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Funny Things People Have Said At/About Theme Parks

TP Rich

Hyper Poster
Speaks for itself.

Obvious nerdy enthusiast to friend (walking past Colossus), pointing: "This is known in roller statistics as a cobra roll."

Friend: -.-

Post yours!
^That was hilarious.

When me and my mate come off a really rough ride on Rita, he ended up saying "Ah, Ritas a bitch!".
The funniest thing I have probably heard was one chav questioning to another why there were nets below "Rush" at Thorpe park. Her friend replied; "Its there to catch you if you fall out". She said it like it was obvious.

Also, I was in X:/no way out once and I heard someones voice echoeing through the queue line tunnel

"Keisha I just walked into a wall!"
Standing in line for Top Thrill (one of the few times I went on it):

Dimwit Girl 1: I cant wait!
Dimwit Girl 3: I know! Like, how fast does this go?
Dimwit Girl 2: I dont know, 200 mph? I just worry if this goes upside down :nervous glance to the track:

Me to my sister: ...facepalm.jpg...Good god, I fear for my generation ><

Sigh....I really hate the GP blatant stupidity at times...

Switching between the hideouts'...
That reminds me the time I was queueing for stealth, and two boys wanted to join me with my friends, since they were bored and one of them said that stealth was the fastest launch coaster in the world. :fp2:
Queueing for Nemesis a few months back, I overheard someone say "Is this the one that drops vertically into a hole in the ground?"...er, no :roll:
I hate overhearing in queue lines, (and I bet this has happened to all of us in the UK), one person telling their friend about Oblivion in alton towers.

When they talk about the drop they ALWAYS use hand actions.

They ALWAYS use the words like "It goes SHOOM! into the hole"
The one that I am SICK of, which you WILL have heard. I can guarantee it:

"They've just built the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster... IN JAPAN"

If I hear that one more time, I'm going to go crazy.
I've heard several so far....

In the queue for shockwave, as the train came into the station I heard somebody say "Oh, do you stand up?"

It's not just peeps at parks that get it completely wrong...
I read in a travel brochure once (something along the lines of this):

The most inversions in the world belongs to the colossus ride in thorpe park, UK, with it's five corkscrews

I'll let you work that one out for yourselves... :--D

OK, it's not that funny, but it's amazing how wrong a published article can be...and the colossus ride!WTF!
There was this girl at SFNE, queing for a little kidde cred, she was 17, or at least close to it. She look at the track nervously and goes: "Does it go upside down?" Her friend responded "No, but it goes like 4000mph!!!"

Ugh, GP.
When I was queuing for Spinball (I think?) at Alton Towers last week, there was an unusual video of The Incredible Hulk on the TV's, but was advertising Alton Towers. I heard some kid (about 9/10 years old) say to his friend, 'that's the new ride 'what lies beneath' next to Nemesis', his friend replied with 'that's the Incredible Hulk from Universal Florida, I doubt it because it's far too big...' and then went on a long-winded speech on the restrictions at the park. That kid will one day grow up to be a mega enthusiast! :p
FaceYourNemesis said:
CoasterCrazy said:
OK, it's not that funny, but it's amazing how wrong a published article can be...and the colossus ride!WTF!

The best one is "Rita goes from 0–100 (M)ph in 2.2 seconds" :-s

Except that since the claim was only "100". Which it goes to. They didn't mention MPH whatsoever. It's actually a really good piece of advertising because it's true but the stupid (there's loads of them at theme parks) fall for it.

Most of the people who cry about it are probably upset they fell for it.
It is a bit stupid how Stealth is in mph and Rita is in kph, they didn't really give that much thought...
In the queue for colossus
one bloke to another 'I went on Mr monkeys banana ride because I thought it went upside down'
Ben said:
FaceYourNemesis said:
CoasterCrazy said:
OK, it's not that funny, but it's amazing how wrong a published article can be...and the colossus ride!WTF!

The best one is "Rita goes from 0–100 (M)ph in 2.2 seconds" :-s

Except that since the claim was only "100". Which it goes to. They didn't mention MPH whatsoever. It's actually a really good piece of advertising because it's true but the stupid (there's loads of them at theme

Alton are pretty cute when it comes to marketing like this. You have to hand it to them.