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Have you ever ridden alone?


CF Legend
It came to my attention after a conversation with Stone Cold on Sunday that I have never been on a ride alone.

My question is, have you? Why were you alone? Do you prefer to ride alone? Discuss.
Yes. Loads. I prefer to go to parks with other people, but it hasn't always been possible. A lot of the parks I've been to have been part of a much bigger holiday, which I had to go on alone because other friends didn't have the time off work that I had.

It's never bothered me much to be honest. If it's a new park, I actually quite like going alone. I can do things at my own pace and don't have to think about anyone else. I rarely revisit places alone though.
Yeah, often when I go to Thorpe, or Alton I go with my sister and my newphew. Because my nephew isn't tall enough for Nemesis, Oblivion etc, my sister will take him off to ride younger rides, and I'll do some single rider whorage.

It can be quite enjoyable.
Yeah I've ridden alone many times. I usually go with my dad to theme parks but he doesn't like flat rides but I love them. He'll go on coasters though. Sometimes my cousin Sarah may come to some theme parks with us and she usually goes on any coasters/flat rides with me so yeah. xD

Oh yeah and if I go to PortAventura I usually go with my mum and younger brother but the only rides they do is Sea Odyssey and Grand Canyon Rapids so I do all the coasters/flats on my own which can get boring but I usually use the fastpass tickets which we get free with the hotel we stay in so I don't have to wait in line on my own apart from Baco and Condor which don't have fastpass sadly.
Yeah haha, back when I use to go on my own, or with family, or when I'd go with two friends or something, I'd end up riding alone at least sometimes.

Haha, I remember when I was like, thirteen, I was sitting alone on the front of Millie and the guy behind me was freaking out and he was saying I was a psycho for sitting by myself :p .

But yes I've sat alone. I don't LIKE it, but meh.
Parks alone? Yes.

All my credits at Six Flags Great America were by myself. It's quite dull, since I hate being alone. Though it's nice to be able to pick exactly what you want without complaints, waiting alone is terrible for me.

Riding alone? Yes, in both ideas.

I've ridden by myself on a couple rides, mostly in odd groups. And besides testing and going station to station on Skyride, I've ridden Wicked Twister completely by myself. Hearing absolute silence is creepy as hell. I'd love to Beast, at night, by myself. That would be awesome.
Gone alone plenty of times but definitely prefer to be with people. Usually when I'm with friends there's always an odd number just out of luck so I'll be alone a lot then. And other times I just can't find people that want to go as much as me! But almost always my dad tags along when that happens.
Yes I've rode alone a lot. Particularly on rides that aren't great but good, like Shockwave.
I have ridden alone loads of times, but I prefer it when riding with someone I know. I remember going on Rita for the first time on my own when I was pretty scared of coasters, and sometimes with family, some of them don't want to ride, so I have to ride alone. It's ok, but the queueing alone is horrible.
I did Cyclone & Traumatizer alone back in the PL Southport days, the queue was horrendous for Traumatizer & the heat was stifling, I was stood behind maybe a dozen wags all tan-tastic & mouthing off.
marc said:
Its horrid when queues are big.

Yeah there is nothing worse especially if you have annoying people in front of you and you have nobody to talk to or pass the time with. Happened to me recently when queueing for Mumbo Jumbo, bored out of my tree for over an hour.

At least when you are own your own and the queues are short you can whore everything without annoying the other people.
Yes I have ridden Saw with a car to myself. Rage to myself. Inferno to myself. All many times.
My partner isn't as mad on coasters as I am, so come the end of the day, I'm normally riding on my own :p