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Have You Ever Chickened Out?

Chickened out?

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Haven't seen any topics regarding this lately, so here it goes!

Have there ever been any rides which you've pussied out of? That you've been in line for, and changed your mind? Have you ever started crying and making a scene on a coaster because you wanted to get off?

I have.

Dragon Fire- 7 years old

This one was one of the most embarassing ones for me. It was on my 7th birthday, I was all ready to go on, and as soon as the shoulder restraints locked up, I began bawling, and they had to open the restraints up and take me off the ride. Haven't been back to Wonderland since, but I'll probably be going back this upcoming season.

The Bat- 7 years old

Pretty simple. I got in line, and got out of line just as fast. Again, never got to ride it, but hopefully I will this season.

Raging Wolf Bobs- 8 years old

Same as the Bat really. I got in line, and got out, because for some reason I didn't want to go on it. I rode it the next season, and two seasons after that one though, so I didn't miss out.

Xflight- 9 or 10 years old

I sat down in the seats, and the lady started yelling at my cousin to put her flip flops back on because it was some kind of hygiene issue if they were off, so at that point she decided she was just going to not ride, and I couldn't figure out the seatbelts, and I thought the ride was gonna start without me, so I got off. I got to ride it the next year though.

Steel Venom- 9 or 10 years old

Got in line, waited for about three minutes, crossed over the loading zone, and got right back off. I never did get to go on that in later years, sadly.

Mm, I think that's it. I was really close to chickening out on some stupid log flume at Darien Lake (I kept saying I had to pee and that it was an emergency so my mom would take me out of line but that didn't work), when I was like, 6, but I ended up riding. Also, Rock n' Roller Coaster was a close one when I was 8, but I stayed on.

So have you ever chickened out on a coaster?

P.S.- It's not a coaster, but when I was 8 I chickened out of like, a tiny water slide at Typhoon Lagoon. I never was keen on water slides, even today, but I can't believe I chickened out on one, and even cried!
Well I don't think this is technically chickening out but I once got in line for this Pinfari Looper called Klondike that used to be at Drayton Manor and I was only 8 but anyways, about half way through the line I started panicing and crying etc but after I calmed down and got on the ride I just went for it. After it I absolutely loved it and was so glad I went on it because I never really went on it again after my previous visits because of the huge line it had and then it got removed in 2004/2005 to make way for G-Force. I think the only reason I didn't want to go on was because it had a loop and I kept thinking I would fall out. :lol: It's kinda funny when I keep thinking back to it and I compare it with the likes of Dragon Khan. It's just amazing how my enthusiasm has changed soo much since then and now I'm hardly afraid of anything. :D
Revolution - Blackpool when I was 8 (1981).

Erm... That's it :)
SooperDooperLooper at Hershey. Took me about 3 years to finally do it. Shame, cause I got off and immediately told me dad it was boring (which is more or less true). I have no idea when that was...
Oh yeah I forgot to point out that I obviously don't chicken out on things anymore, lol. Since I was twelve I'll go on anything.

Brian, I know how you feel. I waited years to get on a Vekoma Boomerang, because it was closed two years in a row when I went to Geauga Lake. I thought it looked so cool when I was like nine or so, and I finally got to ride it one year and I was like, wtf was that?
I can't seem to recall ever wussing out on a ride, I suppose my first time on Nemesis would almost count given the fuss i made in the 2 and a half hour queue. Except i did go on it so.........

Other than that there are only a couple of rides that I will outright refuse to go on and thats the insaneley wet water rides, not because im afraid of them, i jus tdont fancy getting drowned.
Ohhh plenty.

I'm a terrible blouse, especially when I was younger. I was petrified of rides!
SnooSnoo said:
Kumba.. when I was like 8

Thats about it.. :lol:
That's why Kumba is badass. If it could scare Snoo. :lol:

On topic, I was scared ****less until I was 11 of any roller coaster. Although there was a time when I was 13 that I was scared of the Hulk because it launched.
Anything over like 20 feet when I was 7 or younger besides Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at WDW somehow I was convinced to go on that. But nothing really since then.
I used to be scared **** of any ride or coaster. Everyone would be begging me to go on, sometimes dragging me to go on (no exaggeration). But at some point, something clicked, and now it's me trying to get everyone else on the big stuff.
I don't think I've ever chickened out on a roller coaster.
But when I was 10 (on my first ever trip to CP) I chickened out on power tower.
I waited in line for fifteen minutes with my dad and unkle, then chickened out. (But I got on the next ride with my aunt)
Up until 0ctober 2006 I was absoloutley sh*t scared of the big rides because I thought I would be sick. This all stems back to when I rode a flat that has the same motion as Quantum but as a long bench. I was 10, it was barely 30 minutes after lunch and I felt about as sick as you can without puking. Basically I was crying and they had to stop the ride.

First time I went to Thorpe back in October 2004, I was barely 13 and figured I would be over my "trauma". I got to the park and the first ride we walked past was Quantum. Naturally I laughed and said "Errrr **** Off"

We walked towards Colossus. Considering the biggest coaster I had ever laid eyes on up to this point was Brighton Pier's Turbo I was having troube trying to process how big the Cobra Roll was and barely seconds later a train flew round it making that God awful racket Colossus does and with the wind blowing like the London Underground. So I didn't ride.

Got ripped on all day for this and chickened out on Inferno too. After a lot of persuasion I joined the single rider queue for Inferno and got strapped in. The second I was in I asked the attendant to let me off.

I regretted that day for a whole year until I went back in August 2005. I joined the Colossus queue whilst silently bricking it but this time I was alone because I had come with my dad who won't ride anything. Got to the air gates and when the announcment for the train in front played and told them "their ride on Colossus was about to begin" I just thought, **** this, mine isn't and left.

October 2006 came around and I went to Colossus straight away feeling confident as, got strapped in to the front and it started. I don't know why I didn't pussy out but since that ride I have never looked back.
Yeah I chickened out of PMBO an good few years back. Was bricking myself looking at the height of the lift hill and also the steepness of the first drop. Ended up doing it on the next time I visit after so encouragment from a friend.

I really hate heights and just have the fear of falling. Worst part for me are the lift hills, I nearly have my eyes closed most of the time going up them. I would never have the balls to do TTD or KK.
Yeah, everything big up until September 2006 I chickend out off.

When I went to Alton Towers the first time in 2006, I really wanted to ride Rita, saw it and backed away and around to Corkscrew. That day I only rode Air and Corkscrew on the coaster side.

I also chickened out of Spinball and Nemesis. Which to this date I still regret.

The end of the summer holidays came of 2006 and I thought to myself why am I such a chicken on big rides. So the next trip to a park that had fairly decent 'big' coasters I rode them first one being Shockwave at Drayton Manor and I haven't looked back since.

Now I won't chicken out of anything. Even drop towers! :lol:
Throw me the biggest ride you can that has as many elements that you like and I will ride it.
Echoes said:
I used to be scared **** of any ride or coaster. Everyone would be begging me to go on, sometimes dragging me to go on (no exaggeration). But at some point, something clicked, and now it's me trying to get everyone else on the big stuff.

I'm pretty much the same, although I think it was my small obsession of Rollercoaster Tycoon games that slowly got me going on everything.
Before 2001, I had not even ridden a coaster. I was 9 at the time and the first thing I got straight on was the Pepsi max and the Dragon at legoland. I would do any coaster, aslong as it didn't go upside-down. 2004 was the point where I would do anything. I started off with Air and Corkscrew. Then I did Colossus and Inferno. Then I did every coaster at Alton.

And now I cant get myself off the things!!
I used to be pretty scared of loads of coasters. I've been going to Flamingo Land ever since I was little and chickened out of the corkscrew time and time again. When I finally rode it I thought it was quite good.

I remember taking my friend to Flamingo Land once for my Birthday, on that day I bloused out of Magnum Force, The Bullet and Cliffhanger. My friend just rode them with my brother, I wish I'd gone on them then though. I think that was about year 5, so I would have been about 10.

The first time I went to Alton towers was ages ago and I only rode the Corkscrew with my dad, while my brother went on Nemesis and the like. I think it was on our second or third visit that I just thought screw it, and went on everything.

Also, the first time we visited Blackpool, which was a while ago, (The sad thing is I have no idea how old I was, but I can remember what I was wearing. :roll:) I bloused out of The Big One, then this year I rode it, and wasn't even bothered about the height or anything.

So yeah, I used to be a wimp, now I'll pretty much ride anything.
I'm still yet to do a proper drop tower though, so I'll be bricking it when it comes round to that.