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Kings Island '011: Sexy Fun PTR


Strata Poster
First trip of the year is followed by the first trip report! Hopefully the first of many as I can now afford to do them.

It was a long drive the day before, a nearly 5 hour trek from Mid-Michigan to Southern Ohio:
I'm a goon with a bluetooth:

But Ohio is very lovely today:

I mean, look at all the trees!

Forests are everywhere...endless...


What? Oh right, I'm driving.

But after the long trek, we made it to KI to pick up my platinum pass!

The Eifle Tower:

Invertigo was going near the entrance

Tomorrow my friend:

But today we had another mission: getting my pass!

And here it is! I got one!

And afterwards, we left the park, only to return the next day:

Before returning to our hotel, we stopped by a white castle, which we both didn't have. It was good, but really different.

Got up at 9, getting to the park at 9:30 or so. Sarah didn't have a pass so didn't have early entry, so I waited with her:

Very wet morning on the plaza:


Generic Kings Island shot:

Once 10am hit, we walked with purpose towards the back of the park:

Under the racer:

And to our first ride: Firehawk! She was surprised of how it worked, never being on a flying coaster before:

Look at it sooooooar:

My nicest shot of it:

It was running rather nicely, being we got the first row. Sarah very much liked it for the interesting ride.

Soon we headed next door to Flight of Fear (Which Sarah loved):

We started to head towards Vortex, which Sarah wanted to try again thinking her bad experience was due to her being so young. But first: a closed Windweaker:

And Vortex. Take a random guess what she thought of it:

Here's a hint:

Yeah, she hated it.

Soon we went over to Backlot Stunt Coaster:

...which turned into her favorite coaster:

After Beast (which was rough), we passed by Diamondback:

Which had a 40 minute wait due to being in "Rain mode":

So I decided to show her "Boo Blasters", which she got a kick out of. And kicked me in it:

After some debate, we went on Flying Ace, which ran rather smoothly:

We ventured by DB again, still running slow, and headed to the Crypt (Which was dull...still):

Grabbing a shot of DB on the way:

We met a couple of people in the line, who decided to join us for another round of Flight of Fear. Here they are:

We then hit by Adventure Express (I still love, she didn't care for it), passing by Delirium:

Drop Tower:

To get to Flight Deck! (Which she loved, but not the hike there)

Here's some of the standing beast, which looks really run down:

...REALLY run down...

I noticed hardly no one takes a picture of the station. I really like how it's built, plus how high up it is:

Plus the ride itself is cool:

And all the dipping and speed!

Sarah wanted a break, so I did Drop Tower alone:

After another venture on Backlot:

And some pictures of us resting:


We FINALLY rode Diamondback:

...which she didn't like...

Another long walk later, as we managed to ride Delirium (to her much joy), and got to Invertigo:

...and my camera died.

So, in total for rides:
DBack: 1
Beast: 2
Firehawk: 1
FoF: 3
Invertigo: 1
Racer: 2
AE: 1
FD: 1
Crypt: 1
Delirium: 1
Drop Tower: 1
Boo Blasters: 2

More pictures of the second day soon!
(Very odd: In Firefox I can't see any of your images. But in Chrome I can. Does photobucket stop serving IMG to Firefox I wonder or is it just me?)
I'm viewing them all fine in Firefox David... :?

Nice PTR Error. I liked Kings Island, I thought it was a nice park with some great coasters (and flats too, to a certain extent). It's a park I'd like to go back to. :D
^ ahh yes it IS just me : I had blocked that particular photobucket domain a while back because someone's stupid signature was annoying me! Sorry for the confusion!

And sorry from the digression from the TR.... looked a good day out. I really like KI too, been there a couple of times on different trips, to me its one of the "proper parks" that you can spend ages in and not do it all...

How busy was it for you? The times I was there were busy but you could still get stuff done 'cos the place is big it can absorb the crowds. I'd hate to be there on a proper packed busy day though (I wouldn't even try I guess).
When I went to the States in 2007 with Tom, I visited about 10 parks. Kings Island was one of them.

I found it to be the most sterile and bland park I've ever been to.

Ok, so it had Beast, the awesome drop tower and plenty of CREDS, but it was just so meh. In some parks, I walk around and I notice something strange, some quirky and interesting. Kings Island just seemed pathway ("midway"), then a queue line entrance. Perhaps it's because its too big? I don't know. I just didn't get a warm feeing from the park.

Lovely report though, Joe. You should do more.
Nice report, Joe. I was at the park on the same day and got to meet up with Error and his room-mate Sarah and discuss coasters with them for about ten minutes.I wish I could have rode some coasters with them, but it was father's day and I was there with my dad. However, I still managed to ride every coaster (and some multiple times) and many flats, except the great pumpkin coaster (I had no luck in kidnapping a young child). Great report Joe, I should have mine up soon!
bizarrofan10 said:
Nice report, Joe. I was at the park on the same day and got to meet up with Error and his room-mate Sarah and discuss coasters with them for about ten minutes.I wish I could have rode some coasters with them, but it was father's day and I was there with my dad. However, I still managed to ride every coaster (and some multiple times) and many flats, except the great pumpkin coaster (I had no luck in kidnapping a young child). Great report Joe, I should have mine up soon!

It was very interesting to meet you. Only reason I found you was the coasterforce shirt (which I may or may not get). And dear god you're young, lol.

Ian said:
Lovely report though, Joe. You should do more.

In theory I got at least one park per month, so you should be seeing more. I'm investing in a bigger SD card and another battery for such problems that came up.

david morton said:
How busy was it for you? The times I was there were busy but you could still get stuff done 'cos the place is big it can absorb the crowds. I'd hate to be there on a proper packed busy day though (I wouldn't even try I guess).

It wasn't Cedar Point/Disney bad, but longest I've waited there. Most of the rides were only running 2 trains due to rain. Hell, Vortex was 15 minutes at times! I still loved it enough to wait (not vortex, it sucks).

Snoo said:
Ooo she seemingly enjoyed it. REALLY random order but ok. :D

She loved Kings Island, but she hasn't been to many parks. And the order was due to rain.

Will upload the short amount of day 2 pictures tonight or tomorrow!
Nice report, I do like King's Island but it's nothing out of this world. The scenery is very bland but as far as coasters and rides go, I think they do okay for themselves. Not the nicest Cedar Fair park but certainly far from the worst, and I didn't find it that big either, for whoever said it was too big.

Sucks about the rain and that but it looks like you had fun.
You said she didnt like DB...What was the reason for that?

My wife was "eh" when we first rode, mostly because the middle of the train is so meh. But once we rode in the front THEN the back, all our opinions changed. Back is absolutely where its at on that ride. Love it. Need to get down there sometime this year.
real said:
You said she didnt like DB...What was the reason for that?

She doesn't like open restraints, and Dback was only the clamshell. She's not one for airtime, she likes forces.

Anywho, it's been a month so I'll give you some more pictures:
At the beginning of Day Two, we decided early on to take it easy. So what did we do? Tried on hats!
...or I did...

Hat for Furie


Waiting for Prince


We then took a ride on the carousel, which I promised her we'd do at least once.

This came up as "It's hard to be angry on a carousel":

We then caught another ride on Stunt Coaster, one of her favorites:




And then we head out, but not before we took pictures of shirts for my parents:



Hope you enjoyed!
Since I'm a member now I should comment on this!!

KI was a great time (except for the rain) I really enjoyed it (except for the rain) in fact I can't think of anything to complain about (except for the rain)...oh wait, Vortex! You can always complain about Vortex!!