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Happy Thanksgiving!


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I think it's about time PROPER America got their own back on the gun happy, war mongering settlers.

Took long enough! :lol:
^ LOL. And that was an actual 'lol' followed by several moments of chuckling.

Yeh good riddance you overweight jesus freaks. ;)

And Happy Gathering of your family in a time to give thanks for everything in your life Day!

But at least we aren't French.
SnooSnoo said:

And Happy Gathering of your family in a time to give thanks for everything in your life Day!

Why do you need an entire holiday to give thanks for what you have? It REALLY is just an excuse to cook loads of food and pile on the pounds. :p
I'm waiting for tayrage...

Why would I be mad? It's one more time that we get to have family gatherings and family dinners a year than you do. And I happen to like Thanksgiving quite a bit.. Sucks for you that you don't have it.
tks said:
SnooSnoo said:

And Happy Gathering of your family in a time to give thanks for everything in your life Day!

Why do you need an entire holiday to give thanks for what you have? It REALLY is just an excuse to cook loads of food and pile on the pounds. :p

Because spreading out thanks is a waste of time. That would be almost religion, which is a giant crock of **** as is.

And I run, I don't pile on pounds son. ;)
It's one more time that we get to have family gatherings and family dinners a year than you do. And I happen to like Thanksgiving quite a bit.. Sucks for you that you don't have it.

You need a calender excuse to have a family gathering?

Also, I haven't a clue about thanksgiving, but we have a "harvest " thing where we celebrate the harvest around this time of year. Its normally forgotten about after primary school.... well, my primary school used to make a big deal of it... then i never heard anything about it for a while. And now, since I've moved house, they celebrate it here :S
divvie_dave said:
It's one more time that we get to have family gatherings and family dinners a year than you do. And I happen to like Thanksgiving quite a bit.. Sucks for you that you don't have it.

You need a calender excuse to have a family gathering?

Also, I haven't a clue about thanksgiving, but we have a "harvest " thing where we celebrate the harvest around this time of year. Its normally forgotten about after primary school.... well, my primary school used to make a big deal of it... then i never heard anything about it for a while. And now, since I've moved house, they celebrate it here :S

Thats in September...
Still.... one day :p

Was just trying to say.... from what i understand about thanksgiving... we have a day to give "thanks" kinda too....
I remember our family for some reason gave one year Pineapple Rings. As like a last ditch addition. Amusing.
We always had to go to old peoples houses and give them ****tty tinned food.... I kinda felt sorry for em, im sure they loooooooove tinned food.

Where i live now, its all farmers and that, so we (they.. i only turned up after the meal for the drink) had a massive village meal, auction and a damn god time.
I thought for a moment that this was going to turn into yet another "English people jealous because we do bugger all to celebrate anything and then deride other nations for doing it while quietly muttering about how nobody even knows when St. George's day is" thread. ;)

Quick question. Do any descendants of the native American people have a "burn the ****ers day celebration"?

I do understand the ideal that's behind Thanksgiving, and I do actually think that it's a good idea. It's a catch hold of a tradition and community spirit that we lost in the UK (certainly mainland Britain) a long time ago. It's a good thing (if a little over the top and American, but what can you do).

However, I think that the founding principles (from one still smarting from the loss of the colonies, clearly ;) ) are a bit dubious. I don't know how much is taught of the death, torture and genocide that accompanies the same thing that is given thanks for? I really don't know. I also don't know if what we're taught is skewed too because we're still bitter because we had a sausage munching hatstand for a King in 1781 ;)

Anyway, hope you have a good one :)