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Knex Rollercoasters!


Mega Poster
Firstly, sorry if this thread is in the wrong forum, I couldn't decide where to place it :? .
Also, I apologise if this topic has been discussed before, but I don't remember it.

So I was randomly browsing the net when I came across this:
Which I thought was epic imo....

And then these:

I think these are great, but I don't have the patience to make anything like them... :roll:
Anyway, discuss (or flame) away....
I'm going to discuss AND flame!

Yes, these videos have been posted before (as has this topic), but they're still pretty cool. Not seem them for a while.

I've never bothered with Knex or anything like that, but I think Cedarpoint6 did dabble with it once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away.
I've had 3 of these for a few years now. One 6 1/2ft penis coaster. I also have a small penis coaster which is half the hight and does a Jr. Dive Loop. And I also have one with a loop. Its all extensively themed to Amity Cove.

I haven't got the patience to do something as complicated as the people at SScoasters do though! But they are great to watch and operate.

I would post a vid but that would be plugging now wouldn't it :)
^ Oh go on, let's see. If Roller Coaster Oliver can post a million of his videos, you can surely get away with posting one!
I've always wanted a Knex roller coaster. They're pretty expensive though and you need several of them to make a decent track. I used to love making things out of Knex when I was younger though. :)
Ollie said:
I've always wanted a Knex roller coaster. They're pretty expensive though and you need several of them to make a decent track. I used to love making things out of Knex when I was younger though. :)

1) So have I...
2) One of these cost ~$2000 according to the author :shock:
3) I prefer lego :p
Ok then Ian :)

The park light show^

This video is soo old and needs upgrading!! Was done in 2008 so bare with the cheesy feel.


Just a few photos as of today, just for you guys. Here is the tour of the park.


Stealth/TTD Combination of station.


Speed Monster Left, with the Cannery and other TW buildings. Hawk Screw Right.


Litrally is a penis with a bellend.


Hawk has the Amity Hotel and Diner.


Gas Ball.


The music control, which allows me to have announcements and theme music. I can have Hawk playing different tunes to Steath for example aswell. Stealth has mini speakers under the platform so yes the launch speal will be played from it :--D


Under the cover, you see unique brakes. They lower slightly to allow the train to roll over and stop in the same position each time. You can see the robbed TV speakers lol.

A few other angles here if you're overly fussed:
http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd16 ... s/Bedroom/

I can't imagine the electricity bill after running everything for ages. Speed Monster is operated by a drill aswell as elastic bands.

But yeah I've seen Rollerdude/PKIKnex's models over at SSC and they have created some awesome layouts which I could never do. But I'm piece saving to have 3 at one time, so thats my excuse ;)
^What does your girlfriend think of all that?
A-Kid, the "old" video is awesome! Ok, so I don't care for Knex itself but I love the production of your videos loads! Almost makes me want to mess about with Knex. You should contact them with that video. I'd love to feature it on the CF YT channel.
I've never been clever enough to invent my own designs, though I killed quite a lot of time with the stuff back in the day.
My little brother however, is suitably obsessed and would probably be thrilled if this topic ended in some more views for his videos :p

There's another 6 on here:
^ Nice carpet ;).

I was about to sigh at the topic being repeated, but a lot of these I've never seen before! Cool, but theres no way i'd ever go to all that effort :p.
As RollerCoasterFanatic stated, I have built k'nex coasters. I have stopped now, but here are some of my best when I did make them:




There are a lot more on my channel.
I wish I still had all of my Knex. I had eons of track, because I was obsessed with building them :lol:

I had plans to make a fully automated coaster, complete with kicker wheels, launch, and even magnetic brakes :D
Slightly off topic, but definitely check out these Meccano models, absolutely stunning. I tried my best to make the videos best show them off but they in person they're even more unbelievable!




Ps.. An old embarrassing vid of some of my K'nex travelling flats;

Okay, now those Meccano/erector carnival rides were pretty fricken sweet. I'd love to be able ot make my own theme park with them :D
Wow. Those Meccano rides were amazing. Much better than Knex as they go at a more realistic speed. With Knex the coasters shoot along the whole track at light speed but here it's much more realistic. :)
Also I didn't know the scale of those flat rides until someone was sat next to them. They're massive.
Ian said:
I think Cedarpoint6 did dabble with it once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away.

Dabble? He built a massive **** off room sized... thing and stuff. What exactly was it?
Ollie said:
Much better than Knex as they go at a more realistic speed. With Knex the coasters shoot along the whole track at light speed but here it's much more realistic. :)

Damn you Newton and all the laws of physics - damn you all to hell!!! ;)

I wish I'd had K'nex when I was younger - then I could have completely failed to do anything with it :(

Brilliant stuff though everyone. Love A-Kid's attention to detail. Little-brother-of_Will's stuff is excellent, as are Rollerdudes (though the "B&M" first shown is a bit stally :) ).

Keep 'em coming...