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Intamin Impulse


Roller Poster
Do you think there should be a Intamin Impulse coaster at Alton towers, Personally I think it would be good because the newest coaster Thirteen sucks, an Intamin Impulse would be really good publicity for Alton Towers.
You realise they can't build above tree height and these things are usually about 200ft, right?
Ben said:
You realise they can't build above tree height and these things are usually about 200ft, right?

They could dig a 200 foot deep pit for it??? No?

How about for just the vertical section then? The coaster could launch into a "bottom" hat ((c) 2010 Furie Industries) in a big hole and then come back up to the surface, dragged up by Golden Eagles, harnessed to the front car, if there's not enough potential energy to return the train; for that touch of class!

Sorted! :)
corkscrew said:
Do you think there should be a Intamin Impulse coaster at Alton towers, Personally I think it would be good because the newest coaster Thirteen sucks, an Intamin Impulse would be really good publicity for Alton Towers.

... soddit, I think they should! They won't, but I think they should...

I doubt many people here, if offered, would actually say: "no thanks, can we get a Pinfari instead?". But we all know it ain't happening for reasons cited by Ben.
Yep they definately should build an Intamin Impulse as their first act of defiance against planning orders, then build the woodie and just hope the council let them keep them!

Sounds rediculous but Paulton's did it! :lol:
I like Furie's idea. since Alton seem to like digging holes. But theres no way they would dig a 200ft hole (that make me chuckle), but yes, i would love to see a ride like an Impulse come to the uk, especially at Alton, it would spice up the thrill section a little bit.
No, because of this:

Ben said:
You realise they can't build above tree height and these things are usually about 200ft, right?

and this:

Snoo said:
because they aren't that good.

Meh, I wouldn't mind seeing one shoved into a park somewhere over here I suppose. They don't take up a huge amount of space, so could be shoehorned in at any number of parks (ignoring the obvious planning issues). I just can't see anyone bothering though.
Plus, there's the reason we don't have many LIMs here - they cost a BOMB to run. Especially when they launch a number of times. Like these.

Alton's bigger coasters are more quality over quantity, and an Intamin Impulse would RUIN that completely, because they suck, and for aforementioned reasons, can't be build due to restrictions anyways, unless they did something like the Impulse in California or wherever, and put the spikes on an angle.
Taylor said:
Alton's bigger coasters are more quality over quantity

So Oblivion and Nemmy are good.. but what about the rest of the crap which is 'quality'?
^ Don't call it "Nemmy". That really pisses me off!

Like Inverse said, yes, I think they should build one, but they won't.

Never been on one, but it's another box to tick. The box is more likely to be ticked if it's in the UK.
What about if they build in the dip where the gardens are?cool)

That'll give a bit more height to play with and it'll be cool if the spikes go either side of the Skycar!!
Ian said:
Never been on one, but it's another box to tick. The box is more likely to be ticked if it's in the UK.

You didn't ride Wicked Twister or Steel Venom when you came to CP and ValleyFair?

I agree with Ian i Also have Never been on one, like he says it's another box to tick.
And me being a shallow Englander would prefer to go on one in the UK.
SnooSnoo said:
Ian said:
Never been on one, but it's another box to tick. The box is more likely to be ticked if it's in the UK.

You didn't ride Wicked Twister or Steel Venom when you came to CP and ValleyFair?
Oh, is that what they were? For some reason, I thought it was called something else. In which case, I have been on two of them so I'll slightly rephrase my answer.

No, I don't think one would fit in AT's coaster range. I think a happier home for an impulse would be Thorpe, Blackpool or Flamingoland.
UC said:
Plus, there's the reason we don't have many LIMs here - they cost a BOMB to run. Especially when they launch a number of times. Like these.

They actually cost just as much to run as their hydraulic counterparts.

Just saying.

... proof?
corkscrew said:
Do you think there should be an Intamin Impulse coaster at Alton towers?


Too tall for Alton, too expensive for what they are, poor capacity, not THAT great, not too good looking either, and I don't really know anywhere in Alton where it could actually fit in (to either a theme or it's surroundings).