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Favourite Peristalsis-Aiding Implement?

Heathcliff, Aid My Digestion! But with what?!

  • Molars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Premolars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Canines

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Incisors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dentures do the job, you innard Spyglass Verbatim!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mega Poster
I choose scraping!

Basically, before the wonderful motions of peristalsis begin, leading heaps of tripe through human innards; important masses aid in the desecration of food to embark on such an excavation.


We have in order from the backs of the gums:


Of course in many cases wisdom teeth are present even further back, but let's omit them shall we :D (Another topic perhaps ;))

Out of those 4 types, my faves are the canines, because they bring with them the highest amount of attitude :D (Although molars are beefy and would really show a live creature what for)

So what's your favourite tooth? :D
Oh God Scott, you're too hilarious to be true. When I looked at the title for this topic, I was so confused. I love how you make such a simple matter like teeth be so much more complicated. Yay.

But, molars because if I didn't have them I probably wouldn't be able to chew things.

Canine are my least favourite. They're the yellowest.
Dentures because they aid those who have previously lost teeth and contain all the teeth you need to open bottle tops and so many more!
Thanks for taking the time to help, I really apprciate it.
Funnily enough when I was necro-posting the other night, I did notice a lot of Scotts nonsense General Polls, I thought it was a coincidence that he'd come back, obviously not :lol:
^ Funnily enough, I did spot her online the other day. Hidden of course, hidden members appear in italics for mods.
Ian said:
^ Funnily enough, I did spot her online the other day. Hidden of course, hidden members appear in italics for mods.

Does that mean I appear in italics and in blue?

I'm so cool. cool)
How do you become hidden?

Anyways, I was bored, so I voted for Canines. They're like little fangs! :--D