a new dimension to it.
Looks like I agree with the majority. Nemesis is what I would say from personal experience. But it would seem Inverts in general benefit greatly from a front row seat. Maybe because of the open nature of the trains (you get the same from a floorless, or Baco) but as vision is obscured badly from other rows on an Invert, especially in the middle seats, it might seem a bit more special at the front.
I find Nemesis is best riden on the frot row or the back.
PMBO is prety good at the front
Most SLC's are best from the front as far as ive found so far.