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Great rides on coasters you dislike

Widely regarded as one of the worst woodies in Europe, if not the world, but fill the train from front to back with a whole bunch of excitable goons and it becomes a work of utter comedy genius.
Furius Baco.

Did one ride on the front row inside seat and it was incredible.

Then did another somewhere near the back and it was so awful I won't ever ride it again unless I can guarantee that front inside seat.
I wouldn't say it was "great", but Movie Park's Bandit gave one of the worst rides I've ever had one day, and then was actually somewhat enjoyable the next. The key seems to be avoiding the wheel seats like the plague.
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Rode Atlantis at Lotteworld 3 times last visit. 1st ride was so amazing, but I misplaced my bone on the 3rd ride and got an ache due to high intensity of the ride. and the weather was -2°C and the op was stacking train. So stuck in pain for about 1 min.
Furius Baco.

Did one ride on the front row inside seat and it was incredible.

Then did another somewhere near the back and it was so awful I won't ever ride it again unless I can guarantee that front inside seat.
This. Exactly this!

Did a front row ride with Jordan which was really good, amazing launch, great sense of speed and a fun inversion without any rattling.

Then a back row outside seat with Hixee which is one of the worst rides I've ever had on a coaster, the pain, omg 😭
"Hate" is such a strong word, but a few coasters on the downside of the rankings:
  • Mean Streak, Trimless - We lucked into a ride right after a pretty fresh rain. Unsure if it was intentional or by design (the weather was a little on the colder side, so maybe expecting trains to run slow?), but our party was able to ride Mean Streak without the first drop trim - something that had been installed a few years after opening as precautionary measure to not have the coaster tear itself apart. It was a truly phenomenal ride - way more speed in the turns, actual airtime in the drops. Quite the opposite of the usual, meandering ride Mean Streak was.
  • Zen Ride on Timber Wolf - The one visit I paid to Worlds of Fun in the middle of August driving cross country yielded the weirdest experience on Timber Wolf. I had been warned it to be a pretty straight-forward, boring Dinn. I was the only rider on my train, and thought I'd live it up a little, and sit in the front row of the last car. I haven't a clue how the physics worked in my favor, but what ensued was significant ejectors and big tugs over the hills, feel the upstop catch each and every time. It really was a phenomenal ride, extremely not how it was probably supposed to go. :p
T3 - Back in its early years, I really enjoyed it. I've generally found that SLCs are a ton of fun in the first few years of operation. However, T3 in particular is now probably a top 5 worst coaster experience for me.

Any S&S Free Spin - My first ride on Joker at SFNE was a blast. I was stunned by how much of an improved experience it was compared to the Intamin Zac Spins. I went around to do it again and got off feeling nearly concussed after slamming my head into the head rest. Every subsequent ride I've had on a Free Spin has been tolerable at best.

Boardwalk Bullet - I went to Kemah about 6 months after the coaster opened and must have ridden it about 20 times. In very random seats I found the ride to be incredibly fun and intense. However, it was downright violent in most of the seats.
Usually I find SLC's to be terrible, but somehow, some way, 2 rides in the back on Thunderhawk at Michigan's Adventure were god-like. Intense, smooth, with no headbanging. I went back later for a night ride in the front, and it was unbearably rough with lots of headbanging.
To quote the Plain White Ts 'Hate is a strong word' but I've had the occasional decent ride on Saw or Stealth, particularly after dark.