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Is NoLimits SIMPLE?


Mega Poster
I am looking into getting NoLimits, because I feel really limited on RCT3. But, I'm not really a techie, so I want to make sure I know what I'm in for when I buy it.

Is NoLimits easy to use?

Also a screenshot of a toolbar or ride under construction would really help!!!
Yeah it's simple to use after you learn what everything do, everything is pretty logical and by reading the help file is a good way to learn all the functions, pretty much just klick around for a bit and you get a coaster. If you have used any type of CAD software you should feel right at home.
However, making something good takes a lot of practice, which require a lot of time. But when you finally reach a higher level of skill you can pretty easily make great stuff.

Have a look at: http://nolimitscoaster.de/index.php?page=screenshots
to see images of the editor.
Also under the ''download'' section you can find the help document so you can have a quick read before you buy it, also test the demo which is also found there...

Posting on the go...
The layout is relatively simplistic. But it's not like RCT at all. Every single element on your ride is completely and totally shaped and controlled by you, whether you make it in elementary, Newton2, purgatorium, or by hand in the editor.

Hand building takes a lot of years to refine before you can start churning out rides that flow and lack bumps or pumps. So don't get frustrated if your first ride turns out wacky and crazy.
It's not simple, but it's very LOGICAL.

Like Loefet said, if you've any experience of using proper CAD software then you'll be fine because the basics of working in different views are always the same in any modelling software. HOWEVER (and that's a really big however) you can't just go in a build a track straight away like you can in RCT3. In NoLimits you have to spend time getting used to the building methods/systems and practice loads before you can make even a half-decent track.

I wouldn't worry about it being complex though, you'll pick it up quite quickly and then it's just a case of practice. :D
Sorry, this is a bit of a late post, but I feel my experience can help:

I've just finished my first project on NoLimits with pretty much zero CAD experience (I was aware of the concept of CAD programs but hadn't ever used one). I read the tutorials on Coaster Force, especially the Basics one and watched two or three YouTube tutorials. I built a pretty decent coaster in a day after 3 or 4 hours spent fiddling with the basics the night before (it's called Lynx: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=32737). Although it's far from perfect, pump-free and not up to the standard set by some users in this forum I'm really pleased with it and it was enjoyable to do.

You should be able to pick it up swiftly enough to have fun quite quickly. Even if the results aren't world class at first.
I think the bottom line of it is, no it's not simple, but if you're interested and committed to making a good project to be proud of, it won't be hard to pick things up!
It's kinda like Photoshop. It looks incredibly complicated but once you get the basics, it really falls together.