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Global Warming



I saw on the news recently that someone hacked into a computer in a major scientific corperation. He found hundreds of emails from scientist too other scientist saying [in other words] too cover all proof that global warming doesent exist. What is your opinion on that.
People say I'm selfish for this but I honestly couldn't give a toss about global warming anyways as it won't be in my lifetime.

I read the other day the global average temperature each year has increased by 0.8 degrees since the year 1850. Big ****ing wow.
Warmer weather ftw. :)
Plus more chance of snow in winter.

It's not all bad. I don't give a monkeys ass about global warming though. People go on about it too much.
For as long as scientists can secure research money from governments to investigate "global warming", it'll be around.

I remember being told at school in 1990 that oil would run out by 2010. Yeah, ok then.

The only affect it has on me and my life is that I will end up paying "green taxes." It won't stop me flying, driving or turning up the heating if I'm cold.

I feel happy that my tax money will be going to some corn farmer in Africa, rather than the needy people here, in my own bloody country.

What a bunch of bloody arse.
Global warming is important. I'm not denying that it isn't, however I can't let myself get worked up about it.

We can't stop global warming, it's already begun and there is a time delay. What we can do is control the future emissions. However, I'm not willing to sacrifice certain things and pay the extra cost of global warming. I know it's selfish, but I just don't give a ****.

I just can't stand global warming protesters. They can't achieve anything, they're often clueless about the actual feasibility of things, and they only care about the ****ing wildlife.

I'm not sure I have made my case very well here. I'm a engineer, not a naturalist, so I don't care about it all that much apart from the fact that it will create some very interesting engineering opportunities in the future.

Ian said:
For as long as scientists can secure research money from governments to investigate "global warming", it'll be around.
Whilst I see what you mean, it's only very few scientist that want funding for investigating. It's mostly research into new technologies. Science is based on facts, scientists collect data to 'test' facts. It's the manipulation of these facts that leads to global warming panic.

Oh I don't know.... I'm just to summarise it in a few simple words...

It's real, we can't stop it, so I guess we should just stop complaining and make the most of it. I don't honestly care, and PLEASE will the "Greenwash" bollocks disappear?!
Global warming is evolution, we are still in an ice age.

The North and South Poles are all thats left really. Once they melt we are no longer in an ice age.

This month does not feel any warmer to me, neither did the summer :)
As with Pierre, I couldn't give two ****s about global warming. Because all I can see it creates are tree hugging environmentalists who think they're god saving the ****ing world because they drive a hideous eyesore know as the Toyota Prius. Seriously this is just part of the natural cycle of the earth, and there's no reason to over react.
marc said:
Global warming is evolution, we are still in an ice age.

The North and South Poles are all thats left really. Once they melt we are no longer in an ice age.

This month does not feel any warmer to me, neither did the summer :)

What Marc says is practically how it is :p
Jer said:
As with Pierre, I couldn't give two ****s about global warming. Because all I can see it creates are tree hugging environmentalists who think they're god saving the ****ing world because they drive a hideous eyesore know as the Toyota Prius. Seriously this is just part of the natural cycle of the earth, and there's no reason to over react.

Oh, and if the ice does melt (the stuff that shouldn't), the Gulf Stream'll get disrupted and so we'll have the same climate as Canada. Average temp will be far, far lower. They have polar bears!
Neal said:
marc said:
Global warming is evolution, we are still in an ice age.

The North and South Poles are all thats left really. Once they melt we are no longer in an ice age.

This month does not feel any warmer to me, neither did the summer :)

What Marc says is practically how it is :p

You both fell for the lies the evil scientists gave too you ;)

The problem with all this is that people immediately see a way of making a quick buck.

Example... Madagascar has large tracts of dense forest... Or it did have. These forests contain large quantities of carbon dioxide munching plant life, and sustain many rare species of animals.

However, there is a need for "recyclable" material in the world now as we become more concious of the affect we have on the world. Recycling is "in".

So, in Madagascar, they are cutting down huge swathes of dense forest to put in plantations of the small tree that produces the best recyclable paper/card.

This tree cannot sustain any animal life, and leaves the ground afterwards completely useless for further agricultural use - it takes all the nutrients out of the earth.

So, in the name of "recycling" and "stopping global warming", huge tracts of Madagascar are now being turned from global warming stopping forest, to (too?) huge areas of infertile desert.

Why? Because somebody has seen a way of making a huge amount of money out of the West's need to stop global warming. By supporting recycling, we are actually causing more damage to the climate than if we didn't. The people in Madagascar don't give a stuff about global warming, they just care about making some money to get the county richer.

So, even by doing your most to stop global warming, you're probably doing more harm. Really, everyone should just be buying the rainforests off the people who own the land for more than they could get selling the wood (or grazing cattle on the land). Direct attempts like that are the only really viable ones.
People say I'm selfish for this but I honestly couldn't give a toss about global warming anyways as it won't be in my lifetime.


Okay, I'm usually not inconsiderate, but every year they say something big and crazay is gonna happen about global warming and then it never does. And no animals have become extinct because if it yet, I don't think. So right now I don't care because it really isn't hurting anything that much.
My family do some of the things they say you should do to stop global warming, but not for that reason. It's incredible how much money you can save by doing all the "green" things. Of, course that's until we start getting stupid taxes.

I don't like all this global warming stuff. I still don't believe in it.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And no animals have become extinct because if it yet, I don't think.

Not jsut yet, give it a few more years and some lizards will dissapear.

Panda's would be extinct if we stopped trying to get them to mate all the time....
Its like trying to get your grandparents to have sex.
^ But destruction of their habitat which is dense forest is human fault which has a knock on effect to global warming.
^ I know, and humans can be idiots.. But yah I'll be long gone by the time it will have a MAJOR effect on the world. It's unfortunate what it's doing, but I'm not gonna waste my life worrying about it.