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Gravity Group unveils new trains

I would love to see more pictures of these, as the one they show isn't very big. They sound promising though. They are on-board sound system capable and I didn't see anything about a seat divider mentioned. The magnetic braking is in my opinion a good idea as well.

I doubt any of their existing coasters would get these, just because they're all somewhat new...
TarkaTrax said:
I think the Alton Towers thread is about to go into overdrive Razz
My thoughts exactly. :lol:

I'm intrigued by the "shock absorbtion" feature, as that is something we haven't really seen on any coaster train.

Seems they were beaten to the punch with the on-board sound system by GCI with Terminator.

Glad to see the Gravity Group is thinking forward with their designs.
Launch system capable
Damn, I wanted to build the first launched wooden shuttle loop coaster. :evil:

Good work by GG create these, and hopefully this will make their coasters better. At least help the maintenance guys so that they won't have to re-track the much pf the coasters every year.

Would love to see some bigger images of them (maybe they will show them on IAAPA).
Hmm.. Millennium Flyers with a twist. I just hope it doesn't end up sucking up the ride and taking away from the great airtime that they got with the PTC's.
^ Airtime is good, but the sound of lower maintenance costs sounds better to theme park budgets. :razz:
This seems good, and I'm using the word seems very carefully.

I liked the idea, improving on the train design to allow for more awesome rides to be built, but B&M built wooden coaster trains once, too. And I'm guessing the launched compatible feature is, like others said, going to bring in loads of rumors, mostly on 'first dibs'.

Interesting design, though.
I think this a real step forward for GG and I wouldn't be surprised if Alton were using this after all:

1. It's a worlds first

2. It fits in with the theme of the area.

3. The GP are loving launches at the moment.

4. Enthusiasts want a woodie.

I think it would fit perfectly plus with the onboard sound capability, Alton aren't limited and can think up cool themeing. It seems like a win, win situation for Alton TBH.
I hope these shock absorber things don't take away what makes a wooden coaster. They're meant to creak, groan and rattle about.
It all sounds good though. :)
^My guess is that the shock absorbers are intended to decrease jackhammering and shuffling. I doubt they would take away how the typical wooden ride feels, just the severe stuff.
I hope these shock absorber things don't take away what makes a wooden coaster. They're meant to creak, groan and rattle about.

That was exactly what I thought at first. But surely manufacturers realise that that is what makes a woodie, and wouldn't risk doing too much to the rattle.
Is it just me that thinks this.

The whole part of a wooden coaster is going up the lift hill hearing the sounds of clunk clunk clunk. It adds to the ride and I just do not see the point of the launch.

We already have launch coaster they break down more than they work. I just do not see the point of this on a woody.
That's also true. So by having these new trains they are taking away the whole essence of a good woodie.

They probably don't care though, since parks will buy them.
slash1994 said:
4. Enthusiasts want a woodie.

This is an interesting concept,- that parks may consider the enthusiasts perspective when shopping for a new ride. Personally I don't think they do bud.

Re: a launched wood at AT, 2 things stick out to me-

1-AT already has a launched coaster in that area.
2-Launched coasters breakdown all the time, imagine what a launched woodie would be like.
Hmm... I don't think AT want any of that.
These sound really good, and i think its a good contender for altons new ride as well as rumours going round that its going to be b&ms new concept.
The new trains were anounced not a new ride or coaster, just trains.

Whoops total wrong topic, I thought for a moment this was the Alton topic lol.
Can I just ask, please...

Can we not have every new bit of kit that is shown at IAPAA linked to the Alton Coaster?

Yes, there's a chance one may be, but we don't need 30 page conversations in each new topic all saying "if Alton got this".

Keep it in the Alton topic, and not the IAAPA topics please?
This sounds interesting.

The on board sound system, is that a new thing for wooden coasters then? Most wooden coasters are loud though so that would make a sounds system silly as you probably wouldn't really hear the speakers? Suppose it depends etc.

I don't think anyone should get carried away with the launched part, its just possible for these new trains to be launched, still unlikely we will see a launched wooden coaster.

I want to be able to see a better pic of them though, but I'm sure they will release one soon.
I wonder if a launched wooden coaster would find a home at Holiday World. That kind of park wants to retain it's classic ride line up with only wooden rollercoasters, but must also realise that wooden coaster can be a bit samey. This would be one way to differentiate.

Mount Olympus and Kennywood are other potential candidates, although this is just a supposition, not a theory I'm endorsing.