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Gardaland | Jumanji: The Adventure | Unknown | 2022


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This seems to have come out of nowhere, but Gardaland appear to be building a large investment attraction for 2022, replacing their Ramses attraction:

I don't think there's anything anywhere to state that this new ride is in fact a roller coaster, but I'm happy to go with the random Italian Facebook page's claim for now.

If you read the comments, there's apparently been many rumours of a Jumanji themed attraction going to the park. Certainly fits with the current advertising.

One to watch for sure.
I was going to say; was it ever confirmed that this was going to be a coaster? Is there a possibility that it could be a dark ride, as it’s replacing a dark ride?

I find it strange that Ramses is going, though; it often seemed quite highly rated by visitors to Gardaland, and given that it was interactive, I get the impression that it can’t have been that old. Unless Gardaland did a Duel/Tomb Blaster and fitted a pre-existing dark ride with laser guns.
I was going to say; was it ever confirmed that this was going to be a coaster? Is there a possibility that it could be a dark ride, as it’s replacing a dark ride?
There's a possibility it could be literally anything because we haven't a clue what it is.
Upon further reflection it is very much jumping the gun to say this will be a coaster investment.

However, it does seem like there's been strong rumours for many years within the Italian community of a coaster using that area (just from a quick look around social media and Google). And with things like that, I think it's fair to say there's usually no smoke without fire.
So at the very least, I'd be more inclined to think it will be a coaster... (famous last words)

But yeah, could be anything. I think the Jumanji IP still sounds like a fair shout though.
Interesting. I was there 4 years ago and enjoyed the park, (except blue tornado 😬)
Never got around trying ramses.

I dont recall, but who did the retrack on Shaman recently. Then, it may be a 2 coaster discount deal..?
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I was last at Gardaland as a child and this ride one was of the fondest memories I have of the place. That, and those incredible mist tunnels around the park. Not sure if they have those anymore...

Back when I went I think it was called Valley of the Kings or something similar. This ride was actually decent though tbf, as somebody said previously, I'm surprised this went before other things but we move on I guess....
I find it strange that Ramses is going, though; it often seemed quite highly rated by visitors to Gardaland, and given that it was interactive, I get the impression that it can’t have been that old. Unless Gardaland did a Duel/Tomb Blaster and fitted a pre-existing dark ride with laser guns.
Ramses first opened as Valle dei Re in 1988 and was rethemed to include the laser guns in 2009, so it's been around for quite a while.

I mean, a new coaster is always exciting, but if it is indeed one and not a Dark ride, then that means Gardaland will be down to just I Corsari in that department. It's kind of weird thinking that it had more Dark rides than coasters when we used to visit the park every other year when I was a kid.

That, and those incredible mist tunnels around the park. Not sure if they have those anymore...
Ooh, those were great! I don't remember them being around 2 years ago when I last visited. But then again, that was in May, so they might not have been set up for Summer yet.
Oh I really liked that dark ride, I loved the Terminator meets the Mummy vibes with it's heavy rock soundtrack. Intrigued to see what Merlin have planned, the jungle theme could be interesting.